Level II Fieldwork Requirements
This is a guide to help you to plan for a successful fieldwork experience.
Utilize all of the resources available to you. Be sure to discuss any ideas or
concerns with your clinical educator and with your fieldwork coordinator.
The NEIT lab and library offers a wide variety of resources to help plan
group and individual activities as needed. You are encouraged to ask for
help with your particular learning objectives. Since professionalism is an
important part of an occupational therapist’s behavior, you are expected to
act in a mature, professional manner and respect all individuals’ rights and
confidentiality at all times.
1. To be completed at least 3-4 weeks prior to scheduled start date:
q Call contact person to confirm supervisor and start date.
q Confirm schedule for dates/times of attendance.
q Schedule orientation (if required).
q Determine site’s policies re: required paperwork (immunizations, BCI, site forms).
q Get directions to facility.
q Call 2-3 days prior to start date to re-confirm date, time, location, etc.
2. Initial Visit
q Participate in orientation to facility, including review of safety/emergency procedures, behavioral expectations, and other policies relevant to site.
q Spend time observing and interacting with clients.
q Clarify your learning style and expectations with your supervisor (your expectations of them and their expectation of you).
3. Weekly
q Arrive at site 15 minutes prior to scheduled start time.
q Check in with supervisor to be informed of any significant changes, or other information that needs to be relayed.
q Complete daily schedule as assigned/planned.
q Check in with supervisor to process any problems, questions, etc.
q Be sure mid-term evaluation is completed in a timely manner
q Plan ahead, research, WOW THEM!!!
4. Wrap-Up
q Two sessions prior to final session, begin to terminate with clients.
q Schedule a time with supervisor to complete Level II Fieldwork Evaluation and Student Assessment of Level II.
5. Final Session
q Terminate with clients.
q Termination Activity (if appropriate).
q Meet with Supervisor to complete evaluations, make sure all forms are signed, one copy to site, one copy to student, and original to Academic Fieldwork Coordinator.
6. One week following Completion of Level II Experience
q Send a thank-you note to site.
q Verify with Academic Fieldwork Coordinator that necessary forms have been received.
Helpful Tips
s Be sure to clarify your expectations, know your supervisor’s expectations of you
s Communicate your opinions maturely and with sensitivity
s Ask for help when needed, and ask many questions
s Present with a “professional demeanor”
Characteristics of a professional
s Self-aware
s Flexible and able to adapt to change vs. resist it
s Developed sense of cultural competence
s Active listener
s Ethical
s Able to make pertinent observations
s Self-directed, takes initiative
s Responds well to feedback
s Able to share opposing opinions with sensitivity
s Collaborative
s Able to problem-solve
RLS 8-10