Managers' Association
Minutes of Meeting No. 1/2006 of the Managers’ Association
held on Wednesday 8 February, 2006
in the Council Room, Clayton Campus
Members: David Caddy, Jill Crisfield, Simon Dermer, Anne Fletcher, James Gibbons GillianHolley, AndrewIacuone, KerryJeffery, SteliosKonstantinidis, ChrisMcCarty, LizbethMoon, Jenny Morrison, GertrudeNayak, Bob Palin, AnnePirera, ChrisPowell, ShaneRevell, Bruce Russell, Maxwell Solomons, Elizabeth Stock, Nicole Tournier, Christine Walker, Tony Wilton, Lynda WorthingtonVisitors: Julie Spencer (for Lisa Ford), Sheena Whyte
Kathy Cooper, Margaret Dooley, John Gibson, Meryl Kennedy, DougMcGregor, Romesh Perera, Elenore Videion3.0
/Minutes of Previous Meeting 9thNovember 2005
/Matters Arising from the Minutes
In: NilOut:Nil
/Guest speaker
Peggy DaroesmanDirector, Research Office
Research achievements in 2005
- 15% increase in research income in 2005
- Research Income increased to $139.8M ($121.7M in 2004).
- Increase in applications for Research Grants
- Increase in the number of active grants
- Research ethics and compliance
- Research Information Systems
- Grant development and management
- Timely invoicing of Research Income
- Access to RM4
- Increase research income by invoicing more promptly
- Costing & pricing template (by George Ou)
/Member Reports
Administrative Heads Group: (Anne Fletcher)David Pitt, Vice President (Finance) reported on the 2006 budget:
- HEWRR Requirements $8M funding
- VSU 2007 1st full year $13.5M to $14M impact ($700K impact in 2006)
- AQUA Audit – 11 Sept – Malaysia & Sth Africa
- Capital expenditure budgeted for 2006-8
- Access to Synchrotron
- Strip 2
- Data centre
- Education Building
- Refurbishment
- Building 19
- Science Offices
- Centre of Excellence
- Law
- SAP Upgrade
- GST Review – Faculty visits
- SAP Upgrade
- Visiting academics
- Incremental progression
- Staff classification
- Letters of offer
/Other Business
Nil.The meeting closed at approximately 4:30pm
Confirmed as a true record:
Chris McCartyAnne FletcherActing SecretaryChair
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