Proposal Application Form
The TLLP Application Form is to be completed by the individual applicant or group leader. Please save a copy of the Application Form on your computer/tablet before you begin working on it. Once the form is completed:
- Send an e-copy (i.e. without signatures in .doc or .docx format) of the Proposal Application Form to the Ministry of Education () as an attachment to an email.If you encounter any difficulties using the form, please contact .
- Send acopy of the Proposal Application Form to the Director of Education of the school board or Supervisory Officer of the school authority.
Deadline for submitting the application is November 14, 2014
Section 1: Applicant(s) Information:Is this an individual or group application:
Individual: Group:
Name (if group project, provide group leader’s name):
Ms. Miss Mrs. Mr. Other:
Name of Group Leader
Last Name: / First Name: / Middle Initial:
Work Telephone Number: / Work Email Address: / Alternative Email Address:
Current Permanent Teaching Assignmentincluding grade (occasional teachersand teachers working in system level or administrative positionscannot lead a TLLP projecthowever, these educators can provide extremely valuable input as team members):
Total Years Teaching Experience: / StudentsEngaged in Project:
Elementary Students:Secondary Students:Elementary and Secondary Students:
Name of Current School:
Name of Current School Board (full name, no acronyms):
Previous TLLP Experience(check all that apply):
Team Lead: Previous Team Member: New to TLLP:
Additional Group Members’ Information (if a group application).
If a group project, how many total team members (including the group lead) are part of the team:
Name / Position/Assignment (e.g. teacher, teacher librarian, Special Education Resource teacher, educational assistant, etc.) / Work Email
Section 2: Project Proposal
1) Project Title:
2) Please provide a brief description of your project topic (maximum of 150 words, point form is acceptable):
3) Describe how your project will contribute to increasing student learning and development (maximum of 150 words):
4) Please provide a rationale for pursuing this project in relation to your team’s professional learning objectives. What professional learning will the project address? Consider pedagogical/instruction and adult learning needs in your response.Remember, you’ve already addressed student learning in the previous question. Now it’s time to highlight your own learning goals. (Please keep your response to 150 words, point form is acceptable. See Appendix A of the TLLP Guideline for Characteristics of Effective Professional Learning):
5) Briefly describe the background and experience each member of the group brings to the project (including any preparationor experience that would be helpful in an adult learning setting):
Name / Background/Subject Matter Expertise (e.g. qualifications, prior assignments and experiences etc.) / Adult Learning and Facilitation (e.g. conflict resolution, budget management, debriefing, communication etc.)
Section 3: Plan for Your Professional Learning
Please ensure that goals, activities, measures and budget are aligned (i.e. activities in the second column should align with the goals(s) identified in the first column as well as the budget in the fourth column and also connect with the rationale for the project)
What are YOUR professional learning goals in this project? / Activities:
Describe the school based, board and/or provincial level activities you and your group will undertake during this proposed project in order to achieve your professional learning goals (please include approximate timelines)
See Sample Activities for ideas / Measures:
What evidence will you collect to determine if you have met your professional learning goals for this project (e.g. surveys, interviews, student achievement data etc.)
See Sample Measure for ideas / Budget:
Indicate the budget for each activity and measurement (e.g. the amount of release time you will need, the board’s rate to cover occasional teachers’ costs, the cost of resources and technical training etc.)
Please review the Budget Tip Sheetwhen drafting your budget.
Total technology budget: $ / Total learning activity budget: $
Total Budget: $
Section 4: Plan for Sharing
Please ensure that goals, activities, measurements and budget are aligned (i.e. activities in the second column should align with the goals(s) identified in the first column as well as the budget in the fourth column). Consider both pedagogical and leadership skills.
Proposals should reflect a balance between learning (section 3 above) and sharing activities (section 4). In this section, consider what methods and tools you will use to share your project learning (e.g. working with other teachers in their classroom, written resources, blog, facilitating workshops, presenting at conferences, social media, etc.) and what the scope of that sharing will be.
What aspects of your professional learning do you plan to share, who do you plan to share it with and how will your sharing support those with whom you are sharing (e.g. teachers in your school, teachers or school teams in another school/board)? How will you build interest and engagement in the project? / Activities:
Describe how your learning will be shared (e.g. written resource, teacher/school kit, working with other teachers in their classrooms, facilitating workshops, podcast, webcast, video conferencing, blogs, wikis etc.)
See Sample Activities for ideas / Measures:
What measures will you use to determine the effectiveness of your sharing activities (e.g. feedback, portfolios, surveys, interviews, student achievement data, wikis etc.)
See Sample Measurement for ideas / Budget:
Indicate the budget for each activity and measurement (e.g. the amount of release time you will need, the board’s rate to cover occasional teachers’ costs, the cost of resources and technical training etc.)
Please review the Budget Tip Sheetwhen drafting your budget.
Total technologybudget: $ / Total sharing activity budget: $
Total Budget: $
Section 5: Total Project Budget (Budget for Section 3 + Budget for Section 4)
Section 6: Program Information
How did you hear about the TLLP(check all that apply):
I’ve led a TLLP project before / I was a member of a past TLLP project / I was a recipient of past TLLP sharing
Through my Principal/ or Supervisory Officer / Communication from mySchool Board / Via the TLLP Ning
Other (please share):
Section 7: Declarations
Applicant(s): should this proposal be successful, I (we) declare that I (we) will comply with the TLLP Program Guidelines and will carry out the project as described. I (we) will ensure that the activities and materials produced do not infringe of any third party intellectual property or copy right.
Applicant Name / Signature / Date
Principal*: I am aware of this proposal and that it will be submitted to the school board for consideration.
Principal Name / Principal Email Address / Signature / Date* If other schools are involved in this professional learning project proposal, attach an additional signed declaration from each school principal. For applicants who are daily occasional teachers, this declaration should be signed by the person they report to at the board.