Position Description
Director of Children and Family Ministries
NorthPark Presbyterian Church
The Director of Children and Family Ministries provides professional expertise in planning, implementing, and administering NorthPark’s ministry to children and their families, as well as other duties in program coordination as directed by the Head of Staff. The position is thirty hours a week.
Reporting Responsibility
The Director of Children and Family Ministries reports to the Head of Staff in matters of working hours, office procedures and responsibilities, day-to-day supervision of work, and orientation to the church community. The Director attends and participates in program staff and Session meetings and is governed by the NorthPark Presbyterian Church’s Personnel Policies and Procedures. The Director will supervise and coordinate the programming for children from birth to youth group age in ways that are consistent with NorthPark’s goals for Children’s Ministry which currently are to establish a ministry that will:
· establish an atmosphere in which children identify church as a place where they feel accepted, affirmed, loved, and a sense of belonging;
· present the biblical stories as the basis for our Christian faith and understanding;
· encompass different learning styles;
· invite all to engage in hands-on experiences with learning and mission.
This programming will include the nurture and pastoral care of the families of these children.
Ongoing Duties
- Develop, enrich, and expand curriculum and programming for children with insight, creativity, and imagination.
- Attend monthly Children’s Ministry Council meetings, providing staff support and resources for the Council and the programs for which it is responsible. Those programs currently include Sunday School, Nursery, Worship Education, Children’s Stewardship Council, Vacation Bible School, JAMmers, Children’s Sabbath, Home Nurture Packets, parenting events for parents with children, children’s mission projects, the Children’s Library, and activities designed to foster spiritual development and fellowship.
- Attend the monthly Christian Education Committee meetings.
- Be available in the every Sunday, greeting congregants and visitors and touching base with the teachers.
- Order resources for classes or assist classes in ordering their own resources.
- Assist in developing seasonal offerings as for Advent and Lent.
- During the school year, be responsible for chapel.
- Coordinate and work with the staff resource person for adult education.
- Participate actively in the worship life of NorthPark with occasional participation in liturgy, including leading “Moments with the Children.”
- Serve as ex officio member of NorthPark Day School Board and work with the Day School Director to develop programming and to nurture a relationship between the church and the school with a view towards encouraging those without a church home to consider visiting NorthPark.
Periodic Duties
- Coordinate recruitment of teachers and volunteers for all activities and help develop lay leadership to run programs
- Review and recommend curriculum that is age appropriate and consistent with our Reformed tradition.
- Provide or coordinate teacher training.
- Handle mailing/communications between the music staff, the teachers, and the parents with regard to the children’s music program.
- Work with the Director of Communications regarding children’s activities and family ministry events, including newsletter articles and flyers/mailings to children, parents, and teachers.
- Participate in Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly, and other appropriate educational activities for professional development and for the benefit of the church’s program.
Once-a-year Duties
- Make recommendations for the annual CE budget.
Page 1 Revised August, 2010