Unit 1

voracious-desiring or consuming great quantities

indiscriminate choosing at random without careful selection

eminent-of high reputation, outstanding

steeped-soaked, drenched, saturated

replete-completely filled or supplied with

abound-to exist in great numbers

technology-branch of knowledge dealing with engineering, applied science, etc.

prognosticate- to predict or foretell a future event

automaton-a robot; a mechanical “person”

matron-an older married woman

paradox-a statement that at first seems to be absurd or self-contradictory but which may

in fact turn out to be true

realm-special field of something or someone; kingdom

annals-historical records

compound-to increase or add to

tinge-a trace, smattering, or slight degree

badger-to pester, nag, annoy persistently

implore-to plead urgently for aid or mercy

drudgery-unpleasant, dull, or hard work


perceive-to understand, know, become aware of

Vocab 2

1. laconic- expressing much in few words

2. throng-crowd

3. intrepid-brave

4. accost-to approach and speak to

5. reticent- silent

6. furtive-secret, stealthy

7. felon-a person guilty of a major crime

8. plethora-excess

9. hapless-unfortunate

10. irate-angry-incensed

11. pretext-an excuse

12. fabricate-to lie; to construct

13. adroit-skillful

14. gesticulate-move the arms energetically

15. vigilant-watchful

16. avid-eager

17. cajole-coax

18. rudimentary-elementary

19. enhance-intensify, heighten

20. nuance-slight variation in meaning, tone, etc.

Sword of Damocles-a persistent threat

Pyrrhic Victory-winning at a heavy cost

A Wet Blanket-one who takes the fun out any situation

To beard the Lion in his den-visit and oppose a person on his own ground

Vocab 3 Words

  1. bristleto have one’s hair stand up
  2. causticstinging
  3. cessationa pause
  4. condolenceexpression of sympathy
  5. dupean easily fooled person
  6. euphemismsaying something in a less direct way
  7. inadvertentdue to an oversight, negligent
  8. incipientjust starting
  9. incongruoushaving inconsistent elements
  10. infamousevil
  11. jostleto push, to elbow
  12. lacklusterlacking brightness
  13. loathedespise
  14. mundaneearthly
  15. ominousmenacing
  16. reprimandto scold severely
  17. repudiatedisown, refuse to accept
  18. stipulatemake a specific demand
  19. tremuloustrembling
  20. wrestseize

21. crocodile tearshypocritical sympathy

  1. to carry the dayto win the honors
  2. Skid Rowrun down district
  3. to go up in smokeend fruitlessly

Unit 4.

Alacritybriskness, lively action



Intimidateto overawe

Feinta false attack


Promulgate to make known officially


Scoffto sneer at

Belittleto make seem less important

Tangiblehaving actual form

Lacerationjagged wound

Castigateto correct by punishing

Sordiddirty, base

Octogenarianperson in his or her eighties

Solaceeasing of grief

Aspirantcandidate for high position

Dregsmost worthless part

Frenzywild fit


To throw down the gauntletto offer a challenge

Feeling no painunder the influence of alcohol

Hobson’s choiceto have no say in the matter

To rule the roostbe the boss, lay down the laws

Vocab 5 words

  1. rampant-going unchecked, widespread
  2. inane-foolish
  3. ethics-code of principles
  4. concur-agree
  5. clandestine-secret, undercover
  6. flagrant-outrageous, glaringly bad
  7. admonish-to warn, to reprove
  8. duress-compulsion, force
  9. culprit-the guilty person
  10. inexorable-inflexible, unrelenting
  11. egregious-remarkably bad
  12. distraught-mentally confused, crazed
  13. duplicity-cunning, trickery
  14. acrimonious-bitter
  15. paucity-scarcity
  16. elicit-to draw forth
  17. pernicious-harmful, causing injury
  18. tolerate-to put up, to bear
  19. construe-to make a deduction, to infer
  20. impunity-freedom from punishment

to lionize a person-to make a big fuss over someone

to pass the buck-to evade responsibility

to take down a peg-to take the conceit out of a braggart

stock in trade-the goods, tools, and other requisites of a profession

Unit 6




Sally (v.)suddenly rush forth


Precociousreaching maturity early

Perfunctorydone without care, superficial

Chagrinfeeling of disappointment, humiliation

Perversecontrary, persisting in error

Derideto ridicule, scoff at

Disparageto discredit, belittle

Laudable praiseworthy

Fiascocomplete failure

Masticateto chew up


Quellput an end to


Confidant(e)one to whom you confide your secrets

Obsolescenceput an end to


I’m from Missouri-a skeptic, one who is not easily convinced

Red-letter day-day of happiness time for rejoicing

To let sleeping dogs lie-to let well enough alone, to avoid stirring up old hostilities

Thumb’s down-signal of rejection

Unit 7

Implacable-cannot be pacified, inexorableCognizant –aware

Paroxysm-a fit, sudden outburstTurbulent - unruly, agitated

Reprehensible-worthy of blameTerminate to end

Jurisdiction-power, range of authorityForthwith - immediately

Skirmish-small fight, brief encounterExacerbate - to irritate make worse

Harass-to trouble torment

Monolithic - massively solid

Indigent – poor, needy

Arbitrary – based on whim

Fray – a fight

Stymie – to hinder, impede

Effigy – a likeness

Flout – she contempt, scoff

Revert - return

Oust - to drive out eject

An ax to grind –selfish motive

A bitter pill to swallow – humiliating defeat

Cause celebre-famous law case or controversy

One swallow does not make a summer – don’t jump to conclusions

Vocab 8

Emaciated – abnormally thin, wasted away

Surge – to rush suddenly

Tranquil – quiet

Sanctuary – shelter

Ascend – to rise

Malnutrition – faulty or inadequate diet

Afflict – to trouble greatly, to distress

Besiege – to surround, hem in

Privation – lack of necessities

Sinister – evil ominous

Ubiquitous – being everywhere at the same time

Remote – distant, hidden away

Thwart – to hinder, defeat

Harbinger –a forerunner, advance notice

Malignant – likely to cause death

Excruciating – agonizing, torturing

Respite – an interval of relief, delay

Reverberating – reechoing, resounding

Fretful – worrisome, irritable

Succumb – to give way, yield

A red herring- something that diverts attention from the main issue

To cool one’s heels – to be kept waiting

To swap horses in midstream – to vote against a candidate running for reelection, to

change one’s mind

Sour grapes – to disparage something that you cannot have

Vocab 9

  1. impresario – on who presents cultural series, organizer
  2. extortion – getting money by threats
  3. adverse – unfavorable, harmful
  4. asset – a valuable thing to have
  5. bigot – a narrow-minded, prejudiced person
  6. blatant – disagreeably loud, very showy
  7. entourage – group of attendants
  8. virulent – full of hate, harmful
  9. venom – poison, spite, malice
  10. spew – throw up, vomit, eject
  11. loath – unwilling, reluctant
  12. solicit – to beg, seek earnestly
  13. astute – keen, shrewd
  14. advocate (v.) – to bin in favor of, to support
  15. ineffectual – not effective
  16. scrutinize – examine closely
  17. nefarious – villainous, vicious
  18. amicable – friendly, peaceful
  19. vexatious - annoying
  20. malady – disease

to look a gift horse in the mouth – to be critical of a present

to have cold feet – to hesitate because of fear or uncertainty

to keep a stiff upper lip – to be courageous in the face of trouble

to spill the beans – to give away a secret