doTERRA building an arsenal of approved claims
- Make sure all posts are compliant, always refer to approved claims list
- Make sure insinuation/image is also compliant
- Doterra university – video and quiz, helps with training
- It is a requirement for Premiers and above, quiz, video and review new policies. Receive 20pv for fulfilling this requirement. Shows FDA that doTERRA is taking this seriously.
- Executives & Elites can take the quiz by the end of the month
- Can I link posts to my website? (Only to replicated website)
- If I get questions on FB post, and someone asks a question that is not compliant, what do I do? Compliant answer, delete the question.
- Why does freedom of speech not apply to me as a WA?
- There’s free speech and there’s corporate speech, and when we’re talking about our product it’s under the corporate speech umbrella.
- Make sure everything we say complies under the law of the land
- Why do we have these compliant policies?
- This isn’t something doTERRA has independently chosen to implement
- We do have regulatory bodies in the United States, they do have jurisdiction over companies like ours.
- We have a stewardship – we want to make sure this company stays strong and viable, and can continue to get into the hands of as many people as possible, and we never want to have that opportunity restricted.
- Important that we show immediate response.
- What if I remove doTERRA from static website and static website, can I still post educational posts?
- At the heart of this question is the desire to continue to associate essential oils with drugs or disease claims.
- There is a bill working its way up that may allow a bit more freedom to cite scientific research, etc., but it hasn’t occurred yet and we are subject to the law of the land.
- Why aren’t we fighting this? Why are we accepting their regulations as ours?
- We are a partner with the FDA, we want what’s best for everyone, we are a responsible company.
- Rules are restrictive for a reason.
- We are working closely with them and showing them what kind of company we are, we are also working closely with Congress and other governing bodies. We are fighting with all we have, but through the appropriate channels and it takes time.
- If these are FDA regulations, why haven’t we followed them until now?
- As a company, we have always abided by these regulations. The FDA is very happy with where the company is—marketing and printed materials is okay, doterra just needs to manage what customers are saying in regards to these products.
- May we forward our personal address to our doTERRA replicated website?
- Yes, and there are lots of options coming, they’ll be much more robust.
- We welcome feedback
- Are doctors allowed to make disease claims and are they allowed to use essential oils to treat patients?
- Doctors are under the same stipulations as all WA’s (ie public speaking and claims)
- In their own private practice, doctors can prescribe and treat patients on an individual basis
- Can we use pictures of our own bottles or do bottles need to be plain
- Look at Emily’s posts, your pictures can have doTERRA trademarks, just need compliant language
- Can I use all info on Product Information Pages, sometimes I feel like I’m plagiarizing?
- Plagiarize! Copy and paste, use marketing materials
- If I have a testimonial, and I don’t use doTERRA or any trademark names, can I share personal story about husband’s story with seizures?
- We are involved in commercial speech as Wellness Advocates, so we cannot use even personal testimonials that are not compliant with FDA guidelines, even if it is our own personal experience with the story
- (If we can benefit from financial gain from product, we can’t say it. If we CAN’T benefit, then we could share)
- Am I allowed to have a website that talks about essential oils as long as we don’t mention doTERRA at all or show pictures? Yes
- General oil posts must be compliant even if I don’t mention dotERRA? Yes – anything we post can be generally associated with the use and sale of essential oils, so we have to be compliant in ALL posts.
- Ex: Doula can still have her website. In the section where she used to talk about doTERRA, she’ll now talk about essential oils compliantly, for more information about essential oils please contact me….can’t link replicated website to her static website.
- Why can I post on social media but not on my replicated website?
- Because of massive amount of websites and blogs, doTERRA doesn’t have the manpower to review all those websites. For right now, to show we have responded and that doTERRA is not making claims, you can’t even have mention of trademark or trade dress (still have label, jut remove name). This is the easiest way to show compliant.
- Social media is not static, not as many problems.
- I have fixed my site, but old pictures are still coming up under searches. How do I address that?
- Mitch Wade will walk us through how to remove old searches –
- 1—Deleted or removed page, but still showing up when we do a google search, click and say site currently down. Request that Google temporarily de-list this page. Go to and submit your url and request removal. Google will check this – first they’ll check and see that page is actually down. They’ll pull it from the search for 90 days which gives us time to fix. He can ask Google to reindex and reinstate as soon as it’s ready, or wait for the 90 days.
- 2—you’ve fixed your page or website. You’ll want to tell Google to reindex page/site that has been edited for compliance. Google Mitch Weight doTERRA – he’s a marketer, and he’s working to clean up. He can’t control when google reindexesyoutube, but he can pull down youtube videos, fix, and reindex.
- Go to – login to google’s indexing tools and tell it what to do with your website.
- If you don’t have webmaster tools set up for your account, you’ll need to add a property – you submit the url you want to index, and it will tell you to download a file and upload that file to your domain (webmaster or domain can help you upload a file to domain), click on verify to verify site. Then you’ll see it listed in webmaster tools in search consul, click on url, click on left side: crawl. When it expands, click on fetch as google. (click on fetch). Google will say, “we see this webpage,” then you tell it what to do. Click submit to index.
- There will be a popup, you can tell it to crawl that one url (just one page), but if you’ve fixed the entire site, you can tell it to crawl the entire site and reindex. You get 100 crawls per month. If you get your site completely done, you get 10 of those a month. By doing this, we fix the search engine results, and that’s what makes everybody happy.
- What do we do with reference guides that talk about doTERRA products?
- If they are legally compliant ONLY
- If the reference book promotes drug claims….no.
- Online is the key – there are books out there that mention essential oils, that’s okay, they are third party. Please don’t link them to any online marketing.
- Can we have links to youtube videos or ppts and trainings that refer to business aspect of doTERRA on websites and social media?
- You can link to any doTERRA website or video through social media sites
- Can I post those same trainings on personal website – for the time being, no doTERRA reference be made on your website. Not even for business purposes.
- If my website is password protected, is that allowed and what can I say behind the password?
- Team trainings behind a password where there’s access to various videos. We want access to be made, but those videos must be compliant.
- Product training is where we need to be sure we’re using compliant language.
- Will doTERRA discuss compliance language and teach us how to use compliant language at convention?
- Absolutely – you’ll see this continue, some great things planned
- Stewardship to use more compliant language
- Are you ready to announce the agenda for convention?
- What is the procedure for having doTERRA approve something not on the current list but which is probably compliant.
- – any suggestions you have, please send them to that website, or anything you’d like to work with further. Help us learn the best ways to become compliant, as you’re cleaning up your sites, take them down as quickly as possible, when you’re ready to repost, contact
- Any suggestions you have, feel free to send. Be patient, new process, getting staff up to speed.
- There’s nothing wrong with “support the respiratory system,” it’s when you list the ailments that you can get in trouble.
- Can we cite Onguard studies or – FDA attorneys counsel that this is a gray area. We want to do more of this, but we want to make sure we don’t cross the line. Right now the safe choice is to not cite anything…just wait for process to settle.
- The problem is if you say frankincense cures something and link it to – so many ways to mess up. Don’t provide those links right now.
- Anyone can go to and google any ailment they want to. The problem or challenge comes when we’re promoting doTERRA products by directing them to those websites.
- Can we use doTERRA trademark or tradedress on our business FB page, or can I be holding a doTERRA product in my image?
- There’s emotion that goes with this, we understand it’s painful
- Please do not include doTERRA in your name on FB page – this is for your own protection
- You do want the world to know who and what you represent – we’re allowing people to put posts on FB page, it’s okay for profile picture to have a doTERRA product. If you choose to do that, it’s incumbent on you to make sure you are UBER compliant and vigilant on a regular basis to make sure people aren’t posting things that are inappropriate.
- There was a post Emily made a few years ago, it was on someone else’s timeline (recognized them as a particular rank), she mentioned they had overcome a specific condition, that post resurfaces from time to time.
- Why are we not being allowed to represent doTERRA on static website? I have website that has all services I offer, now I can’t say I represent doTERRA essential oils. We are independent representatives. Other MLMs do that.
- We hear you, we understand your heart.
- We hope you can understand our position and why we had to draw that hard line in the sand. We simply don’t have the man power (which would include thousands of compliance efforts) to review all those static websites, but right now we have to show immediate response to regulatory bodies and show that doTERRA has the power to control what WA’s are saying about doTERRA.
- In the future we are working towards the ability to post websites.
- Please be patient with the process.
- We are the largest essential oil company in the world, and one of the largest MLM companies – we have to be the example for others to follow. Just because other companies are making claims (they aren’t allowed to either), doesn’t mean we should.
- We have enrolled more people in the last 6 months than we enrolled in the last 6 years. Opens mind to sheer number and size of the company. We are promoting natural health and wellness.
- As we come into this era of changing our language, let’s embrace it, be excited about it, be leaders about it. Let’s not slow our efforts or let momentum slow. Don’t poison your teams with negative or reticent attitudes.
- How does this affect the Zyto compass scanner? Is the usage of the Zyto compass scanner?
- It depends on how you’re using it? Are you putting in diabetes and finding items to address?
- Where can we post webinars, what sites can we use to host them? I know we can’t archive them…
- You can use whatever you want. Just keep them compliant.
- They can be recorded and available as long as they’re compliant.
- How do we train our team if they aren’t able to attend local meetings? Can we record them?
- Livestreamed events – fine! Just make them compliant.
- Be careful with testimonials if you’re livestreaming or recording
- What can we link to our own static websites to talk generically about essential oils
- You can’t link to any doTERRA websites
- You can’t link to your doTERRA replicated site
- Don’t link to anything that talks about drugs or conditions
- Social media with compliant language, is this a viable option for the future?
- Probably yes, we can’t anticipate everything.
- Pretty certain that if we’re compliant with the things we’ve talked about on this call we’ll be fine.
- If current class tools (tear pads) are not compliant, what should we be using?
- We are updating class in a box, material is printed and should be rolling out in the next couple of days. New tear pad for classes, if you want to use the videos you can, but you can simply stick with the tear pad. Tear pad with the enrollment kits, all images there, they can see what’s included in the kits. We’ll continue to modify those in the future, and we’ll add to business tools.
- Can I use doTERRA name when promoting my event?
- Yes! Just make sure events are compliant. (ie don’t say how to cure cancer with doTERRA essential oils….)
- You can have an Eventbrite site to register people and that can reference doTERRA as well.
- Can we use the term Aromatouch if we are certified in it, and is there a way to send people to registration sites?
- (yes, if you’re a certified trainer you can reference those words)
- What about claims for animals?
- Same context – animals get diseases as well, use same compliant language
- If I’m an international wellness advocate, how can I apply them to my business when they were only released for the U.S.
- We know you’ve heard about what’s gone on in the U.S., what can we say, does the FDA have jurisdiction over other countries? No, but there are similar governing bodies all over the world. We are inviting international advocates to learn right along with us, especially since online posts can enter US internet space.
- Continue to check the FAQ section of doterrauniversity which is added to daily