2017 TRPA Conference Education Program

Please type the information on this two-page form completely and submit as a word document. Information requested is needed for the printed program and for critical program planning details.

  1. Submitted By (This is the session presenter who will introduce the speaker) :

Name: ______

Email______Phone: (_____)______

  1. Interest Area:Please check off the interest areas this class is designed for ____Administration

_____Facilities and Parks_____Programming and Recreation

  1. Session Title:(Make the session sound fun! Title should be short and sweet; descriptive and exciting; interesting and accurate. This is your chance to entice the delegates to the session. Be creative!)



  1. Session Description:(In 45 words or less, briefly describe this session. This is your chance to talk the delegates into attending this session. Please spend time on this and write it exactly as you would like it to appear in the printed program. This paragraph should give the delegates an accurate picture of what the session is all about. Use a separate sheet if necessary.)





  1. Session Speaker(s) Name, Title, Mailing Address & Phone Number:(List exactly as it should appear in the printed program – Name, Title, Agency). If you have additional speakers, please list them on a separate page.

Name: ______Title: ______

Agency: ______

E-mail Address: ______

Mailing Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Phone: ______Fax: ______

  1. Length of Session: _____ 1 hour_____2 hours_____All day (4 hours)
  2. Session Day: _____ Monday 10/23 (offsites only) _____ Tuesday 10/24 _____Wednesday 10/25 _____Thursday 10/26
  3. Room Set Up:_____ ½ Classroom - ½ Theater_____Open Activity Area_____Offsite
  4. Number of participants expected: ______
  5. Does this session require transportation? ____No ____Yes(Please complete and submit transportation form)
  6. Audio Visual Equipment Needs:(screen, flip charts/easel, etc Please note: TRPA cannot provide LCD panels or computers.):


  1. Supplies Students Need to bring to class: ______
  2. Supplies provided by Instructor with cost to TRPA: ______


  1. Number of CEUs requested (75 minutes class time = 0.1 CEU): ______
  2. Learning Outcomes Learning outcomes must be observable and measurable. (You must have a minimum of one learning outcome.) Suggested verbs for writing outcomes include: count, define, describe, identify, list, outline, quote, read, recall, recognize, reproduce, state, write, discuss, name, give, estimate, examples, predict, and summarize.

After attending this class participants will be able to:

1. ______

2. ____________

3. ______

  1. Instructional Methods (check all that apply)_____Lecture_____Case Study

______Audience Participation _____Visual Aids______Demonstration______Handouts

Other (please explain) ______

  1. Learner Assessment (The audience needs to demonstrate their attainment of learning the stated outcomes. State method(s) you will use to assess learning. Examples of assessment methods include: questions, oral tests, written exercises, demonstration, case study, discussion, oral report, list, recite, solve problem, construct, illustrate, or evaluate State method(s) you will use to assess learning): ______


  1. Speaker Bio: (Please tell us why this speaker is qualified to present this topic. Focus on information that is especially relevant to the topic and the audience.): ______




Please return completed forms to:


Conference Program Chair
