MMA Mobile Video:
Strategic Framework
I. Background:
Mobile continues to drive digital advertising’s growth, and the innovation in new formats, creative executions and overall performance in the past year alone necessitate a dedicated focus on the opportunities and challenges marketers face today when making mobile video spending decisions.
As ad dollars follow consumer time spent and viewership, it is no surprise that video is still one of the fastest growing areas of mobile ad spending. According to eMarketer, mobile video ad spending in the US jumped 80.6% in 2015 and is forecast to see double-digit growth through 2019.
In 2015 average daily time spent watching video on mobile devices in the US surpassed desktop time, and in 2017 mobile time will be almost double its desktop counterpart. In the MMA’s own SMOX study, mobile video emerged as significantly more effective compared to both TV and digital video (around 3X).
II. Central Issue:
The marketplace is fragmented, and new ad formats, apps, platforms, technologies and strategies arise for mobile video faster than publishers, advertisers and technology partners can keep track. How do we define what works and what doesn’t? How do we protect the user experience while delivering on advertisers’ goals?
III. Mission:
The mission of the MMA Mobile Video Committee is to explore and support how brands and marketers can do their jobs better in providing value and superior user experience to drive results with mobile video.
The committee will focus on best practices for driving ROI with mobile video; understanding and demystifying new mobile video ad formats and placements; and overall right-sizing advertisers’ spend with mobile video’s effectiveness.
IV. Definition
Mobile Video Ad— an ad whereby the primary unit consists of delivery of a video advertisement to mobile devices. Different from Rich Media, the ad unit displays video to create consumer demand and engagement. During or after the video, it may have rich media features as an overlay, but the ad does not require consumer to click to start the video. Mobile video units are most commonly sold on a CPM or CPV basis.
Examples include: Pre/Mid/Post-Roll, Interstitial, In-Feed, Out Stream and Value Exchange (or Rewarded) ad units
V. Industry Landscape
Members to update the MMA’s existing Mobile Video Landscape; high level key stakeholders/participants include:
- Brand advertisers
- Agencies
- Publishers & Platforms
- Content/Media companies
- Video Ad Networks
- Video Mediators
- Data/Analytics
- Programmatic partners
VI. Goals:
The primary goals of the MMA Mobile Video Committee are:
- To educate stakeholders and promote mobile video as a powerful marketing channel among marketers and monetization tool for publishers
- To establish best practices for existing and emerging mobile video ad formats
- To empower new mobile video innovation within the framework of guidelines and standards to grow the mobile video advertising category as a whole
- To assess current mobile video technical and communication standards and guidelines and identify gaps in existing standards (IAB, AAAA, ANA, etc)
- To uncover and share best-in-breed examples of creative innovation
VII. Strategic Execution Elements
- Two tracks, technical and marketing, may need to convene as each needs special but different attention
- Important to have a balance of publishers and advertisers to drive meaningful conversation
VIII. High-level tactical schedule/agenda:
- Q1 2017: Announce new Strategic Framework at the MMA Mobile Video Leadership Forum; solicit committee leaders and members; establish priority topics/initiatives
- Q2 2017: Build content priorities; suggested focus on Vertical Video – discuss Mobile Marketing Leadership Forum & Cannes activations or announcements
- Q3 2017:Expand content; focus on Programmatic Video; discuss MMA SM2 Innovation Summit messaging/participation
- Q4 2017: TBD topics; Performance video, rewarded video, AR/VR, interactive video up for discussion
MMA ProprietaryPage 111/14/2018