
A / an v. one; 98

Accessibility; 79; 80; 82; 89

Active v. passive; 67

Addressor v. coherence, addressee-oriented; 351

Adjective, epithetical (epithet); 139

contrastive v. non-contrastive; 138; 139

epithetical, pre- v. post- positioning; 138; 139

post-positioning for grandiose effect in English; 138

post-positioning of epithets of classifiers; 138

Adjuncts; 161

Adverb, modal; 120; 125

Allen, Woody; 16; 39

Allusion; 307

Ambiguity, avoidance of; 92; 160; 357

Anaphor; 59


islands; 62

nouns; 237

peninsulas; 62

associative; 62

in generative linguistics; 71

metaphorical; 225

Anaphora; 13; 65

definition of; 59

donkey; 36

negative; 86; 232

rhetorical; 18

v. coreference; 37

And / or, retrospective use of; 165

Anderson, R.C.; 38; 220; 333

Antecedent; 37; 59

trigger; 60

Antonym; 232; 246; 267; 275; 278

Aphasia; 43

Apodosis; 124

Appell and Darstellung; 358

Aristotle; 36; 262

Artificial intelligence; 312

Aspect; 145

Associates; 242

Association; 244

anti-association; 251

v. collocation; 255

Associationalism; 353

Austin, J.L.; 210

Barber, Malcolm; 187

Barlett, F.C.; 46; 318

Bates, H.E.; 113

Battye, A. et al.; 319

Baugh A.C. and Cable, T.; 68; 127


and have as substitutes; 114, 116

used with supplementary do; 114

Bedford, Dean; 106

Behaviourism; 353

Belletti, A.; 148

Berlin, B. and Kay, P.; 250

Bhatia, V.K.; 44; 71; 307

Bidden, John; 164

Blake, William; 163

Bloomfield, L.; 32

Bloor M. and Bloor T.; 162

Bolinger, D.; 244

Bonding; 297

and coherence; 305

bonded sentences, distance between; 305

Bowie, David; 137

Brain event; 56

Branco, A.; 10

Brooke, Rupert; 65

Brown, D.E.; 250

Brown, G. and Gilman, A.; 68

Brown, G. and Yule, G.; 34; 38; 46; 61; 81; 318; 332

Bühler, K.; 358

Canadian Hansard Treebank; 204

Carrell, P.; 32; 246; 265

Carroll, Lewis; 11; 118; 126; 151; 209

Carter, R. and McCarthy, M.; 241

Cataphora; 60; 65

structural; 82

Centering theory; 226; 335

Central determiner; 74; 88

Central sentences

as summaries; 296

v. marginal sentences; 292

Centrality, measurement of; 293


identity; 60; 69; 263; 265; 345

of reference; 60

similarity; 263; 264

co-classification; 264

co-extension; 264

Chalmers, D.J.; 353

Chambers, William and Chambers, Robert; 188; 189

Channel v. medium; 34

Charles-Brown, Timothy; 196

Chiaro, D.; 165; 322

Chinese characters; 47

Chomsky, N.; 10; 39; 42; 71; 103; 127; 146; 224; 240; 249; 251; 356

Christiansen, T.W.; 9; 11; 12; 13; 19; 33; 53; 56; 61; 63; 69; 71; 75; 80; 96; 100; 101; 105; 106; 107; 109; 111; 114; 118; 123; 124; 127; 133; 137; 139; 145; 148; 152; 172; 173; 178; 180; 181; 182; 184; 185; 187; 189; 192; 193; 194; 195; 200; 202; 203; 204; 205; 206; 207; 208; 216; 221; 226; 227; 238; 239; 242; 251; 253; 256; 259; 264; 285; 287; 313; 314; 315; 316; 318; 319; 321; 322; 323; 324; 326; 346; 349; 350; 351

Christie, Agatha; 66

Churchill, Winston; 18; 67


as message; 312

as representation; 347

complex; 26

general; 156

modal element of; 149

mood structure of; 149; 312

relative, restrictive v. non- restrictive; 327

representational function of; 57

transitivity structure of; 312

Clear, J.H.; 241

Clitic; 104; 118

v. pronouns; 118

Coding determinants of prominence ranking; 226; 280

Cognitive science; 352

Coherence; 15; 33; 46; 272

addressee-oriented; 33; 246

addressor-oriented; 33; 246

assumption of; 318

creation of; 308

degrees of; 43

(See also Parallelism and coherence)


as cross-referencing; 310


and structural ties; 29

harmony; 70; 265; 269; 285

markers used to highlight different elements of the discourse; 358

inevitablity of; 352; 353

intersentential; 25; 27

intrasentential; 25; 26

semblance of; 44; 47; 308

submerged / unwanted; 282; 283; 284; 286; 288; 310; 356

v. coherence; 13; 32; 43; 246; 263; 265; 266; 309; 311; 349; 352; 353; 358

v. retrievability; 329

Colligation; 255

colligational patterns; 249

Collins Cobuild English LanguageDictionary; 76

Collocation; 269; 354

anti-collocation; 251

collocability, continuum of; 242

size; 244

upward v. downward; 241

Colour, perception of; 250

Common terms; 323


asymmetry of; 36

degrees of; 43

Communicative dynamism; 44; 158; 236; 329


general; 87

particular; 88

Complementarity; 246; 354

complementaries; 246

Complementiser; 30; 75; 120


coordinates; 165

coordinating; 164

exophoric; 163

external v. internal; 166; 167; 212

if; 124

in pedagogic grammar; 162

intrasentential, non-cohesive use of; 165

Conjunctive force; 210; 211; 212

Connectivism; 353

Connotation; 248

Context models; 248

Context, cultural; 45; 246; 251; 307; 311; 319; 320; 346; 354; 356; 357; 358

Contextual configuration; 265

Conventional devices in discourse; 309

Conversational implicature; 28

Conversational maxims; 221; 357

quality and manner; 325

Converses; 246

Cooper, R.; 37

Cooperative principle; 159


(See Conjunction)


composite effect of; 220

repetition; 231

(See also Anaphora)

Cornish, F.; 10; 12; 13; 34; 37; 38; 54; 55; 60; 62; 63; 79; 104; 226; 280; 320; 335; 349

Corpus linguistics; 270

Corsini, R.; 249

Coulthard, M.; 26

Counter-coding; 209

Crosby, Bing; 97

Cruttenden, A.; 206; 208

Crystal, D.; 16; 92; 358

Daneš, F.; 72

Darwin, Charles; 166; 171; 172; 174; 176; 177; 181; 185; 190; 197; 198

Davis, Jimmie; 263

De Beaugrande, R. and Dressler, W.U.; 332

De Saussure, .; 216; 317

Definiteness; 55; 78; 79; 81; 82; 83; 315; 317; 321; 324; 357

v. specificity; 55

Defoe, Daniel; 69

Deixis; 63; 72

discourse; 54; 71; 74; 92; 111; 121; 162; 167; 198; 216; 307

psychological distance; 77; 78; 79; 80

spatial; 72

v. representation; 316


spatial; 73

temporal; 73

(See also Determiner)

Denotation; 323

Derrida, J.; 86; 250; 320

Description v. deixis; 66

Designation; 216; 217

v. identification; 53; 61

v. informative function; 327

(See also Reference)


demonstrative v. pronoun; 143

the upgraded to that; 143; 236

non-specific; 139

possessive; 66

specific; 139

Determiner phrase (DP) theory; 148

Différance v. différence; 86; 250


argumentative; 211

as interaction; 354

cross-cultural; 127

in immigration domains; 358


(See Deixis)

legal; 48; 71; 92; 128; 160; 213; 222; 244; 267; 286; 307

specialised; 92; 128; 142; 160; 213; 267; 286; 297

v. text; 13; 34; 35; 36; 37; 330; 347; 349; 351; 353

Disquotation, indirect; 337

Distinction v. description; 327


supplementary (dummy auxiliary); 114; 152

(See also Be used with supplemnetary do; Ellipsis of emphatic do; Substitute do)

Donnellan, K.; 222

Dropping; 100; 157

indefinite-article; 103

pronoun; 103; 240; 356

Duplication; 99; 107; 299

Eco, U.; 83; 281

Economy, principle of; 131; 160; 222; 286; 319; 320; 328; 330; 337; 343; 345; 347

Effetto copia (copy effect); 224

Egyptian hieroglyphics; 47

Einstein, Albert; 165

Elaboration; 162; 266

Elegant variation; 135; 136; 326


and conditional clauses, impossibility of; 155

and emphatic do; 117

exophoric; 115; 133; 134; 150; 157; 160; 236

head alone, ellipsis of; 142

lexical; 147

motivation for; 157

operator; 147

subject; 150

v. substitution, similarities between; 131

verbal, clauses in which it cannot occur; 153

verbal, patterns of; 148

Emmott, C.; 38; 60; 61

Emoticon; 46

Emphasis; 109

Encoding; 47; 274

encoding and interpretation; 48

encoding v. inference; 13; 47

Endophora; 13

English, varieties of


(See US)

as a Lingua Franca (ELF); 127; 213; 358

Early Modern; 84; 117

Irish varieties; 71

Middle; 127

Nigerian Pidgin; 355; 356

Old; 85; 334

Scottish and North of England; 230

US; 113; 150

Enhancement; 162; 266

Enkvist, N.; 42; 43; 44; 45; 47; 266

Epithet; 316

attitudinal; 238; 239; 240

Equivalence; 230; 240

Espacement; 250; 320

Exophora; 13; 64


discoursal; 308

lexical; 308

Expressive conciseness; 141

Extension; 162; 266

Extensionality v. extensity; 321

Extra-discoursal relations; 39

Fairclough, N.; 44

Faraclas, N.; 355

Feldman, R. and Sanger, J.; 270

Feynman, Richard; 343

Field (register); 252

Field, lexical / semantic; 247

Field, H.; 352

Fields, W.C.; 104

Firbas, J.; 44; 158; 328; 329; 334

Firth, J.R.; 241; 244

Fodor, J.A.; 352

Fodor, J.A. and Pylyshyn, Z.W.; 352

Forey, G. and Thompson, G.; 31

Formal repetition, avoidance of; 96; 159; 226; 230; 319; 320; 326; 329; 330; 331; 345; 346; 347

Fowler, H.; 135; 136; 326

Francis, G.; 11; 237

Frascarelli, Mara; 198

French (language); 67; 68; 80; 100; 105; 136; 138; 154; 275

General word (noun); 234

Generality, hierarchy of; 237; 238

Generative grammar; 40; 56; 103; 146; 148; 224

Genetive case in English; 140

Gibson, E.; 40

Gilmore Simms, William; 126

Gitsaki, C.; 241

Godard, Jean-Luc; 311

Gotti, M.; 44; 71; 72; 92; 128; 141; 142; 160; 210; 213; 215; 222; 267; 286

Gowers, E., E.; 26; 28

Grabe, E.; 206

Grammatical categories, hierarchy of; 40

Grammatical gender, mismatch with biological sex; 69

Green, Anna Katharine; 186

Grice, H.P.; 28; 151; 159; 221; 314; 325; 332; 357

Grosz, B.J. et al.; 79

Guido, M.G.; 127; 357; 358

Guthrie, S.E.; 46

Hadas, Moses; 146

Hajicová, E. and Vrbová, J.; 334

Halliday, M.A.K, MacIntosh, A. and Strevens, P.; 32

Halliday, M.A.K, Teubert, W. and Yallop, C.; 255

Halliday, M.A.K.; 10; 26; 32; 37; 39; 56; 57; 58; 119; 131; 149; 151; 158; 161; 162; 163; 208; 215; 232; 239; 241; 242; 246; 263; 266; 275; 312; 314; 315; 347; 352; 353; 354

Halliday, M.A.K. and Hasan, R.; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 15; 16; 18; 19; 30; 31; 32; 33; 37; 39; 40; 41; 42; 49; 51; 53; 54; 58; 59; 60; 61; 63; 64; 65; 66; 71; 74; 76; 77; 79; 80; 82; 83; 85; 87; 88; 90; 91; 96; 98; 99; 100; 101; 102; 106; 110; 112; 113; 114; 115; 116; 117; 118; 121; 122; 123; 125; 126; 131; 133; 139; 142; 143; 145; 147; 148; 149; 153; 154; 161; 162; 163; 164; 165; 167; 168; 169; 170; 172; 173; 175; 176; 177; 179; 180; 183; 189; 190; 191; 200; 201; 202; 203; 205; 206; 207; 208; 209; 210; 211; 212; 215; 217; 218; 221; 228; 231; 234; 235; 236; 237; 238; 240; 245; 246; 247; 252; 261; 262; 263; 265; 266; 267; 268; 269; 270; 273; 274; 275; 281; 284; 311; 319; 349; 350; 351

Harris, J.; 81

Hasan, R.; 10; 42; 69; 70; 246; 264; 269; 276; 334


as a lexical verb; 114

(See also Be and have as substitutes)

Hedging devices; 203

Heim, I.; 37

Herbert, George; 108

Hickey, L.; 109

Hockett, C.F.; 33

Hoey, M.; 11; 12; 26; 32; 33; 40; 41; 42; 48; 53; 60; 166; 217; 230; 231; 247; 248; 249; 250; 255; 266; 268; 269; 270; 271; 273; 274; 275; 277; 278; 279; 281; 282; 283; 285; 287; 292; 296; 297; 298; 300; 305; 306; 307; 308; 309; 310; 311; 312; 319; 347; 349; 351; 354; 356

Holonym; 246

Homophora; 83

Housman, A.E.; 73; 84; 229; 245

Huang, J.; 240

Hughes, John; 98

Humanisation; 66; 67

Hume, A.; 71

Hyland, Brian; 138

Hyland, K.; 203

Hyponym and superordinate, order of; 278

Identifiability; 79; 80; 82; 89

Identity and sameness; 315

Idiom principle; 249; 307

Implicature; 309

Incoherence; 43

Inference; 47; 56

Inflection phrase; 148

inflectional languages; 69


information filter; 325

information structure; 11; 31; 41; 312; 319

information, given v. new; 80

Informative function; 12; 226; 313; 320; 326; 328; 330; 331; 337; 338; 342; 345; 347; 351

v. formal repetition, avoidance of; 331

v. principle of economy; 337

Informativeness, degrees of; 328; 345

Inherent essentialism; 250

Instantial equivalence; 231; 277

Intensifier; 117; 119

Interactional meaning; 312

Interlanguage; 128; 134

Interpretation; 35; 36

models of; 38

Introduction, linear order of; 280

Irony; 209


used non-endophorically and non-deitically; 99

v. this v. that; 72

Italian (language); 67; 68; 69; 80; 103; 104; 105; 118; 127; 136; 138; 240; 317; 356

Jackson, H.; 248

Jakobson, R.; 18; 297

Japanese (language); 103; 357

Jay-Z; 227

Jenkins, J.; 358

Jerome, Jerome K.; 122; 125

Jesperson, Oscar; 273

Johnson Post, Charles and Cosmas, Graham A.; 147

Joyce, P.W.; 31; 71

Julius Caesar; 18

‘Just a Minute’; 102; 106; 107; 133; 172; 173; 178; 180; 181; 182; 184; 185; 187; 189; 192; 193; 194; 195; 202; 203; 204; 205; 206; 207; 208; 238; 242; 252; 256; 259; 260; 285; 322; 326

Katz, J.J. and Fodor, J.A.; 39

Kayne, R.S.; 148

Keil, F.C.; 62; 250

Kempson, R.M.; 79

King James Bible; 84

Kjellmer, G.; 242

Klein-Andreu, F.; 138; 139

Korean (language); 357

Korzen, I; 224; 315; 321

Kripke, S.; 342

Labelling; 316

Lakoff, G.; 39; 250

Lakoff, G. and Johnson, M.; 36; 72; 309; 346

Lancaster/IBM Spoken English Corpus; 204

Landor, Walter Savage; 84


as a means of representation; 346

spoken v. written; 215

v. perception in general; 346

Language of Thought (Mentalese); 353

Lasnik, H.; 12; 139; 225; 240; 320

Latin (language); 80; 84; 275

Lawson, Henry; 251

Leech, G.; 32; 62

Lenehan, Linda; 134

Lennon, John and McCartney, Paul; 251

Leone, Sergio; 106

Lepschy, A.L. and Lepschy, G.; 356

Levinson, S.C.; 37; 71; 355

Lexeme; 323


putative; 279

relative strength of; 297; 298

v. tie; 273

Linktriangle; 279

Locke, J.; 55

Logographic writing systems; 47

Louw, B.; 248

Lucas, Sabine; 193

Lyons, C.; 55; 72; 79; 81; 98; 315; 357

Lyons, J.; 17; 34; 55; 79; 216; 246; 315; 323; 358

Maclaren, R.; 55

Macro-speech act;

(See Speech act)


(See Structure)

Mahan, A. T.; 188; 189; 190; 194; 195; 196; 197; 199; 235

Maiden, M.; 118

Malapropism; 321

Mansfield, Katherine; 97

Matching and sequencing; 309

Matté, James Allan; 143

Matthiessen, C.M.I.M.; 10

McArthur, T.; 355; 356; 358

McCarthy, M.; 72

McCoy, Horace; 225

McKay, D.G. and Fulkerson, D.C.; 319

Meaning; 32

effort after; 46

functional components of; 312

representational; 312

three functional components of; 56


(See Language of thought)

Meronymy; 140; 233; 246; 262

Metaculture; 250


experiential; 57; 252

ideational; 57; 312

interpersonal; 312

logical; 57

textual; 312

Metaphor, conceptual; 36

Metathesis; 321

Metonymy; 246

Mill, J.S.; 323

Miller, David; 106

Misplaced word; 322

Modifier, upgarding to head of noun phrase; 131; 136; 147

Modifying predicative clause, informative function of; 337

Monterroso, Augusto; 83

Mood; 145

and residue; 149

Morgan, J.L. and Sellner, M.B.; 32

Morpheme; 274

Morris, C.W.; 35

Morris, E.; 251

Morris, J. and Hirst, G.; 249; 250; 262

Mutual manifestness, criteria for; 330

Name; 318

(See also Proper noun)

Naming; 334

naming event; 342

Nash, W.; 165; 204; 209

Natural kind; 62

Natural sign; 55

Nature / nurture debate; 249

Nelson, M.; 241; 242; 248

Nelson, R.; 54; 55; 315; 323; 337; 342

Net; 300; 306

and interpretation; 307

Newspeak; 275

NICE Characteristics; 132

Node, span of; 241

Nöth, W.; 45


compound; 141; 242


(See General word)

string; 140

Noun Phrase

modification, order of elements within the epithet; 139

reduction of; 140

Null subject languages; 103

Numerative; 21; 98; 99; 101; 131; 139; 142; 143

numerative one; 88; 98; 99; 100

numerative one v. substitute one; 100; 101; 105

Odlin, T.; 128


(See A / an v. one; Numerative one; Substitute one)

Onomatopoeia; 317

Ontological relativity; 250

Operator; 114

Orwell, George; 77; 275

Ostension; 34

Owen, Wilfred; 75

Oxford English Dictionary (OED); 26

Concise (COED); 68; 111; 122; 219; 248; 275

Palmer, F.R.; 114; 132; 145; 146


and coherence (Hoey); 308

formal; 18; 219; 229; 308

Partitive article; 100

Patterns of lexis; 270

Peirce, C.S.; 317

Perfect language; 281

Phase; 145

Phillips, M.; 270

Piaget, Jean and Inhelder, Bärbel; 135

Pink Floyd; 137

Pinker, S.; 56; 57; 62; 68; 249; 346

Plato; 36

Pluralis Majestatis

(See Royalwe)

Popper, K.R.; 46

Postal, P.; 146

Postmodification, prepositions in, dropping of; 141

Potential referential scope of referring expressions; 321

Potter, Beatrix; 272

Pound, Ezra; 41; 48

Pre-determiner; 87

Predicative categories; 120

Premodification, order of items in; 138

Presupposition; 19; 311


in psychology; 249

lexical; 249; 285; 354

Primed frames; 61

pro; 356

PRO; 103

Processes, verbal; 119

as referring expressions; 264

Proficiency, linguistic; 44

Pro-form; 95

v. full forms; 318

Prominence ranking; 104

Pronominal surrogate hypothesis; 101; 282; 319

Pronominalisation, avoidance of; 92; 286


archaic, thou / thee, you / ye; 68

as "substitute"; 61


(See Dropping)

impersonal; 98; 99

one; 66

they; 67; 225

you; 66

informative function of; 328

personal; 66

possessive; 142

recategorised as common noun; 137

reflexive; 71

resolution; 279; 280; 318

Proper noun; 80; 227; 316; 318

informative function of; 342

plural; 80

recategorised as common noun; 81; 137

Protasis; 124

Pro-verb; 112; 117

Psychedelia; 251

Punctuation; 27

Quantifier, upgrading to head of noun phrase; 143; 144


tag; 206; 207

Wh-; 154; 158; 159

Yes/NO; 154; 158; 159

Quine, W.V.O.; 55; 250

Quirk, R. et al.; 10; 53; 71; 138; 139; 212; 282; 319

Raising to subject; 146

Rank shifting; 41

Reduction, lexical; 308

non-occurrence with formal titles; 141

Redundancy; 107; 311


actual scope of; 321

and numbers; 337

archetypical; 104

as identification / designation; 314

as representation; 314

basic approaches in philosophy; 55

cohesive v. substitution, nominal; 102

direct; 56

implicit; 99

inconstancy; 61; 220; 221

means of; 216; 315; 317

reflexive / self reference; 75

unique; 324

verb, compound

(See Verb)

v. knowledge; 343

verbal; 117; 118

Referential efficacy; 155; 160; 216; 222; 319; 320; 325; 330; 335; 343; 345; 347; 356; 357

Referentiality; 75; 225; 320

Referring expression (RE)

complex; 96; 323

component; 96; 323

fully-informative; 339; 340; 343; 344; 346

fully informative v. partially- informative; 328

informativeness of, deliberate v. accidental; 328

nominal entity (NERE); 315

deictic, (deictic NERE); 316 representational, (Representational NERE); 316

non-informative; 340; 343; 344

partially-informative; 339; 340; 343; 344; 345

predicative function of.; 327

Register; 32; 152; 252; 254; 307; 358

Regret it v. regret so; 121

Reinhart, T.; 10; 240


same item, for reasons of style; 227

same item, full; 222

Relation, general v. instantial; 263

Relevance; 44; 322; 325

Relevance theory; 357

Repeating and matching; 44

Repetition, lexical; 273

chance v. text-forming; 279


minimal; 352

subjectivity of; 346

Representational Theory of Mind; 352


(See Mood)



Richards, J. et al.; 114

Rinvio endoforico (endophoric cross-checking); 315

Roget’s Thesaurus; 263

Rosenbaum, P.S.; 30

Royal we; 67

Russell, B.; 19; 55; 58; 101; 149; 217; 319; 323; 337

Sabatini, Rafael; 121

Saki (H.H. Munro); 87; 89; 98; 151

Saliency; 79; 224; 338

Samek-Lodovici, V.; 240

Sanford, A.J. and Garrod, S.C.; 38

Sarcasm; 209

Say it v. say so; 122

Schank, R.C. and Abelson, R.; 38

Schemata-theory; 61

Schiffrin, D.; 55

Scott, M.; 241; 242; 244; 255

Searle, J.R.; 159; 203; 210; 314

Segmented discourse representation theory; 335

Seidlhofer, B.; 358

Selinker, L.; 128; 134

Semantic connection; 41

Semantic prosody; 248


definition of; 26

key; 301

topic closing; 300

topic opening; 300

Sequencing and cohesion; 308

Shakespeare, W.; 65; 84; 85; 117; 120

Shannon, C. and Weaver W.; 107; 311

Shiro, M.; 38

Showing and saying; 9; 48

Si passivo (Italian); 67

Signifiant; 216; 316

Significance, statsitical; 255

Signifié; 216; 316

Signified; 55; 216

Sign; 216

Simone, R.; 224

Simons, Paul; 263

Sinclair, J.; 36; 61; 76; 139; 241; 242; 248; 249; 255; 307

Skirl, H.; 225; 322

Smith, Adam; 186

Smolensky, P.; 353

Soanes, C. and Stevenson A.; 68; 111; 122; 219; 248; 275

Social-semiotic; 354

Somerset Maugham, W.; 83

Sound symbolism; 228

Spanish (language); 103; 109; 138

Speaker, non-native; 127

Speech act

illocutionary; 203

Macro-speech act; 40

Sperber, D.; 250

Sperber, D. and Wilson, D.; 28; 33; 34; 36; 44; 47; 80; 314; 320; 325; 357

Spoonerism; 321

Springsteen, Bruce; 99

Stefania Prina; 115

Steiner, G.; 35

Strawson, P.F.; 58


v. organisation; 42

concept of; 41; 42

connotations of term structure; 270

macro-structures; 311

Substitute do

evolution; 117

in US v. British English; 113

Substitute one

as a number marker; 105; 106; 136

evolution of; 127

stressed; 101

v. ellipsis involving numerative one; 100; 101; 105

Substitute, verbal,

stressed; 115

(See alsoBeandhaveas substitutes)


clausal, negative; 119

facts versus reports; 121

lexical; 308

of interrogative and imperative reported clauses, impossibility of; 121

of modalised clauses expressing certainty, impossibility of; 125

of passive, impossibility of; 115

substitution, clausal

transfer of negation; 122; 123; 124

Superlative; 88

Svoboda, A.; 334

Swales, J.M.; 44

Swan, M.; 139

Swift, Jonathan; 168


near; 260; 281; 326

v. paraphrases; 231

Syntacticequivalence; 308

Systemic linguistics; 12

T- and V- forms; 67; 68

Tadros, A.; 11; 119

Term, common v. singular; 323

Text analytics software; 287


as artifact; 331; 354

as message; 309

as message; 312

as structure; 39; 40

coherence; 32

concept of; 31

interpretation of; 312

linguistic definition of; 45

minimal; 41; 266

non-cohesive; 41

non-coherent; 42

non-narrative; 272

semiotic definition of; 44

text mining / summary; 270; 311

text mining / summary software; 287

Text type,

literary; 297; 352

difficulties of summarising; 296; 297

narrative; 271; 309; 311

scientific; 297

Textual canons; 244

Textual v. discoursal relationships; 38

Textual-mapping; 71; 307

Texture; 10; 11; 30; 31; 32

imaginary; 83; 164

This, presentational; 55

This / that, v. it


That one; 107


and rheme, different approaches; 158

structure; 56; 312


progression; 311

sequence; 72

structure; 158; 315

v. rheme; 328

Themself; 68


roles; 56

structure; 56

Tie, significant v. insignificant; 297

(See also Link)

Title (of a work); 252; 352

Tone patterns; 208; 210


of discourse; 48

topic-marking particles; 357

Transfer, linguistic; 128

Transference, lexical; 308

Transition; 158; 328

Translation; 35; 297; 358

Traugott, E.C. and Pratt, M.L.; 18

Turgenev, Ivan; 179

Turing machine; 56

Twain, Mark; 71

Ulrych, M.; 104; 358

Unambiguousness; 92

Uni (Italian); 118

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations); 355

Universal Grammar; 127

Unmarked potential referential scope (UPRS); 225; 278; 320

broad v. narrow; 324

v. denotation; 324

Van Dijk, T.; 39; 41; 48; 248; 311


inflection; 144; 145

reference, compound; 118

reporting; 119; 120; 122; 123; 124; 125; 155

Verb phrase, structure of; 144; 146

Vienna-Oxford International Corpus of English; 128

Vocatives; 352

Voice; 145

Walker, M.A. et al.; 79

Warren, W.H. et al.; 38

Well as marker of disapproval, disbelief or rejection; 204

Wells, H.G..; 110

Werth, P.; 86; 232

West, Kanye; 99

Whitman, Walt; 71

Widdowson, H.G.; 13; 26; 34; 36; 42; 302

Wilde, Oscar; 27; 75; 112; 116; 119; 132; 145

Wilson, D.; 79

Winter, E.O.; 11; 41; 44; 270; 271; 309

Wittgenstein, L.; 9; 10; 48; 57; 337; 346

Wolf, F. and Gibson, E.; 60

Wooley, Sheb; 137

Wordsworth, William; 289

Yates, Peter; 62

Yeats, W.B.; 74