Guidelines for the use of ‘Naming the Bones of the Batsman’
Activity title: / Naming the Bones of the BatsmanCurriculum area: / Science
NC objectives: / Sc 2a, c, d, g, h, i, j, m, Sc2 1a, b, & c
Main learning objective: / To understand the role of the Skeleton for our bodies and to be able to name the major bones.
Timing / Lesson plan and supporting resources
15 minutes / · Ask the class to stand up and then ask them why they are able to do this. Lead to bones and muscles and nervous system. Ask them to act as if they had no bones, muscles and nervous system. Discuss the importance of a strong skeletal, muscular and nervous system and reasons for this.
· Discuss the three main roles of the human skeleton (Movement, protection, support).
30 minutes / · Provide the class with the activity for this module. They can begin by filling in the missing words for the bones they know and then once pupils have got as far as they can, use the website: to help.
· Once the pupils are finished labelling the diagram, look further at the website and each individual bone by using the interactive function on each word.
· There is also an interactive skeleton to build on:
15 minutes / · Move around the class and make sure that all of the bones have been labelled correctly. Use ‘3.1b Answer sheet to naming the bones of the batsman’ if required.
· Get the class to stand up and play ‘The batsman says’ in the same way as ‘Simon says’ but by touching the bones of the body, Begin with the teacher leading the game and then select pupils to lead the game.
· For a fun end finish by using, a puppet skeleton.
Suggested extension activities or cross curricular links:
· Write fact files about the bones of the body.
· Make cut out skeletons with joints using split pins.
· Look at the muscles of the body and how muscles work.
· Use for an online test for the names of the bones of the skeleton.