Borderville Aerobics and Spin Programme Autumn 2017

Class / Day / Start
Date / Time / Cost / Location / Instructor / Booking and Payment on Line
Spin! / Monday / ongoing / 18:00-18:45 / £6 / BV1 / Baz / Yes
Tuesday / 24th Oct / 18:00-19:00 / £6 / BV1 / Emily / Yes
Wednesday / ongoing / 18:00-18:45 / £6 / BV1 / Emily / Yes
Wednesday / ongoing / 19:00-19:45 / £6 / BV1 / Edmund / Yes
Thursday / ongoing / 18:00-18:45 / £6 / BV1 / Baz / Yes
Friday Vibe! / 29th Sept / 18:00–18:45 / £6 / BV1 / Claire / Yes
Saturday / ongoing / 10:00-10:45 / £6 / BV1 / Lou / Yes
LBT / Tuesday / 19th Sept / 20:00-21:00 / £6 / Hall / Lou / Yes
Circuits / Wednesday / 20th Sept / 18:00-19:00 / £6 / Hall / Steve / Yes
Zumba / Tuesday / ongoing / 19:00-20:00 / £6 / Hall / Sofia / Pay Instructor
Zumba Tone / Thursday / ongoing / 19:00- 20:00 / £6 / BV1 / Sofia / Pay Instructor
Abs Blast / Saturday / ongoing / 11:00-11:30 / £3 / BV1 / Lou / Yes
Yoga / Monday / ongoing / 19:00-19:45 / £6 / BV2 / Julia / Yes
Pregnancy Yoga / Monday / ongoing / 19:00-20:00 / TBC / BV1 / Beth / Pay Instructor
Must Book

Book 5 of the same class a get a 25% discount when booking and paying on line!

Book and Pay On Line at Dedicated Telephone 01780 765590

* PCDL is a College run Adult Learning Course and provides exceptional value at £11 for 5 sessions, ** can also be purchased as a PCDL Course from w/c 19th September

You can book the PCDL courses through the College website