Annex G





1.This annex establishes organization and procedures for planning and coordination of coalition forces operations and issues in support of the CTF mission.

Note: Allied / Treaty based operations (or combined operations) normally will not require a coordination center due to the integrated nature of such operations (command and staffs fully integrated and classified information is fully shared). It is quite possible that combined operations may require the integration of coalition forces. In such cases a Coalition Coordination Center should be established if there are issues of full integration of forces and classified information sharing issues. See Part B of the SOP overview for a full outline on this issue.

2.The purpose of this SOP is to describe the concept and operation of the Coalition Coordination Centers (CCCs). The CCCs are a non-doctrinal organization established to integrate, at the strategic level and operational levels coalition and allied partners in support of CTF contingency operations. It provides the Supported Strategic Commander and the CCTF a mechanism to strategically integrate both regional and non-regional actors who have demonstrated a willingness to participate with the international community in multinational operations in support the CTF mission.

3.The Supported Strategic Commander's CCC and the CTF's CCC are addressed in this Annex due to their special coordination relationships and the requirement to have these centers fully integrated at all times. Operational issues can quickly become strategic issues, beyond the scope of the CCTF. As such, the Supported Strategic Commander's CCC is in direct support of the CCTF commander for all strategic coordination.


1.This Annex provides non-binding guidance to the designated Chief of the CCC and all CTF personnel assigned directly to the CCC.

2.Coalition Partners. This Annex is intended to provide non-binding perspective and familiarity for accredited liaison officers assigned to the CCC during contingencies.

Note: Liaison offices to the CCC need to be accredited by respective nations within the CTF due to the level of coordination authority they require. The are formally representing their respective nation's NCAs and Higher Military Command at the National Strategic and Governmental / Military level with the Supported Strategic Commander level within the MNF. At the CTF level they are representing their respective Supporting Strategic Commander for operational and tactical levels of planning, coordination, and execution.

3.Coordinating Agencies and Senior Echelons. This Annex is available as desired for familiarization / training of coordinating agencies and senior defense / military commands within participating nations within the MNF effort / CTF effort.

4.Subordinate Echelons. This Annex is intended to provide nonbinding perspective for subordinate CTF component. Subordinate echelons are authorized to implement this Annex, amended as required, for establishment and conduct of subordinate (and parallel, if applicable) operational-level Coalition Coordination Center operations.

C.CCC Focus and Functions. They operational start points include two CCCs within an MNF effort. The use of CCCs should always be considered, but they are not required if circumstances do not dictate a need for them.

1.Supported Strategic Commander CCC. The Strategic CCC at the Supported Strategic Commander level is focused upon the strategic integration of coalition forces into the MNF effort. This center does not focus on the operational integration.

a.Addresses strategic issues of sovereignty, Defense Cooperative Agreements (DCAs), regional coordination, Status of Forces (SOFA) issues, and supporting Technical Agreements (TAs), diplomatic clearances, broad forces, support coordination, and interoperability issues etc., prior to hand off to the CCTF).

b.The end state at the strategic level is to be able hand off coalition forces to the CCTF with turnkey immediate employment capabilities

2.CTF CCC: The Operational CCC at the CTF level is focused on the operational warfighting coordination between the nations’ joint operation centers (JOCs) within the CTF.

a.Addresses the operational planning and coordination of coalition forces employment in support of the CTF's mission. Can also be involved in the tactical coordination of planning and coordination as required to fully deconflict operations.

b.The end state at the operational level is integrated, coordinated, and synchronized decisive CTF operations.

Note: Some readers may be familiar with the F2C2 (Friendly Forces Coordination Center) concept used by some commands for the operational and theater level coordination of warfighing operations within a coalition. This concept is the same as the CTF CCC concept described above for the CTF operational level. This SOP will maintain one term for Coalition Coordination Centers for simplicity purposes, maintaining the strategic and operational designations as noted above.

D.Organization and Processes:

1.This SOP Annex will be supplemented by separate SOPs for the Strategic CCC and for the CTF CCC to maintain brevity within this MNF SOP. Listed below are some broad organizational factors for activation of the CCC at the CTF level and follow on processes.

2.Each respective nation will be fully represented by in the CCC. For medium sized task force efforts, a fully manned intelligence, operations, and logistics cell at the minimum should be planned for that can achieve a 24 hour per day operational tempo.

3.Smaller task force elements may have a liaison cell vice a planning staff.

4.The CCC should have an O6 or a general officer designated as the OIC of operations.

5.The CCC needs to have full time liaison personnel in the COC Battle Watch team on a 24 hours per days.

6.The CCC will also maintain full time liaison personnel in the C5 Future Plans OPT and the FOPS OPT. This is a full time duty but personnel will only required when the respective OPTs meet for planning and coordination purposes.

7.The CTF CCC must be FULLY integrated with the Supported Strategic Commander's CCC. Close coordination and planning are essential for integration of coalition forces initially and for resolution of operational and strategic issues quickly when required.

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