To Your Health – April 2013 Newsletter
Dear Friends,
Welcome to Spring! I am so happy it’s here after an unusually wet and cold winter. In this issue we cover allergies, both food and environmental, just in time to help you before you run outside in the warm weather! Also we have information and videos on GMOs and fluoridation, plus some case histories.
To Your Health,
Lita Lee, Ph.D.
Inspiring quotes
“Your children are not your children, they are the sons and the daughters of life’s longing for itself,” from a poem by Kahlil Gibran
I do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.
Author Unknown
"GMO A Go Go" – A Film
New GMO animation film launched by Infomatic Films and Natural News.
The video covers all the basics on GMOs, including how they're engineered, why they kill the things that eat them, and the disastrous health effects they've been linked to in humans. It serves as both a reminder of the facts to those who already know about GMOs as well as a great primer for people new to the subject.
“GMO A Go Go” is available for viewing now on YouTube and TV.naturalnews.com. Here are the links:
Click here to view on YouTube.
Must-see documentary about GMO, Parts 1 thru 10
Genetic Roulette — The Gamble of Our Lives
Blogs from Lita Lee
GE Foods Freak Out Rats; GE Sugar Coming To You Soon
Frankencandy and Tainted Candy for Halloween?
How To Avoid Foods Containing Genetically Modified Organisms — Go Organic!
Austrian Government Study Confirms Genetically Modified (GM) Crops
US court rules against Monsanto’s GMO sugar beets, says USDA failed to evaluate the risks
Articles: Genetic Engineering - Frankenfoods and More
Video on Water Fluoridation
Ten Facts About Fluoride
An allergy can be viewed as an adverse reaction to an undigested food or to an environmental substance that can’t be neutralized (detoxified) by the lymphatic system. Basically, it doesn't matter whether you eat it, breathe it or absorb it transdermally (through the skin) — enzymes are required to digest whatever is taken into the body. From this point of view, inflammatory conditions, including food and environmental allergies, arise from enzyme deficiencies from eating enzyme deficient foods or from poor digestion of certain foods.
Most people think that taking vitamin and mineral supplements will make up for deficiencies in their diets — but this is a fallacy. The fact is, without enzymes, nothing works in the body and taking vitamins and minerals are a waste of money. When vitamin and mineral deficiencies do occur, it is in a relatively short period of time — say 60 to 90 days — but enzyme deficiencies take longer to develop, simply because the body has so many compensation mechanisms. When the allergic reaction occurs, an enzyme deficiency condition has likely existed for months or even years prior to its onset.
Allergic reactions can go way beyond the common sneezing, itchy and watery eyes or dark circles under the eyes. An allergy to a food or something environmental can lead to dozens of symptoms including stuffy or runny nose; flatulence; burping; constipation; diarrhea; stomach aches and even gastric problems; nausea; vomiting; hives and rashes; bloating and intestinal irritation; or swelling, fatigue and dizziness.
Allergies can also cause more serious and even life-threatening reactions such as asthma attacks, seizures and anaphylactic shock (a severe and sometimes fatal allergic reaction characterized by a sharp drop in blood pressure, hives and breathing difficulties requiring immediate medical attention). An allergic reaction may be immediate after the exposure to the allergen or may manifest hours later, sometimes making it difficult to identify the allergen.
Food Allergies
What can you do to prevent or relieve allergies? First, find out what digestive problems (enzyme deficiencies) you have. What foods are hardest for you to digest — proteins, fats, carbohydrates, sugars, fibers? Second, limit these foods and take the plant enzymes required to digest them.
Many people aren’t aware of the foods they have trouble digesting, especially if the symptoms are mild. Here are brief examples of what I sometimes find to be allergic reactions to foods:
· Burping, regurgitation, belching and other gallbladder symptoms or high blood pressure can come from poor fat digestion (lipase deficiency).
· Abdominal cramps, excess mucous or diarrhea can come from milk intolerance (lactose deficiency).
· Anxiety and edema (water retention) can come from poor protein digestion (protease deficiency).
· Asthma, environmental sensitivity, spaciness, dizziness, seizure disorders, and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) can come from poor sugar digestion (disaccharidase deficiency).
In addition to these symptoms, there are measurable signs of enzyme deficiencies. You can see them in the blood and in the urine. For example, if you eat commercial, devitalized food with zero enzymes and get a blood test after eating, you will see an increase in your white blood count, meaning that your immune system has been mobilized. Why? Because your body is responding to the need for enzymes and enzymes can be carried on white blood cells. Next, if you do the Loomis 24-hour urinalysis for enzyme deficiencies, you may see a high level of indican which is a direct indication of how poor your digestion is. What is indican? It’s a group of toxic substances that come from poor digestion. The higher the indican, the worse the digestion and the more health problems. High indican is associated with over 100 symptoms of poor health. There is one exception. However, a zero indican doesn’t mean good digestion. It means severe sugar intolerance because undigested sugar interferes with this test. In addition, there is a urinary sediment test that reveals exactly what you cannot easily digest. Is it sugar? Is it protein? Is it fat? Or perhaps all three?
There are several multiple digestive enzymes for your digestive needs. If you can’t figure out what you need, a Loomis 24-hour urinalysis will determine your digestive problems. Here is a brief description of them:
PAN: for sugar intolerance (sucrose, maltose and lactose), grains and fruits. Sugar intolerant people can be prone towards asthma and environmental sensitivity. Dosage: 2 caps immediately before each meal 3x/d.
LAC: for lactose intolerance. Dosage: 2-4 caps when consuming dairy products.
Bil: for fat intolerance. Also good for digestion of protein. People who can’t tolerate fat are in this category and may develop gallbladder problems. Dosage: 2 caps immediately before each meal 3/d. Contraindication: gastric problems.
HCL: contains no hydrochloric acid but only enzymes and is for people who have trouble digesting anything — protein, fat or sugar. It’s also for people with sluggish digestion who may have low hydrochloric acid. Dosage: 2 caps immediately before each meal. Contraindication: gastric problems.
VSCLR: for severe fat intolerance and for people who may have high cholesterol, diabetes, weight problems, high blood pressure and immune system problems. Dosage: 2 caps immediately before each meal.
Stm: a multiple digestive enzyme formula that has minimal protease for people who have gastric problems (ulcers, hiatal hernia, esophageal reflux, gastritis, taking antacids, etc.). This formula should be used in people who can’t tolerate protease (in the Bil and HCL formulas) because of gastric problems. Dosage: 2 caps immediately before each meal and 4 caps anytime you have gastric irritation.
DGST: a multiple digestive enzyme for babies, children and for adults with good digestion. DGST comes in a powder, capsules and a chewable form. For nursing or bottle-fed babies, use ½ cap per feeding into a small amount of water. For older children, you can use 2 caps immediately before each meal 3x/d. Some children prefer the DGST powder.
Causes of Enzyme Deficiencies
It’s not just poor digestion or the cooking and microwaving of foods. Organic foods have much more nutrition (including enzymes, vitamins and minerals) than commercial foods, which are full of GMOs, pesticides and not much else. Next most toxins work by poisoning enzymes, and this group includes most prescription drugs and environmental poisons. Here is an example: fluoride, which is mandated in at least 70% of our cities in the United States poisons over 100 enzymes in your body, and that is just one of the problems with this toxic waste material.
http://shop.litalee.com/documents/Fluoride Notes.pdf
http://shop.litalee.com/documents/Fluoride Notes.doc
Kidney Stress and Allergies
Suppose you are exposed to allergens — food or environmental. If you eat foods that you cannot digest, or are exposed to environmental allergens which your kidneys cannot eliminate, the resulting kidney stress will cause many symptoms. Fortunately, enzyme formulas can help relieve allergies.
Thera-zyme Kdy contains enzymes plus nutritional herbs with antiseptic, blood-cleansing and lymphatic-cleansing properties. People requiring this type of nutritional support may have environmental allergies characterized by sneezing, nasal congestion, itching or watery eyes, sinus problems with a clear, watery discharge, and swollen lymph glands. They may also have one or more of the following symptoms: frontal headaches, low back or kidney pain, low blood sugar, and sometimes nausea and vomiting.
I have seen not only children and adults but also nursing babies with severe environmental allergies show a remarkable reduction of these symptoms within hours of ingesting this formula. Allergic asthma can also be relieved by this formula, in combination with an enzymatic program for asthma. Symptoms can be held in check with a minimum maintenance program.
From my clinical experience with many clients, I have frequently observed the need for kidney support in various detoxification programs. Many clients who undertake a detoxification program cannot tolerate it because the program does not provide kidney and lymphatic drainage. Symptoms of this include kidney tenderness or pain, swollen lymph glands, and an attempt by the body to eliminate the toxins via the skin, which can lead to rashes and so forth. These so-called side effects can be prevented or alleviated by providing drainage remedies such as the Thera-zyme Kdy for the kidneys and lymphatic system, Thera-zyme DERM an enzymatic antihistamine formula high in amylase and/or Thera-zyme TRMA for the skin as well as other drainage remedies indicated by the need of the client.
Case Histories
In addition to the enzymes listed below, each person is provided a multiple digestive enzyme determined from the Loomis 24-hour urine test, patient history and consultation by Dr. Lee.
Back Injury
Tom, an avid athlete, injured his back and spent lots of time lying down due to the pain. His chiropractor found a herniated disc among other subluxations. In addition to chiropractic and physical therapy, he took the following enzymes to nourish his injury:
· IVD (Intervertebral disc) — for back /joint pain and a herniated disc, 4 caps 3x/d.
· OSTEO (Osteoarthritis) — for musculoskeletal pain, 3-6 caps 3x/d.
· TRMA (trauma) — for pain and soft tissue trauma, 4 caps between meals 3x/d.
After a series of chiropractic and physical therapies in addition to the above enzymes, Tom was up and about with steadily decreasing pain and increased mobility.
Sinus Infection
Mary, a 6 year-old child, developed a sinus infection with a sore throat from coughing and congestion.
We gave her the following supplements for her infection:
· Nsl (nasal) — an enzymatic vitamin C formula which is also for sinus problems, 2-4 caps 3x/d.
· TRMA (trauma) — a high protease enzyme for the immune system and infections, 4 caps between meals 3x/d.
· Kdy (kidney) — a lymphatic drainage formula, 3 caps between meals along with the TRMA enzyme.
· Lagundi Spray — an Ayurvedic herbal tincture for lung and sinus problems.
· Citricidal Grapefruit Seed/Extract — for over 500 pathogens, 1-2 caps per meal 2x/d.
Billy, a grade school student, had trouble focusing and sitting still in class. His teacher recommended Ritalin but his parents refused and asked me for help. We gave him these enzymes:
· Adr — an enzyme for sugar intolerance, stress and lack of focus, 2-4 caps with meals to digest sugar and/or between meals for trouble focusing.
· Kdy — a lymphatic drainage formula which is important for allergies, 3 caps 2-3 times daily.
How to Test for Food and Environmental Allergies using the Loomis 24-hour Urine Test
In this discussion, food intolerance means poor digestion or food sensitivity.
The Loomis 24-hour urinalysis is a non-medical test to determine enzyme and nutritional deficiencies. Do not confuse this test with the 24-hour urinalysis test that is done by medical doctors to determine kidney function, or with the Reams urinalysis test, which is based on a single random catch and varies widely according to whether the person has recently eaten. Urine samples collected every two hours will be significantly different because everything changes: the pH, specific gravity, calcium content and so on.
In the U.S. three laboratories do this urine test. A Loomis test kit is required, which is provided by your health care provider. It is a Styrofoam box containing an ice pack, a 2-oz sample bottle, absorbent pad and small plastic baggie for the urine sample. Call EFI (the Loomis Institute) at 1-800-614-4400 for a referral to an enzyme therapist who does this urine test.
The Loomis method requires collection of all urine produced in 24-hours. These fluctuations are averaged to give a complete picture of digestion, absorption and assimilation of foods. Looking at a Loomis 24-hour urinalysis is also a sneaky way of peeking at the blood (the ECF or extracellular fluid). Why? The blood holds nutrients it needs and dumps what it doesn’t want into the urine. If a substance should be in the urine, but isn’t there or is low, we know the blood needs it and has kept it. Conversely, sometimes we see higher levels of substances in the urine than should be there, plus things that shouldn’t be there at all (abnormal solutes). This tells us that the blood has dumped them. The blood also takes what it needs from the cells. In fact, cells will sacrifice themselves to the blood in order to maintain homeostasis. Also, the blood dumps what it doesn’t want into cells. So, if we see no-no’s in the urine, we know that these same no-no’s are also in the cells.
This test is prognostic rather than diagnostic. In other words, you can predict what lies ahead if you do not clean up your diet and digestion act. Enzyme deficiencies lead to deviations in the normal physiology characterized by inflammatory conditions. If left untreated, these conditions may lead to diseases. There is an enzyme connection to all health problems.
For more information, visit http://www.litalee.com/shopexd.asp?id=490.