Cotswold Way Challenge Hike
Just to thank each and every person who kindly donated towards my Cotswold Way challenge hike on July 1st-I made it!! Setting off amongst 2000 participants from Bath as we tackled the first 50km of the Cotswold Way, Dr Averill (Woodside Medical Centre, Coventry) and I together with two others felt optimistic and happy that the weather had been kind to us. The optimism and enjoyment lasted for the first few hours (!) but as we continued up and down ridges, the ever-strengthening sun beating strongly on our backs, the kilometres seemed to become longer and longer…!! We kept going and after a much-needed rest stop at 38km, the 40-50km stretch seemed to take an age, but we made it and I very much enjoyed the celebratory glass of fizz at the end (+ dinner and a sit down)! It was a fabulous day-so many people out raising money for so many fantastic causes, and at the time of writing, my total raised for Cancer Research UK stands at over £750. Although challenging, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and (now a little better rested!) am turning my thoughts to what to take on next…!
P.S. I even made it into Open Surgery on the Monday; thankyou to all for your tolerance and patience as I hobbled around the surgery (and to our wonderful team for all the tea and cake!!)
Farewells & new faces
The time has come for our current registrars Dr Nick Tyrrell and Dr Chris Troth to leave us and to move on to the next stages in their careers. In early August Dr Tyrrell will leave us having completed his GP training and Dr Troth will move on the final stage of his GP training at the New Dispensary practice in Warwick. We wish them both every success.
We look forward to welcoming our new registrars Dr Gayatri Tripathy and Dr Chris Waller who will both start in August.
Wednesday late night surgery
Sadly as of October the funding for our extended hours of Wednesday late surgery will stop. We have taken the difficult decision to discontinue this service at the surgery. The surgery will close at 6.30pm
Brookside Talks - Date for your Diary -Thursday 24th August, 8pm
Our summer season of talks has been an enlightening experience and an enjoyable way to get out into the community to talk about heart disease. Thankyou to all who have attended one of the four locations so far (Frankton, Marton, Ryton & Long Itchington) and for such overwhelmingly positive feedback. As we roll on into August, we will reach the conclusion with our final talk of the season 'Heart Health - Focus on High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol' being on Thursday 24th August (8pm) at Stretton-on-Dunsmore village hall. We hope to see as many of you there as possible for the last of these free, interesting, educational talks. Tea and coffee provided.
Please note that unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances, the Brookside Talks evenings at Bubbenhall (16th Aug) and Cawston (17th Aug) have been CANCELLED.
Flu Vaccination Clinics
Advance notice that our flu clinics this year will be on:-
Saturday 30th September 9.00 – 11.00 am
Saturday 14th October 9.00 – 11.00 am
Appointments will be available to book from 1st September.
And Finally
We are pleased to announce the safe arrival of baby Orla Farrell on 17th May, we send Dr Abby Farrell and her family all our very best wishes.