High Holy Days 2016 / Yamim Noraim 5777

Rosh Hashanah led by Rabbi Andrew Goldstein;

Erev Rosh Hashanah – Sunday October 2nd service starts at 7.30pm

Rosh Hashanah day – Monday October 3rd service starts at 10.30am

Yom Kippur led by Rabbi Mark Solomon;

Kol Nidre Tuesday October 11th service starts at 7pm [fast begins at …]

Yom Kippur Wednesday October 12th:

Morning service 10.45 – 13.00 / Study / Shiur 15.30 -16.15 / Mincha 16.15 – 17.15 / Neila - 18.00 – 19.00 followed by Shofar and Havdalah / 19.15 ish - Join us to end the fast with a light meal

Activities for children will be held at the home of David Bartramand coordinated with the main services

Ticket information;

  • All students and members of progressive communities do not require a ticket to attend however please let us know if you are planning to come. Members and Friends of LPJC do not need to contact.
  • Tickets ARE required for all other adult visitors with a contribution of £20. We welcome you to our community please contact for further details.

Introducing Rabbi Andrew Goldstein;

Rabbi Dr Andrew Goldstein was born in Warwick and raised in Birmingham where the family was active in Birmingham Liberal Synagogue. As a young man with a degree in Botany and Zoology he went on to do a PhD on the subject of “Travels to the Holyland: 1790 – 1830”. The case study was the first journey (in 1827) of Moses and Judith Montefiore. He has specialised in the study of the Montefiores. Ordination at Leo Baeck College followed in 1970,he is now Emeritus rabbi of Northwood & Pinner Liberal Synagogue.

For 20 years Rabbi Goldstein was in charge of the ULPS Education Department and has published a series of text books. He and his wife Sharon founded and ran the Liberal Jewish Kadimah Summer School for 19 years. They also organised several ULPS Conferences and together organise for NPLS, tours to places of Jewish interest (recently to Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, the Southern US).

/ Rabbi Goldstein co-edited the Liberal Judaism Hagaddah (L’dorVa’dor) and the High Holy Day MachzorRuachChadashah (published in 2003) and was chair of the Editorial Committee of Siddur Lev Chadash. He is currently President of Liberal Judaism [extract from LJ website].
NB –Rabbi Goldstein will be using a 250year old shofar given to him by a Montefiore associate – part of his PhD
/ Sharon Goldstein was a magistrate and set up the Care and Bereavement project in NPLS, she is involved nationally in Jewish bereavement work. Sharon takes an active part in the singing elements of services.
This will not be their first visit to LPJC – just ask Reni.

[Re] introducing Rabbi Mark Solomon;

/ Mark Solomon is Senior Lecturer in Rabbinic Literature at Leo Baeck College, Rabbi of Edinburgh and Leicester Liberal Jewish communities, and Interfaith Consultant for Liberal Judaism. He holds a BA (Hons.) in English Literature from the University of Sydney and an MA in Hebrew and Jewish Studies from Leo Baeck College, where he completed a dissertation on the thought of the great anti-Maimonidean philosopher HasdaiCrescas.

Mark was born in Sydney and studied in yeshiva in Melbourne and KfarHabad, before completing rabbinic studies at Jews' College, London, where he was ordained in 1991. He has served as rabbi at Watford United Synagogue, West Central Liberal Synagogue, and The Liberal Jewish Synagogue (St John's Wood). He is co-chair of the London Society of Jews and Christians and an honorary rabbi of the Jewish Gay and Lesbian Group.

Extract from Leo Baeck website