Current Models of Dual Immersion Programs in Seattle Public Schools 2016-2017
Updated 8/23/2016

Elementary School / Concord / Beacon Hill / Beacon Hill / John Stanford / John Stanford
Language / Spanish / Spanish / Chinese - Mandarin / Spanish / Japanese
Model / 70/30 two-way dual
50/50 starting 2nd grade / 50/50 two-way dual / 50/50 partial immersion / 50/50 partial immersion / 50/50 partial immersion
Current Level / 5th / 5th / 5th / 5th / 5th
Content Areas – K / First Language literacy (Eng > Eng; Spn > Spn)
Math / Spanish literacy (for all)
(No formal Eng literacy)
Math (introduction) / Math/Science
Chinese literacy & word study / Math/Science
(Spanish literacy) / Math/Science
(Japanese literacy)
Content Areas – 1 / First Language literacy (Eng > Eng; Spn > Spn)
Math / Spanish literacy (for all)
(No formal Eng literacy)
Math (introduction) / Math/Science
Chinese literacy & word study / Math/Science
(Spanish literacy) / Math/Science
(Japanese literacy)
Content Areas – 2 / Math
Spanish literacy (for all) / Math/Science/
Social Studies
Spanish literacy (for all)
(Formal Eng lit for all) / Math/Science
Chinese literacy / Math/Science/
some Social Studies
(Spanish literacy) / Math/Science/
some Social Studies
(Japanese literacy)
Content Areas – 3 / Math
Spanish literacy / Math/Science/
Social Studies
Spanish literacy (for all) / Math/Science
Chinese literacy / Math/Science/
some Social Studies
(Spanish literacy) / Math/Science/
some Social Studies
(Japanese literacy)
Content Areas – 4 / Science/Social Studies
Spanish literacy / Math/Science
Spanish literacy / Math/ Science
Chinese literacy / Math/Science/
some Social Studies
(Spanish literacy) / Math/Science/
some Social Studies
(Japanese literacy)
Content Areas – 5 / Science/Social Studies
Spanish literacy / Math/Science
Spanish literacy / Math/ Science
Chinese literacy / Math/Science/Social Studies
(Spanish literacy) / Math/Science/Social Studies
(Japanese literacy)
Middle School / Denny Intl MS / Mercer Intl MS / Mercer Intl MS / Hamilton Intl MS / Hamilton Intl MS
# of periods and program / 2 – Spanish Literacy and Social Studies block / 1 –Spanish Language Arts (Levels 1, 2, 3) with Social Studies content / 2 –Chinese Language Arts (Levels 1, 2, 3) and Social Studies in Mandarin / 1 –Spanish Language Arts (Levels 1, 2, 3) / 1 –Japanese Language
Arts (Levels 1, 2, 3)
High School / Chief Sealth Intl HS / ?? / ?? / Ingraham + others / Ingraham + others
# of periods / 2 – 9th grade AP Spanish, 10th-12thSpanish Literacy Social Studies / (N/A) / (N/A) / 1 – Spanish III, IV, or AP or IB / 1 – Japanese III, IV, or AP or IB

Note: (literacy) in parentheses means that teachers offer as much literacy as possible interwoven in the content area instruction

Elementary School / McDonald / McDonald / Dearborn Park / Dearborn Park
Language / Spanish / Japanese / Spanish / Chinese - Mandarin
Model / 50/50 partial immersion / 50/50 partial immersion / 50/50 partial immersion / 50/50 partial immersion
Current Level / 5th / 5th / 2nd / 2nd
Content Areas – K / Math/Science
(Spanish literacy) / Math/Science
(Japanese literacy) / Math/Science
Spanish literacy / Math/Science
Chinese characters
Content Areas – 1 / Math/Science
(Spanish literacy) / Math/Science
(Japanese literacy) / Math/Science
Spanish literacy / Math/Science
Chinese characters
Content Areas – 2 / Math/Science
(Spanish literacy) / Math/Science
(Japanese literacy) / Math/Science
Spanish literacy / Math/Science
Chinese literacy
Content Areas – 3 / Math/Science/
Social Studies
(Spanish literacy) / Math/Science/
Social Studies
(Japanese literacy)
Content Areas – 4 / Math/Science/
Social Studies
(Spanish literacy) / Math/Science/
Social Studies
(Japanese literacy)
Content Areas – 5 / Math/Science
(Spanish literacy) / Math/Science
(Japanese literacy)
Middle School / Hamilton Intl MS / Hamilton Intl MS / Mercer Intl MS / Mercer Intl MS
# of periods and program / 1 – Spanish Language Arts (Levels 1, 2, 3) / 1 – Japanese Language
Arts (Levels 1, 2, 3) / 1 – Spanish Language Arts (Levels 1, 2, 3) with Social Studies content / 2 – Chinese Language Arts (Levels 1, 2, 3) and Social Studies in Mandarin
High School / Ingraham + others / Ingraham + others / ?? / ??
# of periods / 1 - Spanish III, IV, or AP or IB / 1 - Japanese III, IV, or AP or IB / (N/A) / (N/A)

Note: (literacy) in parentheses means that teachers offer as much literacy as possible interwoven in the content area instruction

Prepared by Michele Anciaux Aoki, Ph.D., International Education AdministratorPage 1

Seattle Public Schools,