2nd PeriodContemporary Issues Debate Groups

Moderators (2):

  1. Natalie
  2. William
  3. Jenna

Topic/Issue / YES / NO / Date of Debate / Moderator
Death penalty should be abolished. / Mickayla
Emma / Tori
Dante / Tuesday 12/8 / Jenna
Marijuana should be legalized for recreational use. / Sonum
Madisyn / Chris C
Andrew G / Tuesday 12/8 / Natalie
Assisted suicide should be legal in the U.S. / Lauren
Ryan / Bridget
Ruth / Wednesday 12/9 / Natalie
Government should have the ability to censor its citizens. / Tarif
Meghan / Cynthia
Jen / Wednesday 12/9 / Natalie
Torturing for information should be legal. / Noah
Christopher F / Amber
Andrew W / Thursday 12/10 / William
Sex education should be more comprehensive. / Kerryanne
Chasity / Kelsey
Miranda / Thursday 12/10 / William
Capitalism is superior to socialism. / Alex
Evan / Cassie
Maddie / Friday 12/11 / Jenna
Governments should welcome refugees in times of crisis. / Joyanne
Alex C / Avery
Shauna / Friday 12/11 / Jenna
Debate Topic/Issue/Claim / Debaters / Moderator
Death penalty should be abolished. /
  1. X Mickayla McCann (yes)
  2. XEmma Botwick (yes)
  3. XTori Tobul(yes)
  4. X Dante Genua (no)
/ Jenna Wilson
Marijuana should be legalized for recreational use. /
  1. X Sonum Sahni – for
  2. X Madisyn Butler – for
  3. X chris cotto - Against
  4. X Andrew Guillermo – Against
/ Natalie Zazzeri
Assisted suicide should be legal in the U.S. /
  1. X Lauren Grosse
  2. X ryan shumar
  3. x Bridget McElroy
  4. xRuth
/ Natalie Zazzeri
Government should have the ability to censor its citizens. /
  1. X Cynthia against
  2. X Jen Morton (against)
  3. X Tarif Rahman (for)
  4. XMeghan Campos (for)
/ Natalie Zazzeri
Torturing for information should be legal. /
  1. Amber Wilson
  2. Andrew Waser
  3. Noah Bessette for
  4. Christopher Ferrantino for

Sex education should be more comprehensive. /
  1. Kerryanne (for)
  2. Kelsey Ledger (for)
  3. X Miranda Bucher (for)
  4. X Chasity Williams(for)

Capitalism is superior to socialism. /
  1. X Alex Clark (for)
  2. X Cassie Gaffud (con)
  3. X Evan James (for)
  4. xMaddie Harvey
/ Jenna Wilson
Governments should welcome refugees in times of crisis. /
  1. Joyanne Terry(yes)
  2. Alex Karlos (yes)
  3. Avery Gray (yes)
  4. Shauna Ralston (yes)
/ Jenna Wilson

You may have noticed that you have not been put into a for or against category yet. Don’t worry about that. For now, your job is to become intimately knowledgeable of both sides of the issues – this knowledge is crucial to a successful debate for you.

Tasks for today:

  1. Determine/research the experts in your field/on your topic.
  2. Find credible sources/information for both the affirmative and negative positions

The following chart will help you complete these tasks.

Topic/Issue / Possible Source (list as much bibliographic information as you can find) / What is the value of the source? Ethos, pathos, logos, hook, or background? Do your best to find EXPERT OPINIONS on your topic!