Normanton State Schoolcommitment to learning and wellbeing
Normanton State School is a P – 10 School Wide Positive Behaviour Support School that caters for approximately 180 culturally diverse students. The majority of students live in town. Normanton State School is a bypassing school and students have the opportunity to attend boarding school from Year 8. Many students choose to stay in Normanton and we aim to provide a curriculum that will lead them to either further education or employment
LEARNING ENVIRONMENTA positive school ethos and rich learning environment that is open, respectful, caring and safe optimises learning through a commitment to wellbeing.
Normanton State School does this by:
- promoting the school motto of STRIVE TO ACHIEVE and this is reflected in the programs and support structures implemented across the school that encourage each student to achieve his or her personal best in all undertakings and to respect the achievements of others
- promoting the school Statement of Purpose – At Normanton State School we are committed to providing a safe, respectful and disciplined learning environment for students and staff, where students have opportunities to engage in quality learning experiences and acquire values supportive of their lifelong wellbeing
- through the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support system promoting the whole school rules of; I am a Learner, I am Safe, I am Responsible and I am Respectful
- continuing to maintain the capacity of staff to implement School Wide Positive Behaviour Support systems at Normanton State School
- continuing to maintain the capacity of staff to implement the school based social and emotional skilling program PBS TRACKS
- developing a Responsible Behaviour Plan for students in collaboration with school community designed to facilitate high standards of behaviour so that the learning and teaching in our school can be effective and students can participate positively within our school community
- employing a dedicated student support services team, comprising Guidance Officer, HOD Student Welfare, PBS Team and External agencies conducting cohort and whole school assemblies where the school vision and values are explicitly referred to
Curriculum that enhances wellbeing equips students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and strategies to understand and manage themselves and their relationships.
Pedagogy that enhances wellbeing builds positive relationships.
Normanton State School does this by:
- implementing the PBS TRACKS social and emotional skilling program through the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support system
- promoting the connection between improved behaviour and academic outcomes through the evidence based tools within School Wide Positive Behaviour Support
- implementing School Wide Positive Behaviour Support data tracking tools at various times throughout the year to use for future action plans regarding behaviour and social and emotional support needs
- providing staff with professional development to refresh and build capacity around the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support system at Normanton State School
- implementing differentiated curriculum design with a focus on individual student need using data to drive decisions
- providing staff with professional development to refresh and build capacity in the use and analysis of data
- having reward days and events for students throughout the school year to publicly acknowledge those students who meet the whole school rules and expectations
- Aspects of teaching and learning are discussed and workshopped during staff meetings and on student free days creating a common understanding of curriculum expectations and pedagogy
- Administrative staff carry out curriculum observations in classrooms followed by conferencing sessions with teachers
- Teachers on staff participate in peer observations and also mentor others
- Trained Advanced Classroom profilers observe lessons and work with teachers and provide feedback
Policy intentions are transformed into action by school staff, students and the wider community.
Normanton State School does this by:
- by adopting School Wide Positive Behaviour Support as the basis for whole school operation
- consulting with the Local Consultative Committee and the Parents and Citizens Association
- clearly defining the roles of both school and community members within the whole school environment
- establishing and maintaining whole school values and expectations through the explicit teaching of whole school rules; I am a Learner, I am Safe, I am Responsible, and I am Respectful
- actively supporting the development of student leaders through the Student School Leaders
Productive partnerships expand the knowledge, skills and resources available in the school.
Normanton State School does this by:
- maintaining regular communication via school newsletter, community magazine, term mail outs
- active engagement of School Wide Positive Behaviour Support systems to establish and maintain regular communication with parents/ carers regarding individual student progress
- promoting the regular attendance of community members at all school events such as sports and swimming carnivals, school fete, classroom events, celebrations
- actively promoting learning and achievement with students at the end of each term celebrating their learning by showcasing their achievements to the whole school community
- developing a diverse range of pathways for students to connect with work e.g. work experience, school based traineeships
- implementing the Health and Wellbeing processes for Normanton State School
- maintaining the community and service links within the Health and Wellbeing processes at Normanton State School
- utilising the full range of support services and agencies including Community Health, Central and North West Queensland Medicare Local, Royal Flying Doctors Service
*The mention of specific organisation, programs or resources does not imply that they
are endorsed by the Department of Education, Training and Employment.