You are invited to a Community Mother/Daughter Brunch hosted by Relay for Life Team TEAM TRINITY at 9am Saturday, May 13, Trinity Lutheran Church, Sibley. After brunch a presentation entitled “Growing With Grace” will be given by Amy Scheaffer and family, followed by door prizes. Rhubarb pies and Team Trinity crafts will be also be available. All proceeds donated to the American Cancer Society. Tickets are $7 and available at The Porch On Main or call Brenda Krahling @ 712-461-0687.
On Saturday, June 3, 2017 Village Northwest Unlimited will host the 12th annual Run, Walk & Roll. With a 5k and 10k run and a 1 mile walk/wheelchair roll, there is something for every age and ability! Join us for a morning of exercise, fun, and to support adults with disabilities. Register online at or call Samantha at 712.324.5416 for more information.
Auditions for membership in the Northwest Iowa Symphony Youth Orchestra (NISYO) will be held on Saturday, May 13, at the Dordt College Music Building. Now completing its tenth season, NISYO is seeking string players from middle school through high school to join all sections of the orchestra. For more information or to schedule an audition, contact NISYO conductor Dr. Christopher Stanichar at 605-929-3924 or via e-mail at .
As we seethe springtime grass getting greener and leaves forming on trees, itremindsus ofthe new life we have in Christ. The Luke Society would like to thankOcheyedan Christian Reformed Churchfor playing a role in bringingtheGospel to those hurting physically and spiritually. Your generosity isplanting the seeds of new life andsalvationacross the globe.
CHAMY'S CATASTROPHE - Brand New Episode. Chamy’s parents’ divorce is final on Friday. Chamy doesn’t believe it - surely there’s something that she can do to bring her parents back together! Subscribe for free at At download the new free resource Power Tools: Taking a Stand Against Bullying.
WHEN CHRIST RETURNS - Will there be rapture when Christ returns? What does “a new heaven and a new earth” mean? Will earth as we recognize it cease to exist? Join our Groundwork discussion on 2 Peter 3 and Revelation 21 as we explore the biblical description of the kingdom Christ will usher in when he returns. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.
Serving,CommunionSunday, May 7, 2017
Children’s Worship Leader: Baptism --- Emily H
Banner Carriers: Evan --- Daniel
Greeters: Natalie, Karen, Carson
Coffee Servers: Pastor Bill & Marge VDH --- Curtis Beth VV
Greeters: Elmer & Nelva H ---- Darwin & Mary B
Ushers: Ron B / Corey S
Nursery:Sue Z & Greg V
Evening Nursery: Michele VM & Brielle V
Offering:Local GEMS Leadership Conference
Librarian: Mary R
Sunday, May 7, 2017
9:30 AM Morning Worship ---- Children’s Worship
Congregational meeting after morning worship service
6:00 PM Evening Worship
Monday, May 8, 2017
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Wednesday,May 10, 2017
6:00 AM Men's Breakfast Bible Study
Thursday, May 11, 2017
7:00PM Prayer & Sharetime this weekat Barb H‘s home
Friday, May 12, 2017
Advanced Notice
May 25- 7:00 PM- Ascension Day service at the Sibley CRC
Serving,Mother’s Day Sunday, May 14, 2017
Children’s Worship Leader:Ascension – Amy R
Banner Carriers:Kaitlyn --- Paula
Greeters:Curt B, Curtis V, Ashley
Coffee Servers: Curtis Beth VV ---- Mark & Crystal V
Greeters: Wilfred & Ellen B ---Rick & Michelle VH
Ushers: Ron B / Corey S
Nursery:Emily H & Abigail M
Evening Nursery:
Offering:Sheldon Christian School
Librarian:Mary R
Congregational Announcements
There’s a Labor Shortage - We enter a new season in our worship this morning. Sunday School, Catechism, GEMS, Cadets, Sunshine Circle and many other programs have come to their summer break. But we are entering our “Mission” Season. It begins with VBS and continues with service at The Banquet followed by the Bible Booth at the Clay County Fair. Will there be enough workers? Jesus saw that problem already as He walked along the roads of His home town of Capernaum. We will be taught in this message that our passion –like His- should be unleashed for those who do are ripe for the gospel message. This creates a delightful, but dangerous, dilemma which we will explore. The solution to the dilemma comes as a shock to us. Then, as the shock begins to make sense, it hits us with an unexpected shock.
Challenging Confidence - In this next message of our getting down to the basics we learn that God is at work within us to empower us both to want to obey Him and to do it. We will be learning God’s Wisdom from Philippians 2:12-13 this evening and be guided in this by the Canons of Dordt, First Head of Doctrine, Articles 12-14 and 17. As we study what Paul wrote to the Philippians we learn that God actually does work within His chosen ones – God works within us! We will also realize that the God who works within us commands us to act like redeemed people. Now since God Himself is at work within us – empowering us to will and to do and since He commands us to act like redeemed people well that leaves us with one significant comfort and one exciting challenge!
Seeking Your Help:GEMS Girls’ Clubs Leadership Conference is looking for volunteers to help make Conference a success July 26-30 at Dordt College. You do not need to be a GEMS counselor to volunteer. Any and all help is welcomed. Visit sign up or contact Rina Klynsma at .
Installation of Office Bearers– With thanks to God we anticipate witnessing the installation of our new office bearers in our morning service of worship on Sunday, June 04, 2017. Those whom God selects for the offices of elder and deacon will be installed to their respective offices during our morning service of worship on that Sunday.
Legacy Foundation– At the last meeting of the Council this past Monday evening, May 1 the council agreed to pursue setting up a Legacy Foundation for our church to receive estate donations and other tax exempt donations.
The Western Christian High School Music Department will be performing their final concert of the year on Wednesday, May 17, at 7 PM in the Western Christian High School Event Center. Highlighting this concert will be performances by Concert Choir, Cantus, Orchestra, and Concert Band.
Western Christian High School will host its 95th commencement for 64 students on Tuesday, May 23 at 7:00 p.m. in the gymnasium. The graduation speaker will be Reverend Loren Kotman from the First Christian Reformed Church in Hull. Everyone is cordially invited to attend.
Free Food Available: The Food Bank of Iowa mobile pantry will be distributing food on Tuesday, May 9 from 4-6 p.m. at the Sibley Christian Reformed Church. If you or anyone you know could use some help with food, please come. Please bring your own bags, baskets, or boxes to carry your food.
Three members of our YEAH! group have the privilege of going on SERVE in Platte, SD from June 17-24, 2017. We are in need of an adult leader to accompany this group. Please talk with Pam Slagter if you would like to participate as a leader. These students will not be able to go if we do not have a leader.
Western Christian High School is conducting their annual spring drive. Spring drive gifts cover major needs of the school not covered by tuition. Western has had a couple of major needs arise in the last six months that need to be addressed as soon as possible. The walk in cooler and freezer in the kitchen need to be replaced. The cost of this replacement is $40,000. Western also has an immediate need for $90,000 to make the necessary roof repairs we need to complete this summer. Currently about half the funds have been raised. If you haven’t made a gift yet please consider making a gift soon as Western would like to conclude this drive by May 7. Thank you for your consideration.
Ascension Day 2017 – With great joy we anticipate celebrating together the anniversary of the coronation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God, as King of the Universe. The celebration will be held, D.V., on Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 7:00 pm at Sibley Christian Reformed Church
Created by God Built for a Purpose is the message of Maker Fun Factory VBS this year. Would you let God use you for an amazing purpose this summer? The dates are Monday, June 5-Friday, June 9. Check out the sign-up sheets in the fellowship hall & feel free to ask Crystal Vis about any of the positions. God created you with unbelievable abilities let Him use those this week!
Who made you? Why were you made? Deep questions huh? Well Maker Fun Factory VBS is coming this summer to tell kids that they were CREATED BY GOD BUILT FOR A PURPOSE! Monday, June 5 through Friday, June 9 our church will be transformed into a factory workshop & we will be sharing this amazing news with kids ages 4-graduated 5th grade! Please spread the word & invite kids to join us for mornings filled with God's Word & lots of fun!
Elder Deacon Nominations – The Council presents the following list of nominees for the offices of Elder and Deacon for three year terms from June 01, 2017 through May 31, 2010. For the office of Elder: Kenneth Haack, Mark Hibma, James Iedema; Rodney Van Beek; Paul Vellema and Loren Zevenbergen. Deacon: Mike Mulder, Doug Vander Meulen and Lee Vellema. The Council is committed to avoid having a father and son serving on Council at the same time. Therefore should a father be selected to serve as elder the son becomes ineligible.
Congregational Meeting – The Council calls the congregation to our annual Spring Congregational Meeting to begin following our service of Worship on Sunday Morning, May 07, 2017 and conclude within our evening Service of Worship with a time of recess over the late morning and afternoon hours. Four elders and two deacons will be elected for selection following our morning service. During our evening service of worship two elders and one deacon will be selected to serve in these offices. Should a father be selected as elder the son will become ineligible to serve.
Pipe Organ Encounter at Dordt College – Dordt College, in conjunction with the American Guild of Organists will be hosting a Pipe Organ Encounter June 11 – 16, 2017 on the campus of Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. Anyone interested in this event can consult the tri-fold on the bulletin board or check on line at The Pipe Organ Encounter is a one week summer camp for students ages 13-18. The camp includes daily lessons by master teachers and performances by nationally-known artists.
Needed MonthlyOcheyedan CRC annual Budget 2017 / $168,462.59 / $14,038.55
January Income / $ 16,375.50 / $ 24,917.95 / $ 5,423.81
February Income / $ 5,267.00 / $ 10,879.40 / $ 5,512.92
March Income / $ 9,868.00 / $ (3,159.15) / $ 6,244.86
April Income / $ 7,446.00 / $ (17,197.70) / $ 1,972.90
May Income / $ (31,236.25)
June Income / $ (45,274.80)
July Income / $ (59,313.35)
August income / $ (73,351.90)
September Income / $ (87,390.45)
October Income / $ (101,429.00)
November Income / $ (115,467.55)
December Income / $ (129,506.10)
Total Income / $ 38,956.50
Classical Shares Paid / $ 3,958.20 / $ 9,894.60 / $ 13,852.80
Denominational Shares Paid / $ 26,385.79 / $ 26,385.79
Missionary Support Received / $ 1,810.00 / $ 3,190.00 / $ 5,000.00
Building Fund Balance / $ 8,151.27
Benevolent Fund Balance / $ 3,182.42
Offerings in April
Village Northwest / $ 564.84
Worthington Christian Budget / $ 594.96
Luke Society / $ 390.25
Jews for Jesus / $ 528.00
Home Missions / $ 615.70
GEMS International / $ 592.95