Risk factors
ID / Diagnosis / Symptoms / NIHSS / Radiology / PIS / AF / HT / IHD / DM
1 / Ischemic stroke (U) / Left hemiparesis and left facial palsy / 4 / MRI: Several ischemic lesions (each > 1.5 cm) in parietal-, frontal and occipital lobes in both hemispheres
CDUS: No stenosis / x
2 / Ischemic stroke (CE) / Right hemiparesis, right facial palsy and aphasia / 2 / MRI: Acute ischemic lesion (> 1.5 cm) in left parietal lobe
CDUS: No stenosis / x / x
3 / Ischemic stroke (SV) / Left hemiparesis and neglect / 9 / CT: Acute subcortical ischemic lesion (< 1.5 cm) in right frontal lobe
CDUS: No stenosis / x
4 / Ischemic stroke (U) / Left hemiparesis (symptoms in remission at day 3) / 0 / MRI: Acute subcortical ischemic lesion (< 1.5 cm) in right frontal lobe
CDUS: < 50 % occlusion / x / x / x
5 / Ischemic stroke (LV) / Right hemiparesis / 5 / MRI: Acute subcortical ischemic lesion (> 1.5 cm) in left frontal lobe
CDUS: No stenosis / x / x
6 / Ischemic stroke (CE) / Right hemiparesis and dysartria / 2 / MRI: Two acute ischemic lesions (> 1.5 cm) in left frontal lobe
CDUS: No stenosis / x
7 / Ischemic stroke (U) / Right hemiparesis, right facial palsy and aphasia / 9 / CT: Acute ischemic lesion (> 1.5 cm) in left parietal lobe
CDUS: No stenosis / x
8 / Ischemic stroke (LV) / Apraxia and hyperreflexia on left side / 2 / MRI: Acute ischemic lesion (> 1.5 cm) in right parietooccipital area
CDUS: No stenosis / x
9 / Ischemic stroke (LV) / Left hemiparesis and left facial palsy / 5 / MRI: Acute ischemic lesion (> 1.5 cm) in right frontal lobe
CDUS: > 50 % occlusion / x / x
10 / Ischemic stroke (CE) / Right hemiparesis, aphasia and apraxia / 6 / MRI: Two acute ischemic lesions (> 1.5 cm) in left temporal lobe and left cerebellar hemisphere
CDUS: No stenosis / x
11 / Alzheimers disease / Cognitive deficits / n.r. / CT: Normal
12 / Multiple sclerosis / Opticus neuritis, sensory disturbances / n.r. / MRI: White matter lesions in cerebrum, brainstem and spinal cord consistent with MS
13 / Multiple sclerosis / Right hemiparesis, hyperreflexia, headache / n.r. / MRI: Multiple white matter lesions in cerebrum consistent with MS
14 / Dementia (unclear etiology) / Cognitive deficits / n.r. / MRI: Unspecific white matter lesions / x
15 / Polyneuropathy / Sensory loss in feet / n.r. / MRI: Normal
16 / Multiple sclerosis / Impairment in fine motor skills / n.r. / MRI: Multiple white matter lesions in cerebrum consistent with MS
17 / Dementia (mixed etiology) / Cognitive deficits / n.r. / MRI: Cortical atrophy and chronic lacunar ischemic lesions / x / x
18 / Polyneuropathy / Distal paresis in both legs / n.r. / n.r.
19 / Toxic encephalopathy / Cognitive deficits / n.r. / CT: Normal
20 / Vascular dementia / Cognitive deficits / n.r. / MRI: Extensive leukoenchephalopathy and atrophy of cerebral cortex / x / x

NIHSS National Institute of Health Stroke Scale, PIS previous ischemic stroke, AF atrial fibrillation, HT hypertension, IHDischemic heart disease or periferal atherosclerosis, DM diabetes mellitus, C stroke caused by cardioembolism, S stroke caused by small artery occlusion, L stroke caused by large artery atherosclerosis, U stroke of undetermined etiology (two or more potential causes), MRI magnetic resonance imaging, CT computed tomography, CDUS carotid doppler ultrasound, x risk factor present, n.r. not relevant