January 24, 2012

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-New “Variable Data” cards allow clients to customize their messages for each household-

Acworth, GA – Mudlick Mail, a provider of direct mail services for the automotive service industry, has unveiled a new program that allows clients to customize their mailings on a house-by-house basis. The company’s new “Variable Data” postcards can be personalized to carry messages tailored to meet individual customer needs. Automotive repair shops, for example, can use variable data cards to remind regular customers about needed oil changes or to suggest maintenance for upcoming vacations.

“The variable data program helps shop owners build long-term relationships with customers by giving them the ability to customize their offers based on a household’s buying behavior, interests and life events,” said Mudlick Mail President Tim Ross.

Tailoring advertising messages to individual households can increase a shop owner’s response rate by 44 percent.

“This approach works because shop owners send offers that resonate and make sense for customers,” added Ross.

Mudlick Mail’s variable data program also enables shop owners to track responses to its offers by address and capture data via bar codes or QR codes printed on the cards.

Mudlick Mail offers four different postcards to choose from and a variety of personalizing options. Shop owners can also target customers based on a range of criteria, from income to vehicle make. Participating shop owners have access to 60 million households in most major markets.

Mudlick Mail has been offering uniquely targeted direct mail campaigns since 2008 and now counts more than 500 clients in the United States. Some shop owners have increased their sales by as much as 40 percent by using Mudlick Mail’s comprehensive campaigns, which include market analysis, design services, printing, labeling and postage all in one package.

Mudlick Mail CEO Greg Sands established the company after searching for years for the right advertising vehicle for the 25 repair shops he operates in four states. Direct mail was the only vehicle that allowed Sands to accurately reach high-caliber customers within the market area of his stores.

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