Executive Meeting Sept. 9, 2008

Call to order: 3:04pm

Present: Krissa Secrist, Wendy Lobner, Bill Henricksen, Chris Freeman, Joan Swartout (3rd grade), Marie Kindstrand (5th Grade), Carmen McIntyre, Julie Watkins, Amy Zeeb, Tracy Ries, Pam Ott, Patti Atanasoff (4th Grade), Darren Petschar, Mary Carlson

Financial: $8869.61 Checking; $10,997.84 Savings

$250 – tax costs. Noted school store supplies are being purchased.

Funding Requests: None turned in.


Yearbook contract signed. Pricing and order to be determined – ordering the same amount (420 books) incurs an increase in price. Last years cost: $5298.60 @ $12.50. Sold out last year.

Tether Ball and New Wood chips? Darren will look into these.

Purchase of: Quick Books; Drill for Climbing wall; Digital Cameras? Carmen will look into these.

Lice Check completed Sept. 4

PTO open house: rescheduled event, Sept. 22 in Cafeteria @3PM

Skippy & Dave school event Sept. 23

Santa’s Secret Workshop: Viewing potential items in Escanaba Sept. 25

School Store opens the week of Sept. 29

Teacher’s welcome to submit ideas for this year’s penny collection. Mary offered to guide the student council in this decision.

Spirit Week? Oct. 6-10

Where to set-up S.S.W.? Darren offered room 303 or 403 (303 is less cluttered).

School fall pictures: For school pictures, Oct. 3 is not a make-up day. They cannot do all the pictures in one day, so it is always a two (or 1 1/4) day event.

[The forms have come in and are in the office. They have grades K-3 on Thurs. and 4-5 on Friday, so we'll have to stick to this schedule.]

Not a fundraising year. Teachers welcome to conduct their own fundraising.

Principal’s report:

Darren would like to implement Pilot Reading program or a Reading Buddy program that invites parents into the classrooms at Woodland.

Searching for ideas that create more parental involvement during school hours such as: Lunch Buddies; Office helpers; Classroom Education assistants (E.A.’s)

Mentioned Home Security procedures (limiting access to school by way of Main entrance) has hindered the friendly atmosphere of Woodland Elementary.


Post Open house such as breakfast might welcome more parents.

Re-establish Friday Folders – all teachers send home volunteer requests with students - like a direct wish list.

FRC: Looking for someone to take over Family Resource Center. Bills are coming in.

Open Forum: 20th anniversary Woodland t-shirts.

Cost estimate submitted by Threads, offers a 25% discount for school order.

[School should seek out bids so all parent owned business can submit bids on shirts.]

- Side note, School Store is looking for knit caps (chucks) with embroidered Flivvers.

Mary would like to guide Student council in an artwork contest for all classrooms.

Ideas: Pod t-shirt contest; Kids’ fashion contest; Classroom competition; Design a Square.

Large artwork maybe created allowing for iron-on sections of specific Pod-artworks (cost saving and individualizing). Artwork should focus on 20th year anniversary of school. Suggested “fixed” 20th year artwork on one side of shirt and winning Pod artwork on the other side.

Supplementing costs: pre-ordering shirts for students and family members can off-set costs of supply.

Desired outcome: Invite families to wear their t-shirts to Night of 1000 Stars. Darren would like to invite/announce/search for guest alumni speakers.

Meeting Adjourned: 4:05

Minutes respectfully submitted by: Krissa Secrist [acting secretary]