Labor Cost Assignment (LCA) and
Human Resources (HR)
Desk Reference Guide
EAS/SMART Output File Data
Prepared by:
Navy Medicine Support Command
Jacksonville, FL
February 2009
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The intention of this document is to assist you with understanding how various fields in the DMHRSi application work together as they relate to the data used in MEPRS/EAS and SMART processing. It is not intended to teach you how to do your job as an employee in the Human Resources or Financial Resources Community.
If you have additional questions or issues, please contact us.
The DMHRSi Team
Navy Medicine Support Command
Jacksonville, FL
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Table of Contents
Organizations 1
Groups (People Groups) 2
Projects 2
Tasks 2
DMHRSi Timecard Submission Process 3
Job Order Numbers (JONs) 4
Occupation Codes 4
Service Unique Occupation Code (SUOC) 5
o Officers (Active Duty and Reserve) 5
o Enlisted (Active Duty and Reserve) 6
o Civilians 7
o Contractors 7
o Volunteers 8
o Local Nationals 8
o Dual Component Person Types 9
Assignment Screen 9
Assigning Skill Types and Suffixes 11
Borrowed Labor 12
Loaned Labor 13
Where is Non-Available time charged against/to? 14
The Distribute Labor Process 14
o How is the cost (rate) determined? 15
o Why are expenditures calculating without a cost ($0.00) or have a ‘Missing Cost Rate’ Error? 16
o How do I ‘recost’ expenditures? 17
EAS Output file fields and how they are calculated 17
o Record Type 18
o Unit Identification Code (UIC) 18
o Defense Medical Information System (DMIS) ID 19
o Functional Cost Code (FCC)/MEPRS Code 19
o Service Unique Expense Element (SUEE) 19
o Service Program Element Code (SPEC) 21
o Basic Symbol/Limit (BSL) 22
o Skill Type/Suffix 22
o Service Unique Occupation Code (SUOC) 22
o Personnel Type 23
o Duty Indicator 23
o Source of Funds 24
o Available Salary Expense 24
o Non-Available Salary Expense 24
o Assigned FTE 25
o Available FTE 25
o Non-Available FTE – Sick 26
o Non-Available FTE – Leave 26
o Non-Available FTE – Other 26
o Available Hours 27
o Non-Available Hours – Sick 27
o Non-Available Hours – Leave 27
o Non-Available Hours – Other 28
EAS Errors and Corrective Actions 28
Frequently Asked Questions/Issues 29
Appendices 31
Glossary of Terms 32
SUOC-Skill Type and EAS Data Validation Tools 33
Getting Started 34
EAS Assigned Personnel Report 37
EAS Summary View Report 45
EAS Output File Data Check 53
SMART Output File Check 64
EAS-SMART File Comparison 75
· Organizations are directorates, departments and/or divisions within the Manpower Structure (your command’s Activity Manpower Document (AMD)) to which individuals are assigned and are based on the Standard Organization Policy (NAVMED Policy 07-004, available at selmod=9F651742-8C78-A781-884EC97509CF23DB&Psort= policy_number%20desc&docyear=2007).
· Organizations can only be created in DMHRSi if they appear on the AMD for the UIC. Organizations are not to be created locally. They are created when the AMD is loaded from the Total Force Manpower Management System (TFMMS) data that is received on a monthly basis and the header records that appear on the AMD are used to create Organizations in DMHRSi. If the header record is not on the AMD, the Organization can not be created in DMHRSi.
· The accounting data elements associated with each Organization are manually entered into DMHRSi in the ‘LCA Record’ on each Organization. These data elements include: DMIS ID; Parent DMIS ID; Organization Long Title (this field is automatically populated when the Organization is created and includes the Billet Sequence Code (BSC) and the title from the AMD used to create the Org); Functional Cost Code (FCC) ; Service PEC (SPEC); Cost Accounting Codes (CAC); Non-productive Job Order Numbers (JON); Sub-Activity Group (SAG) ; BSL Organization Identifier (the eighth character to be used in the BSL in the EAS Output file); Loaned Time FCC, and SMART Child Report Facility (if the Org should be able to create a separate SMART output file from the parent facility/DMIS ID).
· The LCA Records on Organizations are fiscal year specific due to the JONs included on the record. Each year prior to the beginning of the fiscal year, NMSC will create a spreadsheet of each of the LCA Records on Organizations for the commands to review and approve prior to NMSC loading them into the application.
· Per BUMED Policy, site personnel are not to edit Organizations (including the LCA Records). If changes need to be made, contact the NMSC DMHRSi Team ().
Groups (People Groups)
· Groups are an identical list to the Organizations, but a separate field on the Assignment Screen. If the Organization does not exist in DMHRSi, there will not be a Group of that name either.
· The Group field is used to identify where the individual is actually working. In most cases the Group should match the Organization.
· A project is comprised of all of the tasks grouped by Parent DMIS ID. The project number is a seven-digit number that is automatically generated by DMHRSi when the project is created. Each fiscal year a new project is created for each of the facility. The reason a new project has to be created every year is that each of the tasks have the JON associated with them and the JON is fiscal year specific.
· The project name is composed of the Parent DMIS ID, the fiscal year, and the name of the facility. For example 0104_2008_NH Beaufort or 0124_2008_NMC Portsmouth.
· Each project has a group of tasks for non-available time (four for military use and four for civilian use) and then the available time tasks that are for each work/cost center that a command may use.
· Each task has a task service type that is used by the application to determine what type of time it is (available vs. non-available).
o There is only one task service type for available time – available.
o There are five non-available service types (see table below) that are used to determine which non-available type the expenditure is and how the application will determine which of the three non-available types the expenditures are included in the EAS output file:
· The task number for the available tasks is a combination of the FCC (or CAC for mission specific commands) and the DMIS ID. If there is more than one task for a FCC (such as with the FCC for EBBA (Special Assistants) or EBCA (Administration)) each of the tasks is then incremented _1, _2, _3; etc for as many tasks that exist. The task number must be unique for each task.
· Available tasks have the productive military labor JON, FCC, Service PEC (combination of the SAG and PEC), CAC, DMIS ID and UIC associated with each. Time charged to non-available tasks will use the data elements associated with the Group or Organization on the assignment screen. The process to determine whether the Group or Organization is used is described further in the document.
· Per BUMED Policy, site personnel are not authorized to make changes/additions to tasks or any associated data element. If any changes are needed, contact the DMHRSi Team at NMSC with the requested change.
o If the change meets the prescribed business rules for DMHRSi and labor reporting, the change will be incorporated into the application.
o If there is a question as to the validity of the requested change, the DMHRSi Team will consult the appropriate POC (i.e. BUMED M8) for validation prior to making the change in the application.
DMHRSi Timecard Submission Process
· For most individuals, DMHRSi Timecards are submitted on a bi-weekly basis that coincides with the civilian pay periods. For individuals that are in a Graduate Medical Education (GME) or Graduate Dental Education (GDE) program, they will submit on a monthly basis (so that the application can perform validations to ensure the labor is appropriately charged to the GME/GDE codes).
· The below PowerPoint file is flowchart of the workflow process for timecard submission.
Job Order Numbers (JONs)
· Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, NMSC receives a download of all of the JONs that have been created in FASTDATA and STARS/FL for military labor. These JONs are loaded into DMHRSi and a spreadsheet is created of all the tasks for each of the Projects and sent to the POC at the facility for review prior to being loaded into DMHRSi.
· If a JON is added to STARS/FL after the initial roll-over of JONs (prior to the beginning of the fiscal year), the JON will need to be added to DMHRSi. The NMSC DMHRSi Team will submit the required paperwork to add the JON to the List of Values (LOV) in the application.
Occupation Codes
· Occupation codes in DMHRSi are concatenated with multiple data elements: the service of code, what type of code, the alpha-numeric value, and then the description of the code. The table below displays the values for the codes that are used for Navy and Civilian personnel.
Service / (Job) Occupation Type / Description /Navy / NB / Navy Officer Billet Code (NOBC)
Navy / ND / Navy Officer Designator
Navy / NS / Navy Officer Subspecialty Code (SSP)
Navy / NQ / Additional Qualification Designator (AQD)
Navy / NW / Navy Warrant Officer Billet Code
Navy / NR / Rating
Navy / NE / Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC)
Civilian / OC / Civilian Occupation Code
N.ND.2100.Medical Corps Officer
N.NB.0163.Preventive Medicine Officer (Aerospace)
N.NS.15A1J.Aerospace Medicine
N.NQ.6AG.Aviation Medicine, Aerospace Medicine (Preventive Medicine)
N.NR.HM.Hospital Corpsman
N.NE.8404.Field Medical Service Technician
C.OC.0671.Health System Specialist Series
Service Unique Occupation Code (SUOC)
· The SUOC is calculated differently based on the person type. For military (including active duty and reserves) and federal civilians (i.e. NSPS, GS, WG, SES, etc) the SUOC is calculated based on the Primary Occupation of the person. For Local Nationals, Contractors, and Volunteers the SUOC is calculated based on the Job they are filling at the command (the equivalent civilian occupation code as entered on the assignment screen).
· For military personnel, depending on whether the individual is enlisted or an officer will determine how the SUOC is calculated. SUOCs will usually end with an ‘O’ for officer, ‘E’ for enlisted, or ‘C’ for civilian occupation code types (exceptions to this are described below). SUOCs end with the O, E, or C to designate the type of code because there are multiple values that exist for same numeric value. For example 1960 could either be for an officer (Critical Care Nursing) or a civilian (Ammunition Inspector). The Primary occupation code for that person type is used to calculate the SUOC. Individuals may have multiple occupation codes of the same type (they may have three valid NECs or subspecialties) but only one will be identified as Primary and the rest are identified as Alternate (or Secondary for dual component personnel types). For a list of occupation codes and types (with the applicable abbreviations that appear in DMHRSi to determine the type of code) refer to the ‘Occupation Code’ section in this document.
· The SUOC is date specific based on the month being processed and the start and end dates associated with the occupation code record used to calculate it. For example if the month being processed is January and the individual’s only primary occupation code record that is being used to calculate the SUOC has a start date of 15 January, the expenditures for 1 – 14 January will be associated with SUOC of 0000* (with the asterisk replaced with O, E, or C based on the person type) and the expenditures from 15-31 January would use the SUOC that is in the Person Occupations. The methodology that DMHRSi uses to calculate the SUOC and examples are as follows:
o Officers (Active Duty and Reserve)
§ The first four characters of the individual’s primary subspecialty that is valid for the expenditure (based on the expenditure date and the start and end date of the subspecialty) is used to calculate the SUOC and then that code has an ‘O’ appended to the end of it to identify that it is an officer code. The officer’s primary subspecialty is found in the ‘Extra Information’ menu in the ‘Person Occupations’. The record will begin with ‘N.NS’ and then have the value and will be identified as Primary. If the individual has multiple subspecialties, only one should be primary and should apply to that date. As an example if the individual has a subspecialty of 3131P, the SUOC that would be calculated for them is 3131O. 0000O will be calculated for the SUOC if the individual does not have a valid, Primary, subspecialty for the dates of the expenditures.