Minor in Leadership Studies
Information Sheet
An Elon Leader exercises civic responsibility, taking action and engaging others to make a positive difference for the common good.
Goal: To provide an academic experience that will move students along a continuum from the concept of leadership as holding office or getting people to do what you want them to do, to the understanding that leadership is working with people to move together toward the attainment of a vision informed by the common good.
- Expose students to theories and practices of leadership across disciplinary boundaries
- Shape their definition of leadership so that they understand it occurs at the interchange of vision and action
- Teach them the importance of vision being informed by values
- Provide practical skills in the art of working with people in the formulation and attainment of a vision
- Encourage in them an understanding of leadership as a focus of academic inquiry and research
Foundational Courses(both required)8 sh
LED 210Group Dynamics and Leadership (offered spring)4 sh
PHL 215 Ethics and Decision Making (offered fall)4 sh
Theory of Leadership(choose one)4sh
BUS 424 Responsible Leadership (offered fall and spring)4 sh
Prerequisite: BUS 202,BUS 323
PSY 368 The Psychology of Leadership (offered spring)4 sh
Prerequisite: LED 210 or PSY 111 or BUS 303
Leadership Elective (choose one)4sh
POL 325The Presidency4 sh
POL 326The Congress4 sh
HUS 213Groups and Communities4 sh
HUS 411Administration of Human Services Agencies4 sh
ENG 304Understanding Rhetoric4 sh
REL 338Searching for the Sacred: Contemporary Theologians4 sh
SOC 331The Self and Society4 sh
SOC 343Social and Cultural Change4 sh
HST 338Germany: War, Democracy and Hitler, 1914-19454 sh
HST 357America’s Civil War4 sh
HST 365Social Movements in Post-Civil War America4 sh
JCM 300Reporting for the Public Good4 sh
JCM 302Broadcasting in the Public Interest4 sh
JCM 304Public Relations and Civic Responsibility4 sh
*other courses approved by the program coordinator
Capstone Experience(required)4sh
LED 450Leadership in Action (offered spring)4sh
Prerequisites: LED 210, PHL 215, BUS 424 or PSY 368, one elective
Total SH20 sh
Leadership Minor –Information Sheet
Name: / Graduation Year:Datatel Number: / Email: @elon.edu
Local Phone: / Cell Phone:
Major/Minor: / Academic Advisor:
Foundational Courses(8 hrs)Semester/Year Enrolled
1. LED 210Group Dynamics and Leadership
2. PHL 215 Ethics and Decision Making
Theory of Leadership(4 hrs)
Leadership Elective (4hrs)
Capstone Experience(4hrs)
5. LED 450 Leadership in Action (Capstone Course)
I understand the interdisciplinary nature of the leadership minor. In order to complete the minor, I must enroll in a capstone course (LED 450) which requires prior submission of a portfolio including selected academic work from courses taken for the minor(as flagged by respective course syllabi),a current Elon Experiences Transcript,resume,reflections on previous leadership roles, and documentation of a significant leadership experience to be used as the experiential component of the capstone course. My signature below indicates that I am prepared to enroll in the necessary 20 hours of study indicated above and accompanying leadership experience.
(Student signature) (date)
(Coordinator signature) (date)