Resume ofDr. F I M Golam Wahed Sarker
Office Address: Principal Scientific Officer, Agricultural Economics Division, BRRI, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh
Residence: House # o4, Road # 11, Sector # 06, Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Cell: 880-1715077893, Tel. (office.): 88-02-9294117-21, Extension 925
E-mail: /
A long experienced and dedicated agricultural economist (socio-economic researcher) and training specialist with more than 33 years experience in farm modeling, natural resource economics, development economics, resource optimization/planning, water resource economics, agricultural policy, stakeholder analysis and socio-economics of rice farming technology development, refinement and dissemination using multiple media, report writing, presentation of research articles in the seminar/workshop, popular and journal article publication.
Farmers’ need based technology identification and development, integration with stakeholders, coordination with national institutes (NARS Institutes, DAE, BADC, BAU, CEGIS etc.), NGOs (BRAC, RDRS, GKF etc.) and international institutes (IRRI, JICA, BIOFORSK etc.), wider-scale technology dissemination.
Major Accountability/Responsibility
In consultation with researchers and development partners, sustainable rice production economics, farm resource optimization (farm modeling), climate change impacts and adaptation for crop production and economics of irrigation technology development through experimenting at on-farm/station and field survey/PRA/FGD; refinement and dissemination of developed or identified technologies for intensifying and diversifying optimal cropping and water management plans and enhancing the crop productivity, farm income, employment and livelihoods improvement of farmers. In particular:
· Leading BRRI’s contribution to the government and donor funded projects as Principal Investigator, Joint/Co- Investigator to coordinate with NARES, and donors on project management;
· Leading Norway Government’s contribution to the Rice ClimaProject entitled “Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation: Sustainable Rice Production in Bangladesh” (BIOFORSK-BRRI-CEGIS collaboration) as Co-Investigator (Agril. Economist);
· Leading GOB funded HYV rice adoption and cost return study among different agro-ecological zones for development of research and policy guidelines ensuring farm level fair price of product and food security in Bangladesh;
· Leading IRRI’s contribution to the CSISA-Bangladesh project to conduct FGD/PRA in Faridpur, Madaripur, Gopalganj, Barisal, Patuakhali and Barguna as Principal Investigator;
· Leading KGF Project, BARC entitled “Testing, Validation and up scaling of Water Saving Technology in Rice Production” as Co-Investigator (Agril. Economist);
· Leading BRRI’ contribution to the “Minimizing Rice Yield Gap Project” as Principal Investigator in Bogra site;
· Leading ATT Project, BARC entitled “Poverty Reduction through Adoption of Appropriate Technologies on Land Water Productivity Improvement” as Co-Investigator (Agril. Economist);
· Leading DFID Bangladesh Project entitled “Irrigation Potentialities for Crops and Vegetables Production in Char Areas for Livelihoods Improvement” as Co-Consultant;
· Leading PETRRA/IRRI Project entitled “Integrated Crop Management (ICM SP25 01) in North-West Region of Bangladesh” as Co-Investigator (Agril. Economist);
· Leading in planning, execution, monitoring and reporting of divisional research work at BRRI and field level on development and dissemination of economics of rice-based technologies;
· Designing on-station/farm experiments and implementation of field study (survey/PRA/FGD) to evaluate crop and resource management options for increasing the productivity of rice based cropping systems under different ecosystems;
· Contributing to monitoring the activities done by the scientists/researchers and field staffs in the project locations to ensure proper management of experiments, data management and analysis;
· Supervising and mentoring junior staffs of the BRRI and Rice Clima project;
· Organizing trainings and workshops on new rice-based technologies for project partners (Agricultural Extension personnel) and RiceClima project staffs;
· Developing good working relationship with public (research and extension), the private sector (NGOs, farmers’ association/club, seed companies etc.) based on complementary interests and strengths for sustainable adoption of rice-based farming and irrigation technologies;
· Sharing of ideas with expert scientists of BIOFORSK/IRRI/CEGIS/BARC for developing innovative models for learning and dissemination of agricultural technologies and business models, especially irrigation, rice seed, post harvest etc. for out-scaling with public and private sector partners; and
· Reporting the results of different project findings through publications like BRRI annual report, project reports, scientific journal paper and presenting paper in workshop, conference, meeting, etc.
Work Experience
Associate researcher: Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation: Sustainable Rice Production in Bangladesh (Bioforsk-BRRI-CEGI Project) funded by Norwegian Embassy: October 2011-present.
· Assessing the behavior of the monsoon under different climate scenarios (drought and saline), and examine its impacts on the water resources, crop production and resultant socio-economic vulnerability and adaptation of farming communities in selected rice growing areas of Bangladesh;
· Widespread identification of relevant copping and adaptation mechanisms to address the issues of climate change impacts on the socio-economic conditions and livelihoods of farmers;
· Demonstration of suitable adaptation technologies and climate change impacts, socio-economic vulnerability and adaptive capacity in the field level;
· Capacity building for project staff, extension workers, and service providers from public, private and NGO sectors, and farmers to enable the rapid dissemination and adoption of improved technologies;
· Preparing different training materials like flip chart, hand note, etc. on rice production technologies for the project and partner staffs of different sites. Acting as a resource person for rice production training and data management and reporting for project staff and partners.
· Arranged a number of FGD/PRA in six project sites to capture the constraints and potentials in farming and prepare report on that. Taking part in the extensive field visit and capture datasets on same issue with scientists from partner organizations (Bioforsk, CEGIS and DAE);
· Supporting the monitoring and evaluation team of the project for achieving the purpose of the project by providing periodical and special reports, success story or case study;
· Supervising and mentoring the activities of field staffs and collaborative farmers; and
· Publishing results of the trials/studies and experiences in multiple media like semi-annual report, scientific journal and the proceedings of seminar, conference, workshop etc.
Associate researcher: Testing Validation and Upscaling of Water Saving Technology in Rice Production in Bangladesh funded by KGF, BARC: May 2011 to June 2014.
· Assessing the three water savings technologies at farm level in Naogaon and Kshoreganj districts. The technologies are: i) harvesting of rainwater in a reservoir for utilization in mittingating drought affected rice; ii) increasing irrigated area (command area) by minimizing conveyance loss through PVC pipe water distribution system; and iii) use of ‘check valve’ in shallow tube well (STW) for reducing hassle of repeated priming;
· Widespread identification of relevant copping and adaptation mechanisms to address the issues of water savings technology impacts on crop production and the socio-economic conditions and livelihoods of farmers;
· Capacity building for project staff, extension workers, and farmers to enable the rapid dissemination and adoption of improved water savings technologies;
· Preparing different training materials like flip chart, hand note, etc. on rice production and water management technologies for grass root level farmers and extension workers. Acting as a resource person for rice production training and data management and reporting for project staff and partners;
· Arranged a number of FGD/PRA in six project sites to capture the constraints and potentials of water savings for crop production and prepare report on that. Taking part in the extensive field visit and capture datasets on same issue with scientists from partner organizations (DAE and BMDA);
· Supporting the monitoring and evaluation team of the project for achieving the purpose of the project by providing periodical and special reports, success story or case study;
· Supervising and mentoring the activities of field staffs and collaborative farmers; and
· Publishing results of the trials/studies and experiences in multiple media like semi-annual report, book let, leaf let and the proceedings of workshop etc.
Associate researcher: Minimizing Rice Yield Gap Project funded by GOB: May 2011 to June 2014.
· Widespread identification of location specific rice cultivation problems through PRA/FGD in different agro-ecological zones of Bangladesh;
· Minimize rice yield gap at farm level through demonstrations/trails by using BRRI recommended technologies compared to farmers’ management;
· Preparing different training materials like flip chart, hand note, etc. on rice production for grass root level farmers and extension workers. Acting as a resource person for rice production training and data management and reporting for project staff and partners;
· Supervising and mentoring the activities of field staffs and collaborative farmers; and
· Publishing results of the trials/studies and experiences in multiple media like semi-annual report, book let, leaf let and the proceedings of workshop etc.
Associate researcher: Integrated Crop Management in North-West Region of Bangladesh (BRRI-RDRS-GKF Project) funded by PETRRA: October 2001 to September 2004.
· Assessing the improvement of total farm production of resource-poor farmers through integrated crop, nutrient and water management in the northern region of Bangladesh;
· Widespread identification of relevant issues related to crop, water and nutrient management and to address of those issues on the socio-economic conditions and livelihoods of farmers;
· Demonstration of suitable crop, water and soil health improvement technologies at farm level for increasing crop productivity, farm income and livelihoods improvement of resource-poor farmers;
· Capacity building for project staff, extension workers, and service providers from public, private and NGO sectors, and farmers to enable the rapid dissemination and adoption of improved technologies;
· Preparing different training materials like flip chart, hand note, etc. on rice production technologies for the project and partner staffs of different sites. Acting as a resource person for rice production training and data management and reporting for project staff and partners.
· Arranged a number of FGD/PRA in six project sites to capture the constraints and potentials in farming and prepare report on that. Taking part in the extensive field visit and capture datasets on same issue with scientists/researchers from partner organizations (BRRI, RDRS, GKF and DAE);
· Supporting the monitoring and evaluation team of the project for achieving the purpose of the project by providing periodical and special reports, success story or case study;
· Supervising and mentoring the activities of field staffs and collaborative farmers; and
· Publishing results of the trials/studies and experiences in multiple media like semi-annual report, book let, leaf let and the proceedings of seminar, conference, workshop etc.
Scientist at BRRI (PSO, Ag Econ Div.; SSO, IWM Div. and SO Farm Mgt. Div): From September 1981 to continuing:
Research and development:
· Farm level evaluation of modern rice cultivation for determination of region-wise adoption rates, yield performance, socio-economic and varietal constraints under different seasons;
· Farm level estimation of costs and returns of MV rice cultivation for determination of relative profitability, factor and income share and input utilization patterns over the years;
· Surface water utilization patterns and its scope for crop production in different hydrological regions of Bangladesh;
· Adaptation mechanism for crop production in changing climate under drought prone areas;
· Adaptation mechanism for crop production in changing climate under saline prone areas;
· Shifting of crop land into mango orchard: a new challenge and opportunity for farming in Barind areas;
· Projection of irrigation cost over next 10 years by using ARIMA models;
· Planning and executing research on economics of irrigated farming and environmental aspect;
· Conduct research on farm resource optimization for increasing crop productivity, farm income and employment;
· Participate site specific technology development and transfer activities;
· Development of research program for large, medium, small, marginal and landless farms considering national priorities and demand;
· Fine-tuning of technologies through adaptive research on experiment stations and farmers’ fields;
· Planning, programming and execution of BRRI HQ ‘seed multiplication program’ of recommended MY rice;
· Supervised the farm managerial works like labor management, farm land development, operation and maintenance of farm implements, post harvest work and management of stores;
· Help the BRRI authority in planning, formulating and executing the policies regarding land and labor management;
· Collecting data, analyzing and preparing reports on research program and development activities.
· Facilitating technology dissemination through technology validation and special dissemination program under special or donor funded projects;
· Preparing project proposal for donor and special funded projects, execution, monitoring and reporting;
· Preparing communication materials for wider scale adoption of cropping systems technologies (handouts, poster, folded brochure, flip chart, etc.);
· Publishing experimental/study results in BRRI Annual Reports, scientific journals and in bulletins and news letter.
Human resource development
· Acting as a resource speaker in the farmers’/extension workers’/researchers’ training at BRRI HQ and different project sites;
· Designing training content with other stakeholders as per needs of community and project activities;
· Facilitating training course for extension providers (DAE and NGOs).
· Designing and implementing capacity building strategies for the participating farmers and field staffs of extension agencies and donor funded projects (PETRRA, BARC, KGF, DAE and RiceClima etc.);
· Attended district technical committee (DTC) and regional technical committee (RTC) meeting; and
· Conducting a good number of farmers’ meeting and sharing technological options for adoption under different projects and thus helps in improving the knowledge-base of the farmers.
Research management and administration
· Managing donor funded/special projects (GOB funded: minimizing rice yield gap; Norwegian Embassy funded: RiceClima; KGF funded: testing and validation of water savings technology etc.) as Principal /Associate Investigator;
· Supervising and guiding the project scientific and field level divisional/project staffs;
· Monitoring of project sites and activities and supporting the monitoring and evaluation team of different projects;
· Coordinating the participation of stakeholders in project activities and visits of multi-stakeholders both at national and international agencies (BRRI site, BARC, KGF and RiceClima funded projects);
· Guiding the junior colleagues in data collection, statistical analysis, and reporting the same.
· Experiencing in research and development activities in central, central west, south, north east and North West of Bangladesh.