Chair: Shirley Taylor
Membership – Application and Renewal
The Aims of the Association are:- To liaise with and represent the views of beach hut owners to NFDC.
- To advise members as appropriate.
- To secure discounted insurance.
- To combat criminal damage & theft and encourage security patrols.
- Contact details and general information.
- A copy of the Association’s constitution.
- Details of how to apply for discounted hut insurance from Towergate Insurance, Love Your Hut or Ryan’s Insurance.
Please allowat least ten days for processing after paying for membership.
FEES FOR MEMBERSHIP 2017-2018.Membership costs £5 per year (or part thereof) per hut for up
to two named adults;the membership year runs from 1st April – 31st March.
Existing members are reminded thatApril 1stis the due date for renewing your membership.
As per the constitution,membership ceases automatically if not renewed by 1stJune.
You can make your payment in the following ways:
By cheque:please send your cheque made payable to NFBHOA,together with the tear-offRemittance Form below, to the Hon.Treasurer: -
Colin Byford (C97) 41 West Road, Dibden Purlieu, Southampton, SO45 4RH
Telephone no. 023 8084 8076
By bank transfer.Please make payment to:
Sort Code: 30-91-08
Account Number: 00519737
Reference: please quote your hut number, eg M999
Pleaseemail advising that you have made a payment and quoting your hut number.
New membersand existing members with a change of contact details should also include members’ names, addresses and phone numbers. This information can be sent by post using the remittance form, if preferred.
Remittance Form *(please delete as necessary)
New member?*Yes/No / *I/We *enclose a cheque for £5.00 / confirm paying by bank transfer
as payment for*my/our membership for the year commencing1st April2017.
*Barton-on-Sea/ *Calshot/*Hordle Cliff/ *Milford-on-Sea… Hut number………………
Name(s)…………………………………………………………………….(max.2 members per hut)
Home address……………………………………………………………………......
…………………………………………………………… Post Code……….………..
Telephone …………………………………... Mobile………………………….
email address(see below)……………………………………………………..
To save on postagecost,the Association would prefer to correspond with you by email. Please tick this box if you do NOT wish to receive email correspondence∏email addresses are not disclosed to 3rd parties other than to the police if you agreebelow.
To assist in notifying owners of damage to Huts and investigation of those incidents, Hampshire Constabulary are willing to hold Beach Hut Owners’ contact details. May we give them your details? If so, please tick this box ∏
For Office Use Only Date received……………… Members List up-dated…….…….… ‘Welcome Letter’ sent…………..…..