Kindergarten ELA Start Smart: Three weeks devoted to beginning literacy skills. IC OC: Balance and Stability OI: Beary Good Beginnings
Start Smart Essential Question: Who is part of your family? Enduring Understanding: We all have different families.
Literature Selection / Genre / Technology / Media / Concept Words / Comprehension Strategies and Skills
ELA - LTs / Fluency / Writing
Writer’s Workshop / ICP: OI Overview / 1st Six Weeks
OI : Beary Good Beginnings
Animals in the Park: An ABC Book
Written and illustrated by Bob Barner
Building a Foundation
/ Big Book
Informational Text/ ABC Book
Big Book of Explorations
Informational Text/ Expository / digital camera
McGraw Hill TX Treasures TE p. 253 C, D
Computer Basics
TERMS monitor, keyboard, mouse, username/password
IC LESSON--Columbus Day Floating Lesson in Planner –BrainPop Jr. video and first use of Google Earth in classrm (Google Earth Virtual Tour—“Voyage of Columbus”--find Texas and US on Google Earth) – Brainpop Jr – Planner links
IC LESSON –Mind Your Manners (related book)—Manners At School (Finn) / Names / Listening
Read Across Texts
Reading- I Can--identify main parts of a book…Listen/ Answer questions, / Alphabet Recognition / Writer’s Workshop
Establishing Routines
Day 4 ELA Planner
Wordless books—telling a story / Read the Kinder IC Quick start Guide in the Beary Good Beginnings Planner lesson. /
--Constitution Day floating lesson in planner
(terms: constitution, vote)
--Columbus Day floating lesson in Planner
Rules—order, security, safety, manners
Recognize the US flag
Pledge of Allegiance
Texas Pledge
Geography—location (over, under, near, far, left, right)
School leaders
Uniqueness of individuals-
similarities/ differences
Basic Human needs (food,
clothing shelter) and
How geographic location
affects way of earning a
living, shelter, clothing,
food, culture, customs,
Jobs – Kindergarten Mission statement
Technology at home and
school—Computer basics
Acquiring info from visual
print or electronic resources
Hands Can
Written by Cheryl W.Hudson
Photographs by John-Francis Bourke
Things I Can Do / Big Book
Informational Text/ Expository
Big Book of Explorations
Literary Text/Poetry / Opposites / Listening Comprehension
Oral Lang-- I Can--identify rhyming words, opposites, predictions by looking at a book cover, inferences/pictures / Alphabet Recognition / Writer’s Workshop
Establishing Routines
Jazz Baby
Written by Carole Boston Weatherford
Illustrated by Laura Freeman
I Can Make Music –how we make it, how we dance, listening, playing instruments / Trade Book
Literary Text/Fiction
Big Book of Explorations
Informational Text/ Expository / Position Words / Listening Comprehension
Reading—I Can—understand that
reading moves left-rt, top-bottom …identify recurring folktale characters / Alphabet Recognition / Writer's Workshop
Trait: Ideas
Skill: Using Resources
Kindergarten Unit 1 ELA Theme: Families: Who is part of your family? Unit 1: Theme Related Library Resources
ICP OC: Balance and Stability OI: Beary Good Beginnings
Literature Selection / Genre / Technology/
Media / Concept Words / Comprehension Strategies & Skills / Fluency / Writing
Writer’s Workshop / ICP: OI Guiding Questions / 1st Six Weeks
OI : Beary Good Beginnings
Whose Baby Am I?
Written and illustrated by John Butler
My Family &
Me / Big Book
Informational Text/Expository
Big Book of Explorations
Literary Text/ Poetry /
IC LESSON Logging In
What are the main parts of a computer? What can you do with a computer? What jobs use computers?
-Acting responsibly with a computer
IC LESSON, My School -- K classes will stop by to ask you how YOU create school balance & stability / your most important responsibility. SEE School Leaders Script – in Planner)
ELA LTs Reading—I Can--
make predictions about stories…Identify words that rhyme
ELA LTs Reading--I Can-- recognize story structure, identify setting …retell facts, use photos to get info
IC LESSON--Draw What You See LT: I can draw what I observe…Acquire info from visual print or electronic resources
website: ThinkQuest. / Size Words / Genre
Fable, Expository
Recognize Text Structure
Make Predictions
Skill Use Illustrations / Build Fluency: Sound-Spellings
Build Fluency: Word Automaticity /
Writer's Workshop
-Trait: Organization
-Skill: Using Resources /
Guiding Questions:
How can I show balance and stability?
How can I be safe?
How does having balance and stability help make everything "just right” at home and school?
Why is it important to be a good observer?
Learning Targets (LTs) are listed in the planner for each lesson /
HEALTHGerms, illness, disease, healthy practicesSafety rules (water, bicycle, at home and school, 911)SCIENCE (note: the Scope and Sequence places observation and the topic of magnetism later in the fall--, but lessons in the Planner include it here also.) (DE Streaming content, Classrm teachers will download the Discovery TX Techbook -Teacher app from the PISD App Depot)Scientific investigations QUESTION - PREDICT – OBSERVECollect information Primary balanceWhat Scientists DoMatter (record physical properties), magnets
I Wonder: “I Wonder” questions that students generate for this OI might include:*“I wonder… How many students are in our class?” **"I wonder... Where does a scientist work?" **I wonder… Who works in our school?” **I wonder… How many scientists are in our classroom?"Holidays
Constitution Day (9-17-14) Columbus Day (10-13-14)
The Picnic at Apple Park
Written by Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy
Illustrated by Ann Iosa
Families Get Together / Big Book
Literary Text/ Fiction
Big Book of Explorations
Informational Text/Expository / Same and Different / Genre
Fiction, Expository, Folktale
Recognize Story Structure
Identify Setting
Skill Make Predictions / Build Fluency: Sound-Spellings
Build Fluency: Word Automaticity /
Writer's Workshop
-Skill: Using Resources
Peter’s Chair
Written and illustrated by Ezra Jack Keats
Families Change /
Trade Book
Literary Text/ Fiction
Big Book of Explorations
Informational Text/Expository
Same and Different /
Genre: Fiction, Expository
Recognize Story Structure
Make Predictions
Skill Identify Setting / Build Fluency: Sound-Spellings
Build Fluency: Word Automaticity /
Writer's Workshop
-Trait: Conventions
-Genre: Personal Narrative
McGraw–Hill Texas Treasures, TE Kindergarten ; Plano ISD Elementary ELA Planner, IC Planner, Writer’s Workshop