Compact, efficient vessel design for smaller windfarms
Norway’s HavyardGoup claims it has confirmed its position within the offshore wind power industry by delivering one of the world’s first purpose-built vessels for offshore windfarms;
the fifth windfarm service vessel for ESVAGT. This is a design and equipment contract for construction at an external shipyard in Europe, and Sales Director GisleVinjevollThrane, is pleased with this contract that leads to work for both Havyard Design & Solutions and several subcontractors in the region.
Contract value for the Havyard 831 SOV is more than NOK 70 million. The equipment package includes a DE propulsion system from Norwegian Electric Systems AS (part-owned by Havyard) as well as Havyard IAS and Havyard Concept Bridge. “We have developed a vessel that has met requirements from both the shipowner and operator.
We have balanced technical aspects with commercial requirements, and as such, we have been able to win this contract in a tough and competitive market. The vessel is due to be delivered to ESVAGT in August 2019, and will enter a contract with the Danish wind power company MHI Vestas and serve in the OWF Deutsche Bucht field”, said Sales Director GisleVinjevollThrane of Havyard Design & Solutions.
There is an expected NOK 1000 billion investment within offshore wind power, in Europe alone. In addition, there are an increasing number of ocean windfarms around the globe. Farms are also increasingly further away from shore compared to previously. As a result, purpose-built vessels are needed. This is going to be the seventh Havyard vessel heading to ESVAGT.
The other contracts are four windfarm vessels, one oil service vessel and one vessel for crew change. “Through our close cooperation with Havyard we know that we get vessels that provide our customers with safe, innovative and efficient services,” said Chief Operating Officer Kristian Ole Jakobsen of ESVAGT.
During development of this design, there has been great emphasis on developing an efficient platform in order to serve offshore windfarms.
The vessel has large and comfortable accommodation with capacity for putting up windfarm service personnel, in addition to the vessel’s crew. Additionally, good storage capacity for equipment and tools has been provided for below deck and for containers on deck.
The vessel is fitted out with ESVAGT ‘s own STB (Safe Transfer Boat), boats that are launched for transport of service personnel to the windfarms, in addition to an integrated, heave-compensatedgangway. Work on both design and equipment package will start immediately and the vessel is due to be delivered in August 2019.
Source: Maritime Journal