Director: Kachine Alexander319-471-3337 (cell)
Amanda Behnke 612-387-6152 (cell)
Dates:Monday and Wednesday Nights-Teams will only play one night a week-Please indicate preference (Monday/Wednesday) 1st come 1st served for Monday or Wednesday night preference.Each team will play 2 games on preferred night.
Extended Team Camp Games: June – 10(M), 12(W), 17(M), 19(W), 24(M), 26 (W)
July – 8(M), 10(W), 15(M), 17(W),
Times:5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00PM
Place:Gangelhoff Center @ Concordia University
Cost:$575.00 per team- Minimum of 8players per team and maximum of 12. Players must have high school eligibility remaining.
(Includes a ConcordiaUniversityt-shirt for each registered player – for each additional player more than 12, there will be an additional $20 charge)
Format:Each team will play 10 games
Schedule:Will be e-mailed June 3rd(Forms are due by May 31st)
Teams: Limited to the first 56 paid entries
(We will be running a “Varsity” and a “Junior Varsity” division. Please indicate on the form which division you would like to play in.)
**Bring your own basketballs and team colored jersey (see enclosed sheet)
Make checks payable to Concordia University Women’s Basketball (Payment must accompany registrations). Please return all individual team member registration forms together along with the team roster which must include the team contact. In order to e-mail the schedule to the team contact on June 3rd, all registration forms must be turned in by May31st. This form may be photocopied.
Phone ( )High School______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
I, (Parent or Guardian) hereby authorize the director of the Concordia University Summer Team Camp, or an associated worker, to act for me according to his/her best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention. I acknowledge that neither the Summer Team Camp nor Concordia University provide insurance coverage. I acknowledge that injuries occur to participants in basketball programs and I assume all risks for injuries or damages incurred in connection with this team camp.
Mail to:
Concordia University, Women’s Basketball
275 Syndicate Street North
St. Paul, MN 55104
**(Send in this form along with each team member’s registration form and payment)**
Team name
League: Varsity or Junior Varsity (circle one) Day: Monday or Wednesday
Contact name (this will be the person that we will contact when information needs to be delivered to a team)
Contact phone number
Contact e-mail address
(Please make sure to include both a phone number and an email address)
2012 Concordia University Girls’ Basketball Extended Camp Rules
All MSHSL rules will apply with the followingexceptions:
• Competition against an opponent will consist of three separate 13-minute games.Teams will receive 2 points for a win, 1point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss ineach game.
• The clock will run for the first 12 minutes of each game. Stopped time will be used during each game’s final minute.
• Free throws will only be shot in the lastminute of the game. In that last minute, all fouls will be considered bonus (one and one or two shots on a shooting foul). Otherwise fouls willbe handled in the following manner:
- Non-shooting fouls– the fouled teamreceives one point and maintains possessionof the ball.
- Offensive foul the defensive team will receive one point and the ball
- Shooting foul and the basket is good the team will also receive the and 1 point
- Shooting fouls– the fouled team willreceive two points (three if attemptingashot from behind the arc). Theother team then receives possession.
• Each team is allotted one time-out per 13minute game
- Any Coach that is ejected from a game will be suspended for the remainder of the summer. Appeals may be made in writing to a Director.
****With this format, numbers will not be needed on jerseys. Players will be given Concordia University t-shirts, but MUST bring their own team jersey. Reversible jerseys are preferred so opposing teams are not stuck having the same jersey color. To be safe, if t-shirts are used, please have players bring both a light and dark t-shirt****