Invitation to tender (ITT)
For the provision of the 42nd Street Client Management Information System
20th February 2017

42nd Street The Space, 87-91 Great Ancoats Street, Manchester, M4 5AG (Registered Charity 702687)



The Information contained in this document, which is not in the public domain at the time of disclosure, is confidential to 42nd Street and the Tenderer. It shall be treated as such by the Tenderer and those persons employed or retained by the Tenderer. The information shall only be used bythe Tenderer for the purpose for which it was originally provided. Accordingly the contents of this document shall not be disclosed in whole or in part to any other parties without the prior written consent of 42nd Street.

The copyright in this document is owned by 42nd Street. All material, concepts and ideas detailed in this document are confidential to 42nd Street. This document shall not be used, disclosed or copied in whole or in part for any purposes without the express permission of 42nd Street.

© 42nd Street 2017. All rights reserved.

42nd Street The Space, 87-91 Great Ancoats Street, Manchester, M4 5AG (Registered Charity 702687)



1Introduction to 42nd Street

2Introduction to the Tender


2.2Site Visits

2.3Bidder queries

2.4Guidelines for responding

2.5Returning your response

2.6Tender criteria for evaluation


4Terms and Conditions of Response

6Commercial Response Overview


6.2Commercial response process

7Commercial Requirements

7.1Company and contact details

7.2Financial records

7.3Pricing information

7.4Reference sites

7.5Accreditations and certifications

7.6Processes, methodologies and procedures

7.7Sub-contractors and partnerships

7.8Insurance details

7.9Supplementary information

42nd Street The Space, 87-91 Great Ancoats Street, Manchester, M4 5AG (Registered Charity 702687)


1Introduction to 42nd Street

42nd Street is an award winning Greater Manchester mental health charity, founded in 1980. Our mission is to support young people aged 11-25 years with their emotional wellbeing and mental health, promoting choice and creativity. We champion young person centred approaches that demonstrate local impact and have national significance. The holistic service model combines evidence-based therapeutic psychological interventions with advocacy, social care and group work. 42nd Street targets services to particular groups evidenced as experiencing greater health inequalities or reduced access to services: lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans & Questioning (LGBTQ+) young people; those with disabilities including learning disabilities, young parents, those affected by child sexual exploitation and/or abuse, young carers and homeless young people, and young people exposed the criminal justice systems.

Our service model is underpinned by the Thrive framework. The holistic and responsive model recognises the need for early intervention which is integrated into early help structures, combines a focus on young people transitioning from childhood to adult services and offers sustained support for those with complex needs and vulnerabilities. 42nd Street uses national validated routine outcomes measures (YP-CORE) across individual therapeutic services, delivers adult IAPT services in Manchester, has a high impact therapeutic group work programme and targets therapeutic services to vulnerable groups.42nd Street delivers bespoke services in Greater Manchester schools and PRUs anddelivers our wider services in community based locations across Greater Manchester. In 2017 we launched The Horsfall, our creative venue and programme. 42nd Street will soon launch an online service for young people, delivering both individual therapeutic support and group work.

42nd Street influences policy and practice through leadership, research, consultancy and a professional training programme on a local, regional and national platform. A strong evidence base is essential to our ability to influence strategic decision-making and share impact with young people, professionals and policy makers, to inform future programmes of work, and to learn and grow. We reportaccess and recovery data as part of the national IAPT programme, to local commissioners and to CORC annually in order to benchmark our outcomes against both statutory and voluntary sector organisations.

42nd Street aims and social objectives:

1. Improve wellbeing and recovery

2. Increase opportunities for young people to shape their own care and influence change

3. Improve and increase inclusion and accessibility to appropriate services and support

4. Increase awareness and reduce stigma

5. Demonstrate models of integration and collaboration that improve outcomes for young people

6. Minimise waiting times

42nd Street is commissioned by a number of Greater Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to deliver young people’s mental health services. We are integrated into local care pathways and collaborate with CAMHS and AMHS, and voluntary local, regional and national voluntary sector organisations to ensure young people receive the right support, at the right time and in the right place. 42nd Street is also funded by a range of independent grant making bodies, Local Authorities and independent donors and is supported by a number of CSR relationships.

42nd Street seeks Tenders for a new Client Management Information System at a crucial time in our development as greater numbers of young people access our services and we improve the accessibility of our service via the development of online services.

2Introduction to the Tender


To execute the requirement for the42nd Street Client Management Information System, 42nd Streetis issuing this invitation to tender to selected suppliers (“Tenderers”) as part of a competitive sealed bid process. Receipt of the Tender document confers no right on Tenderers in respect of such a process.

Tenderers are required to prepare and submit proposals in the manner described in this document. Proposals will be evaluated for completeness; quality of information provided and responsiveness to requirements set out herein.

The Tender is divided into three documents:

  • Part 1 – Introduction
  • Provides an introduction to the Tender, its terms and conditions, and the processes
  • Part 2 – Operational Requirements
  • Provides details of the services needed for the contract.
  • Part 3 – Commercial requirements
  • Provides details of the requirements, process and format of responses for commercial analysis of the tender submissions.

The following sections provide a general overview of the Tender document.

Note: 42nd Street is under no obligation to place an order with any supplier as a result of this tender process and reserves the right to use more than one supplier to complete the overall project.


The following table details the events involved in this tender and the scheduled dates.

Event / Target date*
Issue Tender to suppliers / 20/02/2017
Receive final responses from bidders / 13/03/2017
Bidder interviews / presentations / 20/03/2017 – 24/03/2017
Notify bidders of outcome / 31/03/2017

*By close of business on the specified date

2.2Site Visits / Demos

Site visits will be requested and arranged as per 42nd Street’s requirements. The planned dates of these interviews/presentations are detailed above. 42nd Street reserves the right to change dates. In such circumstances, we would seek to ensure equitable access to suitable dates for Tenderers at mutual agreement between individual Tenderers and 42nd Street and within a reasonable timescale as defined by 42nd Street.

2.3Bidder queries

Bidders may make additional queries, during the Tender response period, to the contact details given. 42nd Streetshall determine the form and extent of a response to an individual question, at its sole discretion. 42nd Streetwill forward, via email or at meetings with bidders, answers to queries to other bidders, if appropriate, to ensure consistency of information.

It is every bidder’s responsibility to notify Tessa Gregson at the above email address of their intent to respond. Failure to do this will mean that the bidder will not have access the questions submitted and the responses to these. Responses will be shared with bidders at the sole discretion of 42nd Street.

Requests by bidders for responses to questions submitted during the tender response period will not be shared after close of business on Friday 3rdMarch 2017.

All queries should be addressed toTessa Gregsonvia email()

2.4Guidelines for responding


The response to the Tender is split into:

  • Functional information (Part 2)
  • Commercial information (Part 3)

2.4.2Operational information response

Suppliers are required to show their capability to provide the services detailed within Part 2 of this invitation proposal.

2.4.3Commercial information response

We require bidders to provide detailed commercial information including pricing details. All of the information required is included within the Tender Response document that must be completed for your tender submission to be considered. Please note that Pricing Information may be submitted on a separate Excel document. All other elements of the tender submission should be responded to on the Tender Response document.

2.5Returning your response


Each Bidder must submit two hard copies to the address provided, and an electronic copy, via e-mail, of its written response. Bidders should ensure that the electronic copy is delivered free from virus. In consideration of their participation in the bid process, each Bidder agrees to indemnify 42nd Street from and against all costs, expenses, losses or damages that may result from the electronic copy being infected by a virus.

The response must be marked “Strictly Confidential – Sealed Bid” and be sent to 42nd Street’s named representative below.

The address to return your response is:

For the urgent attention of:
Tessa Gregson
42nd Street
The Space
87-91 Great Ancoats Street
M4 5AG

2.6Tender criteria for evaluation

In evaluating bidder proposals, 42nd Street will be placing emphasis on the following areas:

  • Supplier stability and track record
  • Operational solution
  • Technical competence
  • Commercial attractiveness
  • Experience of similar projects
  • Evidence of genuine willingness to enter into partnership with 42nd Street
  • Professional response: fully responding to direction given in this Tender document
  • Ease of evaluation of your responses
  • Ongoing openness, flexibility and co-operation during the tendering process.


It is recommended that bidders seek clarification from 42nd Street before proceeding based on any assumption. If you do have to base part of your response on an assumption, this assumption must be documented in the proposal. Where possible, if you make an assumption, you should explain what the effect would be if the assumption were to prove incorrect.

4Terms and Conditions of Response

Every proposal received by 42nd Street is deemed to have been made subject to these conditions. Any alternative terms and conditions offered on behalf of the tenderer shall, if inconsistent with these conditions, be deemed to have been rejected by 42nd Streetunless expressly accepted by them in writing.

Confidentiality / This Invitation to Tender, including all data either appended or otherwise related to it, remains the property of 42nd Street. Invitees and Tenderers are requested to treat the following information as strictly confidential and not to convey such information to any third party: all information contained in this Invitation to Tender; all information in any documents returned by the Tenderer to 42nd Street; the fact that the Tenderer has been invited to submit a Tender.
The Tenderer is requested to restrict disclosure of the above-listed confidential information to only those of its officers, employees, agents and partners who are concerned with the preparation of the Tender and to ensure that all such persons are made aware of and observe the confidentiality of such information.
Examination and explanation of tender documents / The Tenderer shall be responsible for carefully examining the complete Invitation to Tender, with any addenda, and making whatever further arrangements as may be required such that the Tenderer is fully informed and acquainted with all the circumstances and matters which might in any way affect the performance or cost of the Services. Failure to do so is at the sole risk of the Tenderer and no relief shall be given for errors or omissions in the Tender in estimating the difficulty or cost of performing the Services successfully.
Should the Tenderer find discrepancies in, or omissions from, the Invitation to Tender or relevant documents, or should these appear to be obscure or ambiguous, the Tenderer shall at once contact 42nd Street for clarification or correction thereof before submitting its Tender.
Any Tenderer making a request for clarification or correction will be solely responsible for the timely receipt and clarification of such request by 42nd Street. Replies to such enquiries will be made in the form of written addenda that will be issued simultaneously to all Tenderers.
Requests shall be addressed as per the instructions included within this Invitation to Tender
42nd Street assumes no responsibility for any understanding or representation made by any of its representatives, employees or agents at the time of, or prior to, execution of the Contract/Agreement.
Unsolicited Revisions to proposals / Unsolicited revisions to proposals will not be received favourably unless the Bidder can substantiate to 42nd Street’s satisfaction that a genuine error occurred during preparation of the original proposal. 42nd Streetis under no obligation to accept such a revision.
Modification to Tender Documents / 42nd Streetreserves the right to revise any provisions of the Invitation to Tender, including, but not limited to, any stipulation contained in the Contract/Agreement or any drawing or other document made as part of the Invitation to Tender, at any time prior to the Closing Date.
Such revisions, if any, will be in the form of written addenda which will be issued simultaneously to all Tenderers. Tenderers shall immediately acknowledge receipt of the addenda by e-mail.
Tender Expenses / All costs and expenses incurred by Tenderers in the preparation and submissions of their Tenders, or in attending subsequent discussions or negotiations with 42nd Street, are entirely for their own account and 42nd Streetshall not be responsible for same.
Currency and language / The preferred currency of payment will be in Pounds Sterling (GBP).
All Tenders, correspondence and communications shall be in the English Language.
Form of tender / The Tenderer shall base its Tender on the requirements of 42nd Streetas stated in this Invitation to Tender and the‘42nd Street Client Management System Business Requirements Document (BRD)’. However, should any Tenderer be unable to fulfil any of these requirements it must state clearly any and all exceptions of such requirements that it may have made with words such as "This Quotation is subject to the following qualifications: ….".
Submission of Tender / Tenders submitted shall be properly executed and completed. Interlineations, alterations or erasures shall be initialled and formally explained under the signature of the Tenderer.
Tenders sent by courier, or mailed should be clearly marked as a tender document.
Closing Date / Tenders must be received at 42nd Streetreception not later than the Closing Date mentioned on the transmittal letter. No late tenders will be considered.
Validity Period / Tenderers are required to keep their Tenders valid for a period of 120 days from the Closing Date. During the validity period Tenderers shall remain bound by their Tenders, which may be accepted at any time by 42nd Street.
Tenderers will not be allowed to change or amend their tender in any way during the validity period, save in response to a request from 42nd Street.
Acceptance or rejection of Tender / 42nd Streetreserves the right to reject any or all Tenders for any reason whatsoever and is under no obligation to accept the lowest or any other Tender.
The Tenderer is required to submit its full technical and commercial proposals with the Tender, and 42nd Streetis under no obligation to enter into any discussions, correspondence or negotiations for the purpose of seeking clarification to any Tender submitted.
Notification of Tender award / The Tenderer will be advised in writing as to whether or not its Tender has been successful.
Organisationis under no obligation to furnish unsuccessful Tenderers with any reason as to why their Tenders have not been accepted.
Canvassing / Any bidder who directly or indirectly canvasses any member or official or servant of 42nd Streetconcerning the award of the contract for the provision of the services or who directly or indirectly obtains or attempts to obtain information from any such member, official or servant concerning any other proposal or proposed proposal for the services shall be disqualified.
Collusive Proposals / Any bidder shall be disqualified who: Fixes and adjusts the amount of his proposal by or in accordance with any agreement with any other person; or communicates to any person other than an official from 42nd Street, the amount or approximate amount of his proposal; or enter into agreement or arrangement with any other person that he shall refrain from bidding, or as to the amount of any proposal submitted.

42nd Street Request for Proposal

Part 2 – Operational/Technical Requirements

Please refer to ‘42nd Street Client Management System Business Requirements Document (BRD)’.

  • You must respond to the BRD referred to in ‘Part 2-Operational/ Technical Requirements section in your response to the ‘Operational and Technical Requirements section of the Tender Response (TR).
  • The ‘Operational and Technical Requirements’ sectionsclearly identify their weighting as a % of the total Tender score.

42nd StreetRequest forProposal

Part 3 – Commercial Requirements

5Commercial Response Overview


We require bidders to provide commercial information to 42nd Streetto support their proposal. The type of information required includes company details, financial reports, procedures and policies, implementation stages and timelines and detailed pricing information.

5.2Commercial response process

  • Your commercial response must be provided using the document ‘Tender Response’.

(Please refer to the BRD referred to in ‘Part 2-Operational/ Technical Requirements section above when completing the commercial response section. This section should include license terms, support costs, project management, implementation costs, payment milestones, any added value you seek to bring to the contract, etc.)

  • You may present detailed pricing information on a separate Excel document. Please ensure that both the Tender Response any Exceldocument clearly identify the Tenderer’s name and date of completion.
  • The Commercial Response sections clearly identify their weighting as a % of the total Tender score.

6Commercial Requirements

The following sections detail the commercial information you must provide on the Tender Response template within the ‘Commercial Response’ section of the document. We would be grateful if the Vendor could keep it as brief and to the point as possible.

6.1Company and contact details

On the ‘Commercial Response’section of the Tender Response document, you must provide the following details of your company and contacts: