I consider The Endangered Brain (amazon.com) by Dr. Kilburn (Princeton Scientific Publications) and Less Toxic Alternatives(214-361-9515) by Carolyn Gorman the two most basic references. Those listed below offer other useful information on specific topics.
Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools: The US Environmental Protection Agency, American Lung Association, other groups.
The Healthy Household by Lynn Bower (Healthy House Institute, 430 North Sewall Road, Bloomington, IN 47408).
Healthy House Building by John Bower (Healthy House Institute, above).
The Health Detectives Handbook: A Guide to the Investigation of Environmental Health Hazards by Nonprofessionals, by M Legator, B. Harper, M. Scott. (useful for professionals too).
Staying Well in a Toxic World by Lynn Lawson
How to Grow Fresh Air: 50 Houseplants That Purify Your Home or Office by Dr. B.C. Wolverton.
Pesticides in the Diets of Infants and Children, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
Regulating Pesticides in Foods, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
Rodale’s Color Handbook for Garden Insects by Anna Carr (to know what pest you have so you can use best nontoxic control).
Organic Plant Protection by Rodale Press.
Common Sense Pest Control by W. Olkowski.
Gardens Alive catalogue of nontoxic pest control ().
Necessary Trading Company, One Natures Way, New Castle, VA 24127.
Cancer and the Worker National Academy of Sciences, 2 East 63rd St., NY, NY 10021.
The Case of the Workplace Killers: A Manual for Cancer Detectives on the Job, United Auto Workers Union.
Cancer and Work: Making Sense of Worker’s Experience, 0University Statistical Laboratory and General and Municipal Workers Union, London or other British Locations (How to be a workplace cancer detective.)
Occupational Lung Diseases, American Lung Association.
How to Use OSHA: A Workers Action Guide to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Urban Planning Aid, Cambridge, MA.
Stand Up: A Guide to Worker’s Rights by Stan Margaronis, Public Media Center Publication.
Teaching About Job Hazards: A Guide For Workers and Their Health Providers by N. Wallerstein and H. Rubenstein, American Public Health Association.
Healthy Work: Stress, Productivity and the Reconstruction of Working Life by R. Karasek and T. Theorell.
Noise Control: A Guide for Workers and Employers, US Department of Labor.
Reproductive Hazards at Work, Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women, Ottowa, Ontario.
Combating Hazards on the Job: A Workers Guide, Food and Beverage Trades Department (OSHA funded union publication).
A Workers Guide to Documenting Health and Safety Problems, Labor Occupational Health Program, Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Berkeley.
Workplace Health and Safety: A Guide to Collective Bargaining, Labor Occupational Health Program, above.
Health Hazards in Electronics: A Handbook, (excellent) by Tom Gassert, Asia Monitor Resource Program, Asia Monitor Resource Center, Hong Kong.
Artist Beware: The Hazards and Precautions in Working with Art and Craft Material, Dr. Michael McCann, Ph.D.
Health and Safety Guide for the Graphic Arts Industry Graphic Arts International Union, AFL-CIO.
Crisis in the Workplace: Occupational Disease and Injury, by Nicholas A. Ashford, A report to the Ford Foundation.
Prevention of Occupational Cancer-International Symposium, Occupational Safety and Health Series, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Prevention of Occupational Cancer, Helsinki, 21-24 April 1982.
Chemical Exposure and Disease, Diagnostic and Investigative Techniques, by Janette D. Sherman, M.D., Princeton Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., 1994.
Occupational Cancer by Michael Alderson, Butterworth and Co., Publishers, Ltd, 1986.
Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings, 5th Edition, US EPA, 735-R-98-003, March 1999.
National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, March 2001.
Pesticides and the Immune System: The Public Health Risks by Robert Repetto and Sanjay S. Baliga, World Resources Institute, March 1996.
A Failure to Protect, National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides, Jay Feldman and Eleanor J. Lewis, February 1995.
Living in a Chemical World, Occupational and Environmental Significance of Industrial Carcinogens, Editors Cesare Maltoni and Irving J. Selikoff Vol. 534.
Life’s Delicate Balance, Causes and Prevention of Breast Cancer by Janette D. Sherman, M.D.
Brain Tumors in the Chemical Industry, Editors Irving J. Selikoff and E. Cuyler Hammond, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol 381.
The Healthy House Answer Book, John and Lynn Marie Bower, The Healthy House Institute.
Improve Your School, A Guide for Preventing and Resolving Indoor Air Quality, US EPA, May 1994.
Healthy Hospitals: Controlling Pests Without Harmful Pesticides by K. Owens ().
(As time passes, if any of the above become unavailable without plans for any reprinting, Dr. Ziem has a copy that could be scanned and made available with assistance from websites offering free or at-cost downloading.)