Meeting called to order by Mayor.
Previous minutes, claims and liquor license renewal requests from CJ Speedway and New York Dollar Store.
Motion to approve consent agenda by Huston, second by Prior. Huston- yes, Prior- yes, Kaalberg –yes, Payne –yes, Wink –yes. Approved.
MEDICAL FACILITY / AMBULANCE BUILDING PROJECT-Dianne Bohling and Linda Verink made a request to the City Council for funding toward the Louisa County Ambulance Base Building project. These funds will be used to help build an addition to the existing building. The project will include a larger building for the new ambulance recently purchased along with turning the existing building into training and education space with sleeping quarters for personnel.
The request for $35,000.00 from the Roundy Fund was made by the two members.
Motion by Kaalberg and second by Prior to donate $35,000.00 to the Ambulance Building project with the funds to be paid out of Roundy Account. Huston-abstained, Prior –yes, Kaalberg –yes, Payne –yes, Wink –yes. Approved.
FRENCH RENEKER ASSOC. – AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN WORK /NEW HERITAGE PHASE II – Matt Walker, representing French Reneker presented the agreement for engineering services to the City of Columbus Junction to design 700 feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer; 550 feet of 6 inch water main and extending the street of New Heritage Trail approximately 300 feet and to complete the Village Square cul-de-sac.
The fee for Engineer design work is $16,500.00 to be billed monthly, along with a budget of $28,000.00 for services during construction.
Motion to approve agreement with French Reneker for engineering services on New Heritage Phase II by Prior, second by Wink. Huston- yes, Prior- yes, Kaalberg –yes, Payne –yes, Wink –yes. Approved.
STANARD CONSULTANT CONTRACT-LOCUST STREET BRIDGE OVER MONKEY RUN-FRENCH RENEKER ASSOC. – French Reneker is agreeing to provide preliminary survey and engineering services in connection with the design and preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates for improvements as well as construction-related engineering services to assist with the development and completion of the Project. Cost for these services include, $39,986.00 for design and $46,711.00 for construction related work. The City received a grant from the U.S. Federal Highway Administration to fund the project; City’s cost will be 20% of the estimated $475,000.00.
Improvements include removal of current bridge and replacing it with a box culvert and grading and road surfacing in accordance with the current Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.
Move to approve contract with French Reneker by Kaalberg, second by Payne. Huston- yes, Prior- yes, Kaalberg –yes, Payne –yes, Wink –yes. Approved.
1ST READING SEWER RATE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT- Ordinance amendment to include increases in current sewer rate charges. Changes include the following;
- First 2,000 gallons or lesser amount per month from $9.00 to $10.00
- Next 48,000 gallons from $3.50 to $4.50 per 1000 gallon
- Over 50,000 gallons from $$0.75 to $1.00 per 100 gallon
Motion to approve 1st reading of sewer rate ordinance amendment by Prior, second by Wink. Huston- yes, Prior- yes, Kaalberg –yes, Payne –yes, Wink –yes. Approved.
(2ND Reading on next agenda)
COLUMBUS HERITAGE MUSEUM- Lisa Hills, Columbus Heritage Museum board member made a request to the council for financial assistance toward the Museums winter utility bills.
Motion by Huston to donate $3,000.00 from Roundy Funds to the Columbus Heritage Museum to help cover utility expenses by Huston, second by Prior. Huston- yes, Prior- yes, Kaalberg –yes, Payne –yes, Wink –yes. Approved.
Utilities – None
Streets & Sidewalks – None
Public Safety- Chief Orr currently going thru the screening process of Police Officer applications.
Finance – None
Community Development- None
MAYOR’S REPORT-Committee has been formed and is working on the plans for RAGBRI. Columbus Junction is a pass thru town.
Negotiating with the Railroad on purchasing land for the future boat landing project.
Meeting adjourned by Mayor.
Mayor Attest: City Clerk