Minutes of Selectboard Meeting

Monday – October 8, 2007

Board Present: Robert Vasseur, Edward Read and Jared Cadwell

Guests: Darrell Mays, Kara Herlihy, Erin Chase

Meeting called to order 6:30 p.m.

1. Jared made a motion to approve minutes of September 24, 2007. Ed seconded. No further discussion, all in favor, minutes approved.

2. Darrell Mays came to the Selectboard (SB) with an idea to develop the Beverly Brothers land and the Town owned Fayston Country Store lot into work force housing. He would like to build 12 units with a price range of approximately $150,000.00 each. He had zoning questions and was advised to meet with the Planning Commission and Development Review Boards to get those questions answered. The SB did note that they supported his idea and felt the location would be appropriate for such an endeavor. The SB will get back to him as to the market value of the Town owned lot.

3. SB discussed the 1% penalty that the state has ruled the Town should collect for each HS 122 late filer. A citizen is questioning her penalty and feels as she was not aware of this timely filing requirement that she should not be penalized and upon calling the Vt. Tax Dept. was informed that the Town could remove this penalty if they chose. Virginia Vasseur had also called the Vt. Tax Dept. and found this to be true. The SB decided that this was not the appropriate thing to do as one would then have to remove it for every late filer. It was advised that this citizen should take her concern through the Board of Abatement process.

4. SB discussed the resignation of Margaret Torizzo from the DRB which brings the number of members down from seven to four. Interest to be on the DRB has come from Michael Quenneville and Shayne Jaquith. Michael will be asked to come in for an interview next meeting. SB has previously met with Shayne. Jared also made a motion to extend the interim five member DRB until January 1, 2008. Bob seconded, no further discussion, motion carried.

5. SB agreed that 911 numbers should be assigned to the parking area across from the Fayston Elementary School, water trough on N. Fayston Road and the gravel pit.

6. SB agreed to bid on the Armstrong mobile home if Gini takes it to tax sale.

7. SB reviewed the zoning administrator August and September reports. See attached.

8. SB signed pre-existing curb cut application for Gregory Blair.

9. Selectboard read mail and signed orders of 10/1/07 and 10/8/07.

10. 7:13pm - Jared made a motion to adjourn, Ed seconded. No further discussion, all in favor, motion carried.

The next Selectboard meeting will be October 22, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. at the Fayston Municipal Building.

Respectfully Submitted:

Patti Lewis

Approved: ______Date: ______

Robert Vasseur, Chair