APT 44, 319 Court Street, Iowa City, IA, 52240
Education Background
Bachelor Degree:Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China.
Master Degree: Education Science, Beijing Language and Culture University, China.
PhD: Second Language Acquisition, first year, University of Iowa
Academic Achievements
- April 2012: The essay my advisor and I co-wrote,“ Chinese as a Second Language Learners’ Comprehension of Noun-noun Combinations”, was presented at the 3rd International Conference on Chinese Applied Linguistics.
- August 2012: The essay my advisor and I co-wrote,“The Development on Comprehension of Noun-Noun Compounds among Chinese L2 Learners,” was presented atthe 2nd International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research and received high comments from many attending scholars.
- November 2012: My project "The Effect of Semantic Relation and L2 Proficiency on Comprehension of Chinese Noun-Noun Compounds" was presented at the 1st Maryland International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language. Another essay I co-wrote with mycolleagues, “The Research on Chinese Cultural Words Acquisition Based on Dual Coding Theory”, was also presented in this conference.
- December 2012: Another essay my advisor, my colleague and I co-wrote, "The Research on Acquisition and Instruction of Chinese Noun-Noun Compounds" was accepted into the colloquium Research on Chinese Applied Linguistics (Beijing: The Commercial Press).
- April 2014: My project "Research on Chinese as Second Language Learners’Belief on Vocabulary Learning" was accepted by and presented on the 2014 SLA Graduate Student Symposium at University Wisconsin-Madison.
- April 2014: My project "L1 Transfer and Chinese as Second Language Learners' Comprehension of Noun-Noun Compounds" was accepted by and presented on the 4th International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics at University of Iowa.
- April 2014: My project "Chinese Learners’ Attitudes toward Instructional Strategies" was accepted by and presented on the 17th NCOLCTL Annual Conference at Chicago.
Teaching Experience
- August 2007: I tutored foreign students attending short-term intensive program in The College of Intensive Chinese Training and 1-year program in The College of Advanced Chinese Training, who were learning Chinese as an additional language.
- May 2009: I completed my intern teaching at The College of Intensive Chinese Training, Beijing Language and Culture University and received good comments from both my professor and students.
- June 2009: I took part in a United States-sponsored Chinese teaching program, Harvard Beijing Academy, as a one-to-one tutor. My responsibilities included helping each student complete assignments, introducing Chinese culture, and explaining the significance of current events.
- June 2011: I worked as a drill instructor and a one-to-one tutor in another United States-sponsored Chinese teaching program, Columbia in Beijing.
- August 2011-December 2012: I worked as a part-time teacher in the College of Advanced Chinese Training atBeijing Language and Culture University. My responsibilities includedleading class exercises,such as listening and speaking exercises, with elementary and pre-intermediate level students.
Other Skills and Achievements
PSC (Proficiency Test of Mandarin): grade 1 level b
HZC (Application of Chinese Character Proficiency Test): grade 1 level a
CATTI (China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters): grade 3 certificate
2006-2008 First-class Integrated Scholarship at Beijing Language and Culture University
2008-2009 Second-class Integrated Scholarshipat Beijing Language and Culture University
2011-2012 Graduate Student Science and Research Scholarshipat Beijing Language and Culture University
2011-2012 Graduate Student Integrated Scholarshipat Beijing Language and Culture University
2013 China National Graduate Student Fellowship
2014 President Fellowship at University of Iowa