Ordering circuits for 2014-15 to new ESC 11Location
For schools that maintain a circuit to ESC 11 for Internet,
data backup, or video conferencing
Submit an SLD form 470to the new ESC location. Region XI Educational Service Center, 1451 South Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX
If you maintain an Ethernet(Opteman/Gigaman) type connection to the ESC, you should go ahead and start a conversation with your circuit provider now. We are working with AT&T now to build facilities at the new location. We want these type of connections to be installed in the April – June, 2014 time frame. Your AT&T account manager may ask you who Region 11’s account manager is. If they do, tell them Herman Alonzo is the account manager and Mark Allen is the sales engineer.
All T1 circuits will also have to be re-ordered new. If you have a large enough Internet access bandwidth that will accommodate your video conferencing needs, we recommend you switch to it for video conferencing and drop your T1 lines. Schools that order T1 lines from AT&T need to start the conversation with your account managers about e-rate and ordering. These circuits need to be installed and operational no later than June 2014.
Our goal is to have all district circuits in place at the new location no later than June 30, 2014. However, if delays happen, the old location will be operational through the summer and possibly longer.
If you connect to ESC 11 through Skybeam and Nextlink, you do not need to do anything at this time. As soon as the ESC 11 circuits are in place at the new location, we will move the connection over from the old location to the new location. All schools will be moved at the same time with hopefully very little down time.
We are asking TxDOT to approve three months of your old circuit cost at full price. We have also asked TxDOT to approve paying the old circuit early termination charges. (50% of remaining months.)
Sample 470 entries:
8. Telecommunications Services:
Service:Digital Transmission Service
Quantity and/or Capacity:
One 1,000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet Circuit from (District Address) To Region XI ESC, 1451 Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX
Up to 1,000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet Circuit from (District Address) To Region XI ESC, 1451 Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX
One T-1 (1.544mbps) from (District Address) to Region XI Educational Service Center, 1451 South Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX
Up to three T-1 (1.544mbps) circuits from (District Address) to Region XI Educational Service Center, 1451 South Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX
2 or more T-1(1.544mbsp) Data Circuit from (District Address) to Region XI 1451 Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX 76108
9. Internet Access(If you are on Skybeam or Nextlink)
Service:Broadband Data Transport
Internet Access
Quantity and/or Capacity:
Up to 100 Mbps wireless access
Please contact Pat Crawford, for additional information.