Scenario 1

A teacher has read an article in one of the NCTM journals and he want to implement the idea in his classroom. He asked you to meet with him discuss his plans, come to his class the day(s) he teaches the lesson and after the lesson he asks you to reflect with him about what happened in the classroom.

Scenario 2

A teacher has been looking at her interim formative assessment results and she is unhappy with the performance of her class on the question about rotations. She approaches you, shares her concerns and asks if you will work with her to design a remediation lesson. She asks if you have any new ideas for her to try.

Scenario 3

The principal asks to you to facilitate a 2nd grade level meeting. He wants the teachers to attend CGI training this summer and he hope you can convince them to voluntary to attend.

Scenario 4

The district curriculum coordinator has decided to adopt a research based set of instructional materials for mathematics. The teachers have been told they must use these materials and you have been asked to assist them in this endeavor.

Scenario 5

The principal has reviewed the interim formative assessment results, the third grade has assured him they have taught 2-D geometry vocabulary but the results indicate that their instruction was not successful. The principal asks you to do a half-day professional development for these teachers, the goal of which is to suggest some alternative instructional strategies for this topic that the teachers might choose to use to for remediation.

Scenario 6

The district has worked on a Total Instructional Alignment Project and the principal has been visiting classrooms. He believes that there is a teacher that is not following the district agreed upon pacing guide. He has explained to this teacher that he wants him to follow the district pacing guide. The teacher has replied that he is very uncomfortable not following the order of the traditional text. The principal tells the teacher he will ask you to help him figure out how to use the materials he has and still follow the district pacing guide.

Scenario 7

A teacher has attended CGI training and he is trying to get his first grade class to figure out how to subtract with two digit numbers. He has not shown his class the traditional algorithm but he knows there are is a child that has been shown the traditional algorithm by his parents. The teacher wants to be proactive about the situation and meet with this child’s parents before he begins this work so they will understand what he is going to do in class and why. The teacher asks you work with him think through what he wants to say at this meeting and then attend the meeting to support him if there are unforeseen issues.

Scenario 8

A teacher has been using Everyday Mathematics for 2 years. She comes to you in confidence and tells you she has never done the lessons on partial products because she is not sure she can use this method herself. She has recently been to a meeting where she heard this method transfers to algebra better that the traditional algorithm. She wants you to help her learn to use this method and help her the first time she uses it in her classroom.

Scenario 9

A first year teacher had a very positive internship last year. The principal shares with you that he has had calls from three different parents concerning assignments that been sent home. He talked to her and she tells him she was the top student in her pre-service program and she knows what she is doing. He asks you to talk to the concerned parents. After meeting with the parents you realize the assignments in question were not grade level appropriate.

Scenario 10

A veteran 3rd grade teacher has always started multiplication by giving out a multiplication table and giving the students 6 weeks to memorize the facts. She gives a timed test everyday during this six-week period. The rest of the third grade faculty has agreed they need to begin by making array cards, writing equal groups stories and other strategies for developing meaning for multiplication and division. The teachers at this grade are participating in a professional learning community. In the PLC meeting she tells her colleagues “you guys can do whatever you want but this is what I have always done, it is what my parents expect and it is what I am going to do.” The rest of the PLC group has approached you to help them resolve this conflict.

Scenario 11

One teacher teaches all the sessions of Algebra II. Your counselor has been to a meeting where he believes he was told that all students are required to have credit for Algebra II to graduate. When the teacher sees this list of students in his classes for next year, he starts calling parents and telling them they need to get their child out of this class, after all mathematics at this level is not for everyone. The counselor asks you to help him deal with this issue.

Scenario 12

A veteran teacher has been to a technology workshop is and very excited about the new technology she has learned to use, but she is concerned about implementing in her classroom. She asked you to help her plan her first lesson with this technology and co-teach with her to be sure all students get the support they need to have a successful first experience with the technology.