We invite our education partners to participate in next May’s CMHACY Conference,
“Creating Solutions ~ Integration, Innovation, Intervention”
The California Mental Health Advocates for Children and Youth (CMHACY) is excited about the outstanding turnout and partnerships created at last year’s conference. We would like to extend an invitation to districts to present innovative programs for building supportive environments focused on how student engagement, parental involvement, and school climate lead to wellness and enhance academic learning. School−community collaborations are leading to improved outcomes for our children, youth, and families all across California. We would like to highlight productive examples being implemented by districts.
We are seeking workshop proposals for the May conference that depict cutting-edge, evidence-based programs and successful school−community collaborations. Our goal is to include examples of excellence-enhancing elements throughout education and/or the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). We invite you to join us in presenting programs of excellence that improve student academic outcomes in the following areas or other areas that support student mental wellness.
Student Engagement / School ClimateParent Involvement / Substance Abuse and Prevention
Innovations Working with Alternative Ed. Students / Education Services for Foster Youth
We recognize that programs and activities are diverse and vary in every county so we are reaching out to you, the education community, to help us identify those programs and activities that promote mental wellness through student involvement, parent engagement, and school climate. We look forward to a successful conference with new partners and ideas to collaborate in order to spread the knowledge far and wide and increase positive outcomes for our students. The deadline for submitting a proposal for a workshop is December 31, 2014. Details on proposal submission are at http://www.cmhacy.org or by email at .
Hoping to see you in May,
The CMHACY Education Committee
Marty Giffin, President, CMHACY Board of Directors
Maureen Burness, Co-Executive Director, Statewide Special Education Task Force and Retired SELPA Administrator
Michael Lombardo, Director of Student Support Services, Placer County Office of Education
Danielle Molé, Policy Advocate/Grassroots Advocacy Coordinator, California Alliance of Child and Family Services
Monica Nepomuceno, Education Programs Consultant, Mental Health Services Act Program, Calif Dept of Education
Nancy M. Shea, Senior Attorney, Mental Health Advocacy Services, Inc.
Paul Sorbo, Deputy Director, Child/Youth Services, San Mateo County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services