Ki-Yi Treasure Hunt

Lesson Objectives: After completing this activity the student will be able to…

  1. Demonstrate how to navigate to predetermined waypoints.
  2. Demonstrate proficiency in using the handheld GPS unit.
  3. Demonstrate how to set waypoints.

You and your partners are hunting for the lost Chief of the Ki-Yi tribe. The goal is to locate him by using predetermined coordinates, then meet back at the location determined by the instructor to report your findings.

By virtue of your enrollment at WatertownHigh School you are all members of the Ki-Yi tribe. Each member will be paired with another to conduct your hunt.You must report your findings to your instructor, Mr. Peterson.

The challenge involves solving clues at various locations surrounding WatertownHigh School to find the hidden treasure. You have a predetermined amount of time to locate each clue and report back to the instructor.

Upon arrival, you will need to map the route your team took to find the clues and locate the Chief. A successful result will be returning on time to the designated location with all clues entered as waypoints in your GPS unit and create an accurate map of your route in ArcView GIS.

Your first waypoint is 44° 54.16N and 97° 06.210W There you will find…

  1. When was the first high school built in Watertown? ______

The next waypoint can be found by solving the math problem below:

4321 + year = AAAA

N 44° 54.132 / W 97° 0A.AAA

  1. Which famous person’s picture is on the wall behind the desk?


Each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number in order from A-Z.

A=1 B=2 C=3 etc…

Add the first letter of the first name to the second and third letter of the last name. Your numeric total is $$.

Your next waypoint is N44° 54.263/W 97° 06.0$$.

  1. What year was it when this building was painted by students? ______

Add 2428 to your year for the CCCC.

Your next waypoint is N44° 5C.CCC / W97° 05.921

  1. How many minutes a day do the BMX riders have privileges? ______=DD

Subtract 85 from DD to get the minutes portion of the longitude coordinate for the next waypoint.

Your next waypoint is N44° 54.374 / W97° _ _ .777

  1. What are the last four digits in the phone number on the sign? ______=EEEE.

EEEE – 218 = FFFF

Your next waypoint is N44° 5F.FFF / 97° 05.955

  1. Who is this place named after? ______

Each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number in order from A-Z.

A=1 B=2 C=3 etc…

Add together each letter of the name from above = GG

The treasure is found at your next waypoint

N44° 54.0GG / W97° 05.905