<Insert release date>
Insert Event Name and where offers <who<what> support
<Name of person> to open event
Members of the local community are being offeredinsert what support> to insert help them do what> and learn more about the links between insert what e.g. travel > and climate change at afree event ininsert location, town>.
The insert Event Name>includes<outline activities> for <who> plus the chance to learn more about the links between <what e.g. travel > and climate change. The event also features a chance to <do what – add something unique>. The event takes place at <location, town, time and date> and will be opened by <insert name>.
The <Event Name>has been organised bylocal <insert organisation status e.g. charity/development trust> as part of their <insert your CCF project name>whichis supported bya grant of <insert grant amount> from the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fundand includes a maximum contribution of <insert amount> from the European Regional Development Fund.
The <insert your CCF project name>offers freesupport <insert where and when> to help people <do what e.g. save energy in the home> as well as supplying information on <what> and climate change.
The Climate Challenge Fund(CCF)is a Scottish Government grant programme, managed and administered by Keep Scotland Beautiful. The CCF has awarded 1,097 grants totalling £101 million to 658 communities since its introduction in 2008, for projects involving energy efficiency, sustainable travel, local food and resource efficiency.
<Insert name, and CCF job title> said:
“Our <insert event name> promises to be a great day out for <insert who> with free <insert activities>and <insert what else>.
“We hope that the local community will enjoy learninghow <insert what e.g. travelling more sustainably by bikecan help tackle climate change as well as benefitting <insert what e.g. your heath and saving you money”.
Insert name and organisation of person to open event>commented:
“I’m very excited to be opening the <insert event name> and am delighted to support such a fun event that will help people <insert what e.g. travel more sustainably>.
“I look forward to meeting the local community, taking part in <insert what>andsampling <insert what>”.
David Gunn, Climate Challenge Fund Manager for Keep Scotland Beautiful said:
We will be pleased to supply a bespoke quote from David Gunn for your press release. Please email with your draft press release if you wish to be supplied with a quote.
Notes to editors
1. The event takes place at <location, town, time and date> and will be opened by <insert name>.Further details at <insert a short website address>
2.The <insert your CCF project name>offers free support <insert where and when> to help people <do what e.g. save energy in the home> as well as supplying information on <what> and climate change. More information at <insert a short website address>
3. <Insert organisation name> is a <insert where you are based<insert your organisation status e.g. charity that offers local people the chance to <do what> become greener through <what activities> Further details at <insert the website address of your organisation>
4. The Climate Challenge Fund is a Scottish Government grant programme, managed and administered by Keep Scotland Beautiful, which provides funding and support for community groups to tackle climate change through local community-led projects that reduce carbon emissions.
5.In 2018-20 the Climate Challenge Fund is £15.3 million and is a combination of £14.3 million from the Scottish Government and £1 million from the European Regional Development Fund.
6.The European Regional Development Fund comes from the European Structural and Investment Fund which helps to facilitate major investments to support transformational change and economic and social structural reforms across Scotland.
7. The Scottish Government is the Managing Authority for the European Structural Funds 2014-20 Programme. For further information visit the websiteor follow @scotgovESIF.
8. <Insert name> is opening the event and is insert more information about the person>
9. Photos of event will be available after the event at <insert website address>
10. Media enquiries to<insert name> on <insert phone number>