UNIT:Getting to Know You
UNIT OVERVIEW:Students will revisit and reconnect with the declarative knowledge of basic grammar and punctuation terms in order to share a common language which can be utilised during analysis and editing of texts.
ASSESSMENT:Short Answer Test
No / Learning Goal / Success Criteria(I know I’ve got it when I can …)
1 / To explain the expectations of my behaviour, effort and homework in English and apply my previous knowledge about writing to compose an introductory letter about myself to my teacher. / Recall guidelines, bookwork rules and homework expectations.
Class effort, work and conduct reflect guidelines.
Complete a letter of introduction to the best of my ability.
2 / To identify my strengths and weaknesses in some aspects of basic grammar and punctuation by applying prior knowledge to complete a pre-test. / Complete pre-test to the best of ability, attempting all questions.
3 / To explain andclassify the different types of nouns and their purpose and to be able to identify them in sentences. / Define nouns and noun types.
100% success in categorising nouns and identifying nouns and pronouns worksheets/activities.
4 / To explain the different types of adjectives and their purpose and be able to identify and apply this in sentences to make writing more vivid. / Define adjectives and name the types of adjectives.
100% success on worksheets/activities using adjectives in writing.
5 / To explain the difference between verbs and verb groups and the three verb tenses and identify them in sentences. / Define verbs, verb groups and verb tenses.
100% success on verbs/tenses worksheets/activities.
6 / To explain the purpose of adverbs and identify and applythis to write more vividly. / Define adverbs and three main types.
100% success on worksheets/activities using adverbs in writing.
7 / To explain the purpose of prepositions and conjunctions and be able to identify and apply them in sentences. / To be able to define prepositions and conjunctions.
100% success on worksheets/activities using in prepositions and conjunctions in writing.
8 / To explain the purpose of basic punctuation marks (capital letter, full stop, exclamation mark, question mark, comma andsemi-colon) and apply in writing. / To be able to state when basic punctuation marks are used.
100% success on worksheets/activities using correct punctuation in sentences.
9 / To explain the purpose of the apostrophe and apply in writing. / To be able to state when apostrophes are used.
100% success on worksheets/activities using apostrophes in writing.