The University of the Third Age
Newsletter no 82 June/July 2017
Let me tell you about the great bunch of chaps who are members of our U3A Men’s Cooking Club. What a pleasure it is to meet with them each month! They are intelligent, too, as befits members of the University of the Third Age. Two months ago we had planned to make Cottage Pie, so I asked them what the difference is between Shepherd’s Pie and Cottage Pie. Quick as a wink came the answer : “Well... the one you eat outside, and the other one you eat inside”. Give them a ‘hand’, all of you!
Now, - there are many of you who are more than capable of learning how to keep our U3A books. I am sure that John Stoddard will be willing to continue helping you even after you have taken over, and when you need advice on money matters. Please don’t feel that you are not big enough to fill his shoes! Being on the committee is a learning curve for all of us, and it’s not forever. For my own part, when I was approached to be on the committee, I felt it only fair to give back to U3A for a season the enjoyment I have received from it, the knowledge I have gained, and the friends I have made. Time has flown, and I have completed almost 2/3 of my term. Please at least approach John to find out what you would be required to do, and see whether it is a possibility for you to serve in this way or not.
We want to put on record our sadness at the passing of Gill Vernon, the historian, who kindly shared her vast knowledge with U3A on more than one occasion, and also Richard Mogg, who had a dream, ran with the vision, and brought it to completion. As our Chairperson, Sandra Sterling, stated, - Richard Mogg could have stood at the intersection of Chamberlain and Jarvis Roads , looking down at Berea Gardens, The Valley, Lily Kirschmann, and Parklands, and thought to himself, “I made all this happen.” What a legacy he has left behind for East London! Our sympathies go out to the loved ones of both Gill and Richard. How proud they must be of these two very special people.
On 11 May we were unable to have Roelene Wagner to speak at the General Meeting as planned, but Val Sternberg of the Ross Foundation was able and willing to step in at the last moment, and what an eye-opener her talk was. What an amazing group of ladies, headed up by her, minister to people who have terminal illnesses. And what great needs there are out there! These ladies give up so much of their time and energy that it’s basically a full-time job for each of them. As Val said, “You can’t say ‘no’ to a request” (of this nature).
On 18 May, Jay Kruuse spoke on his involvement as a lawyer fighting corruption, which was most interesting and enlightening, in addition to the comments made by various members.
At present, we have 192 members. A warm welcome to Robin Fyfe and Anne Schmidt.
Birthdays: May each one of you have a really happy day, and may you be spared to see more!
June: 2 Pearl Cox; 4 Pat Eloff and Golda Hundermark; 12 Hazel James; 14 Annegret
Mostert and Laureen Falkenberg; 15 Esme Hall and Ella Heathcote;
18 June Lucas; 19 Christine de Greef; 23 Ralph Anley; 25 Helen Tarr
28 Noreen Ziemann; 29 Gill Ansell
July: 3 Joan Bosch; 7 Margaret Baxter; 8 Brian Phillip; 9 Elaine Bourbon; 12 Toni
Tonin; 15 Jenny Evans; 18 June Cherry; 21 Ruth Volpe; 25 Basil Wingreen;
26 Jenny Alcock; 28 Biddy Braithwaite
Film Club: Greetings from Ann King and Toni Tonin who are on vacation in Manchester! They have bought several dvds and will be showing “Erin Brockowitz” in June, starring Julia Roberts.
Desert Island Discs : Dave Donkin is introducing a new programme in June - “Desert Island Discs”. This will continue during July.
Creative Writing : Nancy Tietz says that the group “ just keeps on writing and hopes to publish a slim volume of our best short stories sometime”!
Drama Group: Nita Laing’s group presented a play reading of “The Caliph’s Minstrel” from The Arabian Nights at the Valley-a great success, and they are now working on their next presentation- see AGM below.
East London Walks: Shirley Baxter’s walk near the pier, with tea at the Wimpy was most enjoyable! The series of interesting walks will continue and the day will be the fourth Monday of each month with the walks starting at 8.30am
The walk on the 26th June will meet at the Nahoon Estuary Reserve . Please phone Shirley on 043 721 358 if you have any queries.
The walk on the 24th July will be in the West Bank village, a historical part of East London. Please meet at Parklands by 08h30.
Shirley says that you should bring a cold drink as even the winter days tend to be warm.
Community Singing: Please come and sing your hearts out to Carol Keep’s lovely choice of songs. Third Wednesday at 10am.
Armchair Travel: On 5 June “Vietnam-the country where logic goes out of the window” will be presented by Nookie Middleton. On 3 July Janet and Rob Stone will present “Eastern Turkey” where tourists are no longer able to visit. By special request, John Stoddard will be repeating “The Secrets of Bletchley Park” on the 14th June at 10am in the Indaba Room.
Cookery for Men: Marion Victor has been teaching the men to produce some delicious “soul food” - stews, Chicken a la King etc, and they sample them there!
The rest of the courses are progressing well.
Please check the latest course schedule for June and July.
Course Co-ordinators Jenny Alcock and Barry Chapman
8 June : General Meeting at 9.30 am: Paul Hirst will be sharing his enthusiasm for his hobby, which is coin collecting. If you own old coins which you might like Paul to see, then do bring them along!
15 June : Current Affairs at 10 am: Melanie Gobel will be speaking about the humanitarian work she has accomplished in East London.
13 July : General Meeting at 9.30 am : Marlene Neumann will be telling us about her Buckaroo Campaign to help the SPCA.
20 July : Current Affairs at 10 am : Helen Kruuse will be speaking on African Customs.
10 August : AGM at 9.30 am: Great news! We are going to be entertained by Nita Laing and
the Drama Group at our usual Bring and Share Meeting!
Please bring food or juice, not money, as we cannot eat or drink it.
A packet of chips or a box of juice will be very welcome if you are not able to bake or
buy cake/ tart/savouries/whatever. We are looking forward to seeing you all – come
and fill the hall!
This past month was a month for remembering mothers (and grandmothers).
A snippet from Pam Brown:
Becoming a grandmother is wonderful.
One moment you’re just a mother.
The next you’re all wise and prehistoric!
Till next time
Marion Victor and the Newsletter Team.