Name: ______

Magnetism/Electromagnet Lab


Touch a paperclip to the paperclip that is taped to the table and let go. What happens? ______

Is the taped paperclip magnetized? ______

Touch a paperclip to the magnet and let go. What happens? ______


Now touch a second paperclip to the first one. What happens? ______


Is the first paperclip magnetized? ______

How many paperclips will hang from the magnet simply by touching? ______

Explain how the magnet affects paperclips. ______



Place the bar magnet on the large piece of pink paper. Place the smaller white piece of paper over the magnet. MAKE SURE THE ENTIRE MAGNET IS COVERED BY PAPER. Sprinkle the iron filings from the container in a thin layer on top of the white paper. In the space below, draw a picture of what happens. When you are finished, carefully lift the white paper up off of the magnet, and slide the iron filings back into the container.


Look at the magnet that is sitting on the table. Notice that it has one end marked N for north, and one end marked S for south. Take the north end of the magnet and put it near the north end of the magnet hanging from the string. What happens? ______


Take the north end of the magnet and put it near the south end of the hanging magnet. What happens? ______

Take the south end of the magnet and put it near the north end of the hanging magnet. What happens? ______

Take the south end of the magnet and put it near the south end of the hanging magnet. What happens? ______

Do opposite ends of magnets attract or repel? ______

Do like ends of magnets attract or repel? ______


Place the horseshoe magnet on the large piece of brown paper. Place the smaller white piece of paper over the magnet. MAKE SURE THE ENTIRE MAGNET IS COVERED BY PAPER. Sprinkle the iron filings from the container in a thin layer on top of the white paper. In the space below, draw a picture of what happens. When you are finished, carefully lift the white paper up from the magnet and slide the iron filings back into the container.


1. Hook up the solenoid to the galvanometer (black to black, red to red).

2. Move the north end of the magnet through the center of the solenoid.

What happens to the galvanometer? ______

3. Move the south end of the magnet through the center of the solenoid.

What happens to the galvanometer? ______

4. Explain what is happening. ______



1. Hook up the solenoid to the battery (black to negative, red to positive)

without the rod inserted into the solenoid.

2. Put paper clips by the solenoid. What happens? ______

3. Bring the compass to the top of the solenoid. What happens?


4. Insert the rod into the solenoid. What happens to the paper clips?


What happens to the compass? ______

5. How does the bar affect the solenoid? ______



1. Touch a plain nail to the paper clips. What happens? ______

2. Pick up the nail wrapped in wire. Attach the wire to the battery using the

alligator clips.

3. Touch the wire-wrapped nail to the paper clips. What happens?


4. Unhook the wire from the battery.

5. Coil the remaining wire around the nail.

6. Reattach the wire to the battery.

7. Touch the wire-wrapped nail to the paper clips. What happens?


8. What does this tell you about the number of coils in an electromagnet?
