2017-2018 Harvard Supply List (Franklin Pierce S.D.)
Kindergarten / First Grade / Second GradeBackpack (not rolling. large enough for a folder)
*4 Glue sticks (Elmer’s)
4 folders with horizontal pockets
*60 No.2 pencils ( Ticonderoga)
*1 box of 24 crayons
*2 big pink erasers
*1 pkg. of Pencil top Erasers
*10 Expo Dry Erase Markers
2 boxes of crackers (Ritz, animal, goldfish)
*2 large box of Kleenex
Girls - 1 box of zip-lock quart size freezer bags
Boys -1 box baby wipes
Computer headphones
Earthquake Kit
Every Kindergarten Student should have a clean change of clothes (pants, shirt, underwear and socks) kept in their backpacksevery day. / *10 Black Expo dry erase markers
* 2 boxes of 24 Crayola crayons
*36 pencils, plain (Pencil brands: Dixon, Ticonderoga, Paper Mate or Eagle)
*4 big pink erasers
* 1 package of baby wipes
*1 container of Clorox wipes
* 3 large boxes tissue
*2 boxes of crackers, no cookies please (examples: Goldfish, Ritz, animal)
inexpensive computer headphones
backpack (not rollingand large enough for a folder)
1 box Crayola markers
4 glue sticks
1 Fiskars scissors
2 plastic pocket folders with horizontal pocket only
1 plastic school box
Earthquake Kit / *60 No. 2 pencils, plain
(Pencil brands Dixon, Ticonderoga, Paper Mate, or Eagle)
*2 large box tissues
2 wide rule spiral notebooks
4 pocket folders
*1 pkg. pencil top erasers
*1 box of 24 crayons
Fiskars scissors
1 plastic pencilbccox – NO zipper pouches
*1 box baby wipes
4 glue Sticks
6 dry-Erase Expo markers
1 box Quart size Ziploc bags
Computer headphones
Earthquake Kit
Third Grade / Fourth Grade / Fifth Grade
*40 No. 2 pencils
(Pencil brands Dixon, Ticonderoga, Paper Mate, or Eagle)
3 pocket folders horizontal pockets only
2 wide ruled spiral notebook with at least 60 pages each
2 large erasers
1 pkg. pencil top erasers
*1 tub Clorox wipes
*2 pkg. loose leaf notebook paper, wide ruled
250 sheets of paper per package
1 pair scissors, pointed tip
2 glue sticks
1 colored pencils
*4 large box tissues
1 plastic pencil box
6 dry erase markers - Black Expo
1 ruler
1 Bottle of hand sanitizer
Computer headphones
Earthquake Kit / Inexpensive computer headphones
*5 large box tissues
1 large package of post it notes (size 3x3)
*100 No. 2 pencils (or more)NO mechanical pencils
(Pencil brands Dixon, Ticonderoga, Paper Mate, or Eagle)
10 White Board markers – black Expo only
1 eraser for desk whiteboards
3 highlighters (yellow, green, and pink only)
*Loose leaf notebook paper (250 or more sheets)
5 pocket folders
5WIDE Ruledspiral notebook for journal writing (as least 60 pages)
1 pair scissors (sharp)
*3 glue sticks
3 large eraser
Pencil cap erasers
4 red or purple pens
1 pencil box
1 ruler (inch/metric)
1 protractor
1 box colored pencils or crayons
*1 box baby wipes
*1 box of gallon size zip lock bags
Earthquake Kit / 80 No. 2 pencils, (Pencil brands Dixon, Ticonderoga, Paper Mate, or Eagle)
*1 250-sheet packages of loose-leaf college ruledbinder paper
2 pocket folders with prongs
1 pair scissors
*Pack of index/recipe cards
Colored pencils
*1 pack glue sticks
4 spiral notebooks (at least 80 pages each)
*5 large boxes tissue
8 White board markers (dark colors)
1 White board Eraser
1 Package Baby Wipes
3 Highlighters (Yellow, Green, & Pink ONLY)
3 Blue or Black Pens
Computer headphones
Earthquake Kit
*Important: Supplies marked with a (*) will be collected and shared with the whole class. Do not put names on these supplies. Please mark all other supplies with your child’s name in permanent ink including backpacks & coats.
**Earthquake Kit information found on the back
*2 boxes of juice: in mini-cans or small boxes
*Small can (7.25 ounces) of soup
*Small can (8 ounces) of beans (protein)
*One small box (11/16 ounces) of cereal
*Small (5 ounces) of pudding
*One granola type bar
*One candy bar
*Three plastic spoons
*One large garbage bag
*When possible flip top cans should be purchased. Let student help pick
out favorite foods within these guidelines.
*Family picture and sealed note from parent to child assuring the student
that he/she would be with other family members as soon as possible.
*Gallon size zip-lock bag labeled with student’s name to hold the items
listed above.
Students need to bring any type of tennis or athletic shoes; which do not leave black marks on the floor. These are needed daily for recess. Flip flops & high heels are not allowed to be worn at school.