Australian Institute of International Affairs
National Conference
Foreign Policy for a Top 20 Nation
The Hyatt Hotel Canberra, Commonwealth Avenue, Yarralumla
Monday 27 October 2014
Draft Program (as of 1/10)
Australian Foreign Policy9.00-10.45
The Hon Julie Bishop MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Confirmed)
John McCarthy FAIIA, National President, Australian Institute of International Affairs (Confirmed)
Senator the Hon Penny Wong, Leader of the Opposition in the Senate (TBC)
Chair: Zara Kimpton OAM, National Vice-President, Australian Institute of International Affairs (Confirmed)
Morning Tea 10.45-11.15
Enhancing Australia’s Prosperity11.15-12.45
Michael Stutchbury, Editor in Chief, The Australian Financial Review (Confirmed)
Robert Milliner, B20 Sherpa and Senior Advisor, UBS (Confirmed)
Mike Callaghan AM, Director, G20 Studies Centre, Lowy Institute for International Policy (Confirmed)
Dr Heather Smith, G20 Sherpa and Deputy Secretary, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet(TBC)
Chair: Kate Carnell AO, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Confirmed)
Strengthening Australia’s Security1.45-3.15
Rory Medcalf, Director, International Security Program, Lowy Institute (Confirmed)
Peter Jennings PSM, Executive Director, Australian Strategic Policy Institute (Confirmed)
Dr Tanya Ogilvie-White, Research Director, Centre for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, Australian National University(Confirmed)
Professor Alan Dupont, School of Social Sciences, UNSW (Confirmed)
Chair: Professor Peter Edwards AM FAIIA (Confirmed)
Afternoon Tea3.15-3.45
Contributing to Global Issues3.45-4.45
His Excellency Peter Woolcott, Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations and to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva (Confirmed)
Emeritus Professor Gillian Triggs FAIIA, President, Australian Human Rights Commission (Confirmed)
Professor Megan Davis, Director, Indigenous Law Centre, UNSW and Member of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (Confirmed)
Chair: Professor Samina Yasmeen AM FAIIA, University of Western Australia (Confirmed)
Awards and Presentations4:45-5:00
- Mr Geoffrey Miller AO FAIIA
- Emeritus Prof Gillian Triggs FAIIA
- Professor Desmond Ball AO FAIIA (TBC)
Concluding Remarks5.00-5.15
Melissa Conley Tyler, National Executive Director, Australian Institute of International Affairs
The Australian Institute of International Affairs gratefully acknowledges
the support of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for this event:
Masterclass Speakers
Defence and Security
Ric Smith AO PSM FAIIA,former Secretary, Department of Defence
Moderator: Cameron Hawker, ACT Branch President
International Law and Human Rights
Emeritus Professor Gillian Triggs FAIIA, President, Australian Human Rights Commission
Moderator: Associate Professor Shirley Scott, Research Chair
Geoff Miller AO FAIIA, former Ambassador to Indonesiaand former Director-General, Office of National Assessments
Moderator: John Goodlad, WA Branch President
Graeme Dobell FAIIA, former ABC and Radio Australia correspondent
Moderator: Colin Chapman, AIIA NSW President
Professor Samina Yasmeen AM FAIIA, University of Western Australia
Moderator: Associate Professor Felix Patrikeeff, SA Branch President
Dr Janet Hunt FAIIA, former Executive Director of the Australian Council for Overseas Aid
Moderator: Alison Broinowski Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Asian Studies, Australian National University