Attending: Marilyn Adair, Betty Heald, Phyllis Key, Rob Lehmann, Karen Rose..
1. Vice-Chair: Membership, Phyllis Key, opened the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
2. The Minutes of November 10, 2004 were presented. There being no corrections
Karen moved they be accepted. The motion to accept was seconded by Rob and approved unanimously.
Correspondence: We received thank you notes for contributions from ADK ($1,000), Trail Conference ($500 - Capitol Campaign), and NJEL ($500).
3. Treasurer’s report - (attached) - The bank balance is $4,917.20.
4. Committee Reports:
a. Betty reported on progress for 37TH ANNUAL MEETING – APRIL 7, 2005 @ Central Unitarian Church, 156 Forest Ave., Paramus, 07652.
i. Dinner and Social Hour – 7 pm.
Motion to charge $5/person made by Betty, seconded by Rob. Motion approved unanimously.
Menu (Proposed )– hot food (chicken, ribs, roast turkey and/or ham) from local caterer.
Members attending will be asked to contribute salads, desserts, and/or wine and soft drinks
Setup begins 6:30 pm.
ii. Business:
a. By-laws revision - “Officers to be elected will be limited to the following four offices: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and representative to ADK Board of Directors.”
b. Elections [1] - Chris, Betty, and Marilyn were elected to first terms in April 2003. Betty and Chris’s first terms end in 2006. Treasurer, Evelyn Slockbower elected to second term in 2003 which ends in 2006.
The only position up for election in 2005 is BD of Directors representative.
iii. . Awards – Volunteer Patch for Hank Zuloft, Paul Margiotta, and Lilo Kassel
Leader Caps (4 hikes) [2]
iv. Program – Ed Goodell – NY-NJ Trail Conference Capital Campaign
Neil Woodworth – ADK Clear Skies Agenda
v. Post card invitations - mailed out by March 4!
b. Marilyn brought us up-to-date on the ADK Bd of Directors . She was ill and could not attend the December meeting. Interim news is that Membership is down. Cash Reserves are $75,000 short. Portion of dues now returned to Chapters is permanently 30% of what is collected.
c. No report from Conservation
d. Phyllis Key reported that new Membership computer program at Headquarters still doesn’t give her information she needs. (Re. # new members, # non-renewals.) Headquarters is working on revising the program. (Nov. = 806)
e. Karen reported that response to her appeals for Weekly Hikes has been discouraging. It was suggested she insert “Boot-Leg Hikes to meet @ Ramsey Square” on dates when no leader has volunteered. She will write a brief article appealing for leaders for newsletter.
f. Rob reported on Special Outings:. –
i. Twenty-four have signed up for Lapland Lake XC Ski scheduled in March.
ii. The 2005 Fall Outing was discussed at length. Rob presented a table evaluating 7 options. Those present narrowed choices down to the Cambridge Hotel, just east of Saratoga Springs, NY and the Sterling Inn in the Poconos. Rob will contact the Cambridge Inn to see if they will reduce their rates.
iii. TRAILS DAY 2005 is on JUNE 4. Karen will organize and lead a Trails Maintenance Hike on the RD.
g. No report from Education.
h. Webmaster Rob reported the e-mail notification list has increased
from 265 to 285.
i. No report from NY-NJ Trail Conference representative.
Newsletter Deadline – March 4!
NEW BUSINESS: Postponed for discussion until May meeting.
Offer series of 5 hikes :
Equipment, safety, maps, orienteering.
Move to adjourned by Karen; seconded by Marilyn. Meeting adjourned @ 9:10 pm.
Next Meeting – Wednesday, May 11, 2005
[1] North Jersey ByLaws “Bd of Directors can serve no more than two 2-year terms, consecutively”; other elected positions, “can serve no more then two 3-year terms consecutively.”
[2] Records indicate these members lhave led 4 or more hikes: Estelle Anderson, Laura Audino, Eileen Berch, Bob Danetz, Donna Ellis, Ed Fanslau, Deanna Felicetta, Jennifer Leonard, Paul Makus, Leslie McGlynn, Don Morgan, Mary Saraco, Linda Schutz,