May 10, 2011
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Board of Directors
Regular Scheduled Meeting
May 10, 2011
12:30 PM
Spokane Arena Board Room
Board Chair Mick McDowell convened the 592nd meeting of the Spokane Public Facilities District at 12:30 PM.
In attendance were Board Chair Mick McDowell, Vice-Chair Nate Greene and members Larry Soehren, Rita Santillanes and Sandy Wade. District personnel included Kevin Twohig, Johnna Boxley, Dave Gebhardt, Matt Gibson, Stephanie Curran, Stephanie Huff, Brittany Garwood, Traci McGlathery, Kelsey Soukup and Betsy Hammond. Guests included Gavin Cooley and Tim Dunivant of the City of Spokane, Cheryl Kilday and Keith Backsen of the CVB, and Dave Pier of Brett Sports and Entertainment.
Mr. Greene moved to approve the consent agenda, Ms. Santillanes seconded and the motion passed unanimously. This includes:
Minutes from April 26, 2011
Gavin Cooley, CFO of the City of Spokane and Tim Dunivant came to talk with the Board about the possibility of swapping the Admission Tax revenue for an increased Hotel/Motel tax (1.3%) thru Interlocal agreement. They explained that this is one possible scenario that the City Finance Committee isconsidering to increase City GF revenue. Discussion followed about the willingness of the hoteliers to increase the room tax. The City will keep the District informed.
Johnna Boxley gave the first quarter Convention Center report, highlighting the number of events and event days and the revenue average by event type. She also gave the lost business report and discussion followed. Keith Backsen of the CVB gave the first quarter report from the CVB perspective, reporting that 5 new conventions have been booked. He gave the lost business report and highlighted their marketing schedule for the remainder of the year.
Mr. Twohig gave an overview of the venue/event industry outlook that was recently presented at a conference in Seattle.
Policy/Procedure 5.11 Ticketing/ADA was presented for a second reading and Mr. Soehren moved to approve, Ms. Wade seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Policy/Procedure 3.1 Budget Approval and 3.7 Purchase and Disposal of Capital and Attractive Assets were presented for a first reading and will be returned for approval at the next meeting.
Mr. Twohig reported that Spokane will host the 6th annual PFD Convention on October 6-7. The theme will be funding facility maintenance and the upcoming legislative session; details to follow.
Mr. Soehren, project committee chair reported on the following outstanding projects:
The Project Committee requests Board approval to advertise for bids for the INB Stage Door Entry remodel. Mr. Greene moved to approve, Ms. Wade seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
The Project Committee requests Board approval to advertise for bids for Phase II of the Arena Landscape renovation. Mr. Greene moved to approve, Ms. Wade seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Five proposals were received for the Arena Lighting Study; two finalists are being reviewed and the Project Committee will move forward as soon as all details are confirmed
One proposal was received for the Arena Seating Expansion study and a PO will be issued this week.
The Arena Jameson Pub is moving forward and final plans are expected in next 7-10 days. Approval was requested to move forward with the bid process. Mr. Greene moved to approve and Ms. Wade seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
INB and CC window wall projects are under contract and work will begin mid-summer.
Stephanie Curran and Matt Gibson gave the Events report, highlighting the upcoming events.
Ms. Huff reviewed the results of the recent Kalispel club survey.
There were no public comments.
There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 2:00 PM.
Recorded by Sherry Leatha
Clerk of the Board and Recording Secretary
Approved by the Board of Directors
The SPFD Board’s minutes are intended to be a reasonable summary of the Board’s deliberations and actions. The minutes are not a verbatim record of everything said at the meeting. The minutes include all actions taken by the Board.