John Aubrey, Miscellanies (1696), chapter on Omens:
p.37 When I was a Freshman at Oxford 1642, I was wont to go to Christ-Church to see King Charles I. at Supper: Where I once heard him say,
That as he was Hawking in Scotland, he rode into the Quarry, and [p.38] found the Covey of Partridges falling upon the Hawk; and I do remember this expression farther, viz. and I will swear upon the Book 'tis true. When I came to my Chamber, I told this Story to my Tutor; said he, That Covey was London.
The Bust of King Charles I. carv'd by Barnini, as it was brought in a Boat upon the Thames, a strange Bird [the like whereof the Bargemen had never seen] drop'd a drop of Blood, or Blood-like upon it; which left a stain not to be wiped off. This Bust was carved from a Picture of Sir Anthony Van Dyke's Drawing; the Sculptor found great fault with the Fore-head, as most unfortunate. There was a Seam in the middle of his Fore-head (downwards) which is a very ill sign in Metoposcopie.
Colonel Sharington Talbot was at Nottingham, when King Charles I. did set up his Standard upon the top of the Tower there. He told me, that the first night, the Wind blew it so, that it hung down almost horizontal; which some did take to be an ill Omen.
The day that the Long Parliament began 1641, the Scepter fell out of the Figure of King Charles in Wood in Sir---Trenchard's Hall at Wullich in Dorset, as they were at dinner in the Parlour: Justice Hunt then dined there.
The Picture of Arch-Bishop Lawd in his [p.39] Closet fell down [the string brake] the day of the sitting of that Parliament. This is mentioned in Canterbury's Doom by W. Prynn.
The Psalms for the Eleventh Day of the Month are 56, 57, 58, &c.On the 11th. day of one of the Months in the Summer time, the Citizens came tumultuously in great Numbers in Boats and Bardges over against White-hall, to shew, they would take the Parliaments part. The Psalms aforesaid, both for Morning and Evening Service are as Prophecies of the Troubles that did ensue.
When the High-Court of Justice was voted in the Parliament-House, as Berkenhead [the Mace-bearer] took up the Mace to carry it before the Speaker, the top of the Mace fell off. This was avowed to me by an Eye-witness then in the House.
The Head of King Charles Is. Staff did fall off at his Tryal; that is commonly known.
The Second Lesson for the 30th.ofIanuary in the Kalendar before the Common-Prayer, is concerning the Tryal of Christ: which when Bishop Duppe read, the King was displeased with him, thinking he had done it of choice: but the Bishop cleared himself by the Kalendar, as is to be seen.
King Charles II. was Crowned at the very conjunction of the Sun and Mercury; Mercury being then in Corde Solis.As the King was at Dinner in Westminster-Hall, it Thundred [p.40] and Lightnedextreamly. The Cannons and the Thunder played together.
King Charles II. went by long Sea to Portsmouth, or Plymouth, or both: an extraordinary Storm arose, which carried him almost to France. Sir Ionas Moor (who was then with his Majesty) gave me this Account, and said, that when they came to Portsmouth to refresh themselves, they had not been there above half an Hour, but the Weather was Calm and the Sun shone: His Majesty put to Sea again, and in a little time they had the like Tempestuous Weather as before.
The Gloucester-Frigot cast away at the Lemanore, and most of the Men in it, the Duke of York escaping in a Cock-boat Anno 1682. May the fifth, on a Fryday.
When King Iames II. was Crowned [according to the Ancient Custom, the Peers go to the Throne, and kiss the King] the Crown was almost kiss'd off his Head. An Earl did set it right: And as he came from the Abbey to Westminster-Hall, the Crown totter'dextreamly.
The Canopy [of Cloath of Gold] carried over King Iames IIs. Head by the Wardens of the Cinque Ports, was torn by a puff of Wind as he came to Westminster-hall: It hung down very lamentably: I saw it.
The top of his Scepter[Flower de Lis] did then fall, which the Earl of Peterborough took up. [p.41]
Upon Saint Mark's day, after the Coronation of King Iames II.were prepared stately Fire-works on the Thames: It happened, that they took fire all together, and it was so dreadful, that several Spectators leap'd into the River, choosing rather to be drown'd than burn'd. In a Yard by the Thames was my Lord Powys's Coach and Horses: the Horses were so frighted by the Fire-works, that the Coachman was not able to stop them, but ran away over one who with great difficulty recovered.
When King Iames II. was at Salisbury, Anno 1688, the Iron Crown upon the Turret of the Councel-house was blown off.
In February, March, and April, two Ravens built their Nests on the Weather-cock of the high Steeple at Bakwell in Darbyshire.
I did see Mr. Chr. Love beheaded on Tower-hill, in a delicate clear day: About half an hour after his Head was struck off, the Clouds gathered blacker and blacker: and such terrible Claps of Thunder came, that I never heard greater.
'Tisreported, that the like happened after the Execution of Alderman Cornish in Cheap-side, Octob. 23. 1685.