B001 – Baselines, Monitoring and Results

Within the last three years, the union has had some sort of methodical environmental evaluation which either examined aspects of resource efficiency (electricity, water, gas, heat) or the issue of recycling, and the union can demonstrate that is has taken one or more action(s) as a result. This could be an internal piece of work, a review by a committee, something carried out by the institution, or completed by external consultants.


The union has formally identified, prioritised and documented its most significant environmental aspects and environmental impacts within the last three years and has made the document publicly available on the union’s website.


If the union owns or rents one or more photocopier, it actively records the number of copies made on all the photocopies that have a counter function at least monthly, and has set reduction targets for the upcoming year.

B004 - Waste

The union has formal systems in place to ensure that hazardous wastes and, if applicable, used catering oils are segregated for suitable disposal, and relevant staff are aware of the correct procedure for disposal.


Either the union does not have a retail shop, or, if it does, it has replaced standard plastic bags for customers with a more sustainable version and/or the union charges for bags, uses the money raised to support sustainability initiatives and communicates that it is for environmental reasons.


Either the union has banned plastic bags from Freshers’ Fairs, or it has actively discouraged its exhibitors from giving away plastic bags.


The union has a scheme in place to collect used printer and toner cartridges for donation to charity reuse scheme from both internal sources and actively from students.


Either the union does not have any bar(s), or, if it does, the majority of the waste bar glass generated in its bar(s) is recycled and all customer-facing bins are well labelled.


The union has a well-labelled recycling scheme in place for waste paper and has waste paper collection boxes in the majority of the offices and by all photocopiers and printers.


The union has made printing from the majority of PCs to one or more networked printer, and/or photocopier, duplex by default.

B011 – Electricity

The union has energy-awareness stickers, notices or posters in place encouraging staff to switch off lights in all offices and communal facilities such as kitchens and single-occupancy washrooms.


Either the union does not have any banks of three or more light switches, or all banks of three or more light switches within the union have been labelled to identify which lights each switch operates.


Within the last 12 months, the union has invited all staff to feedback ideas for saving energy.


The union has an up-to-date written lighting and equipment responsibility plan covering all the main facilities within the union and the plan is embedded within the roles of operational staff.


The union has a formal shut-down procedure for vacations where staff are reminded of their responsibilities in advance of the shut-down or the union organises a shut-down event.


Less than 5% of all of the light bulbs/tubes throughout the union (excluding specialist rig lighting in entertainments venues) are tungsten filament bulbs, or the union has a demonstrable strategy for achieving the target within the next 24 months, or within the last 6 months the union has actively lobbied the institution to replace tungsten filament bulbs within the union with more efficient various.


The union has a minimum efficiency specification list, updated within the last 12 months, that sets procurement specifications for at least three of the following:

  • IT equipment, including printers
  • Kitchen equipment, including dishwashers
  • Glass washers, kettles, urns (excluding fridges)
  • Lighting fittings and bulbs, including desk lamps
  • Motor vehicles
  • Refrigeration equipment (domestic and commercial)
  • Televisions and screens
  • Ventilation systems

B018 – Water

All urinals managed by the union are fitted with water saving devices that are working.

B019 – Campaigns & Initiatives

The union has led its own awareness raising environmental event and/or actively supported the institution’s environmental event.


The union has actively lobbied/encouraged the institution on at least two separate ethical or environmental issues within the last 12 months.


The union’s website has a section on environmental issues (such as recycling, energy efficiency, or Fairtrade) that specifically references what the union is doing in relation to that topic. It includes links to the websites of relevant environmental organisations and promotes Snap it Off!

B022 – Student Officers, Staff & Team

There is a demonstrable commitment to environmental good practice from senior management within the union.


All new staff and sabbatical officers are formally inducted on relevant environmental issues within their role, such as recycling policy and procedures, individual responsibility for conserving energy, switching off appliances, etc.

B024 – Policy & Commitment

The union has an active environmental policy, or the union has at least one active policy on a specific ethical or environmental issue. Within one of the above, the union must reference a formal commitment to continual improvement of its environmental performance.


Environmental issues are mentioned in the union’s long-term operating plan.

B026 – Procurement

If the union serves tea or coffee, all tea and coffee currently served is Fairtrade or a brand where an equivalent robust commitment to ethical trading is displayed.


All white A4 or A3 size copier paper bought by the union for internal use is made from at least 75% recycled paper, or is made from NAPM accredited recycled paper, or is made from pulp from certified sustainable sources.

B028 – Union Challenge

Within the last 6 months, the union has actively and successfully supported one of the following national days of action and can show how they have worked across the students’ unions members/departments to organise it:

  • Snap it off
  • Blackout


S001 – Baselines, monitoring and results

The union has identified and documented key areas for improvement of environmental performance within the last three years and has made the document publicly available on the union’s website. These should include some, if not all, of the union’s most significant environmental aspects and environmental impact.


The union has an active system in place to monitor and record the number of business miles travelled on official union business in motor vehicles and public transport, including both trains and planes if applicable. The union uses this data to identify and reduce its carbon footprint.

S003 – Waste

On an ongoing basis, the union is taking suitable practical measures to ensure that it meets its duty of care requirements with regard to waste management.


The union houses a collection scheme aimed at students for at least three of the following on constant basis:

  • Batteries
  • Books
  • Clothing
  • Mobile phones
  • Postage stamps
  • Shoes
  • Spectacles


The union has a recycling scheme in place for at least two of the following:

  • Aluminium
  • Steel cans
  • Plastic bottles
  • Cardboard
  • Glass


The union has created plans to deliver and/or support a recycling and reuse campaign in student halls and/or other student accommodation at the end of the academic year.

S007 – Heating

Either the union has not used any patio heaters in the last 12 months or, if it has, any patio heaters used are now restricted by percussion switches to no more than 10 minute intervals and have awareness notices that state they are bad for the environment.

S008 – Transport

If the union provides or contracts out minibus driving training, the training includes efficient driving techniques.

S009 – Student Officers, Staff & Team

The union has a greening team made of three or more people that lead on your Green Impact Students’ Union submission. The team must include at least one staff member, one manager and one sabbatical officer.


Environmental considerations are referenced in the job descriptions of all new staff and/or in the standard terms and conditions of employment.


If the institution has an environmental manager, or similar, the union has proactively developed a good working relationship with the post-holder.


The union’s constitution includes an environmental committee or assembly, and the group has met at least twice within the last 6 months and/or the union has some sort of informal internal environmental taskforce that has met at least twice in the last six months.

S013 – Campaigns and Initiatives

Either the institution has not signed up to Green Impact Universities and Colleges (GIUC) and the union has lobbied them to do so, or the union has actively supported the institution in delivering GIUC by completing five of the criteria specified in the Union Support Form.

S014 – Procurement

Either the union does not use any bottle-fed water coolers or all the union’s bottle-fed water coolers are supplied by Aquaid, in so doing supporting Pump Aid and Christian Aid.


If the union buys fresh eggs for use in catering or for sale in a retail outlet, all the fresh eggs bought are free-range.


Either when purchasing food for the majority of meetings or events, the union ensures that it includes at least two of the following or the union has lobbied the institutions internal catering to provide at least two of the following:

  • All of the eggs are free-range or Freedom Food certified
  • Food to be delivered using minimum packaging
  • Organic certified produce
  • MSC certified produce
  • Recyclable packaging
  • Seasonal produce
  • The majority of meat is free-range or Freedom Food certified
  • The majority of food provided is vegetarian
  • Locally produced (grown and made within in a 50 mile radius)

S017 – Energy

Either the union has an auto-power down energy system such as ‘Nightwatchmen’ for powering down the computer, or if it doesn’t, the union has lobbied the institution to get a system for union computers.

S018 – Education for Sustainable Development

Either the union does not work with HE students or it has successfully promoted either the NUS HEA annual survey to its students or the employer’s survey on graduate skills to the careers service.

S019 – Union challenge

The students’ union has ensured at least one of their events, or actively supported on event, in the last 12 months met at least 15 of the criteria stated in NUS’s Sustainable Events Checklist and can show how they have worked across the students’ union’s members/departments to organise it.

There is also a bonus criteria list in which Students’ Union have to reach a certain amount of points.