211 Emergency Activation - Required Information Form

211 in Emergency Response and Recovery

Use this form if 211 is contacted at the time of an emergency

This form provides a list of standard questions to ask when 211 is activated. The information will be received faster if these questions are asked over the phone when 211 is activated, rather than wait for an EIO / CEMC[1] to provide the written information.

Name / Barb Fedy
Title / Social Services Director
Municipality / County of Grey
Contact info / Tel
211 staff completed this form / Pam Hillier
What is the emergency? / A fire in a multi-tenant apartment resulted in the evacuation of the entire building.
Where is the emergency? / Victoria Towers in Owen Sound
Who is affected by the emergency? / All residents.
24 have been set up at the Travelodge
4 are hospitalized
The rest #? are with friends/relatives
When did the emergency occur? / 8:30 pm Wednesday July 29th
How long is the emergency expected to last? / As of 9:30 a.m. on July 30th, the earliest residents might be allowed back in is Friday afternoon.
What organizations/ agencies are involved in the response and/or recovery? / County, City, EMS, Fire, OPP, Victim Services, Red Cross, United Way, 211….
What agency is in charge at the emergency scene? / Not sure. Red Cross will be setting up at the Travelodge and also at the apartment building.
Who is the Emergency Information Officer? / Name
Contact info
Additional Details: / Yes / No / N/A / Explanation / Details
Has the Municipal EOC been activated? / x
Has the Municipality declared an emergency? / x
Have any roads been closed? Provide a list. / x
Have traffic detours been set up? Provide routes. / x
Has there been an evacuation? Define the evacuation area. / x / Just the building
Have emergency shelters been set up? Where are they located? / x / Bayshore Community Centre was used when the evacuation first occurred. Resident that had nowhere to go were set up in the Travelodge
Do emergency shelters offer any special needs accommodations? (i.e. accessibility features, accommodations for young children, seniors etc.) / x
Are there any school or work closures? Provide a list. / x
Have there been power, water or phone disruptions? Define the area. / x
Are volunteers needed? What skills are in demand?
Are donations being accepted? What is needed?
Are there any specific instructions for residents concerning pets? / Security personnel at the building will allow residents into their units to access needed items and pets. Red Cross volunteers will transport residents to the building if needed.
·  Provide additional details about the incident that are not covered in the previous pages, or where there was insufficient space.
·  Include detailed instructions about actions the public should take to help secure their personal safety and property.
·  Email all media releases to [appropriate email address]
9 a.m. call July 30th:
·  6 are hospitalized. 2 are ready to be released
·  Victim Services is going to Travelodge to assess needs, will work with Red Cross
·  Red Cross calling in volunteers.
·  Residents will need rides to apartments to pick up medication, pets, other needed items
·  Red Cross will coordinate food
·  Need to determine length of availability at Travelodge
·  Red Cross to send form to Victim Services, assessment will include insurance, etc.

Prepared by 211 Ontario May 15 2015 1

[1] EIO (Emergency Information Officer) and CEMC (Community Emergency Management Coordinator) are municipal roles. In smaller municipalities these are often shared with other responsibilities e.g. Fire Chief.