DPS Parents’ information for Lizard class
Summer term
Our cross curricular topic(s) will be-Splish Splash SploshMathematical Understanding
- Identifying and representing numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line.
- Using the language of :equal to, more than, less than, most, least.
- Given a number to 100, identifying one more and one less.
- Representing and using number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20.
- Reading, writing and interpreting mathematical statements involving addition, subtraction and equal signs.
- Solving one step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems.
- Solving one step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the support of the teacher.
- Recognising and knowing the value of different denominations of coins and notes.
The children will be taught how to writedescriptions, reports,storiesand poems.
All English lessons will incorporate Spelling, Punctuation,and Grammar. The Year 1 children will be focusing on capital letters, full stops. , question marks, exclamation marks, singular and plural.
Daily Read Writing Inc, guided readingand handwriting sessions will continue to support the children’s reading and handwriting.
- How you can help as a parent
Spellings will be sent home once a week.
All Year 1 will bring home English homework every Friday. Homework to be returned by the following Tuesday. Please encourage your child to use maths whizz daily.
Please read the Grapevine as it contains lots of important information about school.
Historical. Geographical and Social, understanding.
We will be identifying creatures that live in the Mediterranean
Sea and compare to sea life around the world. We will be looking at how pollution affects the local environment and we will be answering simple questions regarding straight forward geographical patterns. E.g When is the busiest time at the beach. / Understanding Health and Well Being
This term we will be developing our dance and athletics skills Please make sure P.E kits come into school on a Monday morning. They will be returned on Thursday afternoon.
Understanding Science and Technology
We will be observing changes across the four seasons and creating weather forecasts about the weather. We will also be learning about how the length of the day changes each day and varies from season to season. We will be making wind socks to measure wind direction and thermometer boxes to use outdoors to measure the temperature. / Understanding the Arts
This term we will be recapping colour mixing and introducing primary colours. We will experiment with mixing primary colours. We will also be creating sea collages using recycled materials.
Special Events
- Half term-Monday 29th May-Friday 2nd June
- RWI for parents Thursday 4th May 8.15 am
- PE Days –Monday and Thursday
- Library day – Tuesday
Please donate any PAPER egg boxes to Lizard class.